MACRINUS 218AD Farnese Hercules Nicopolis ad Istrum Ancient Roman Coin i54431

$750.00 $675.00

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SKU: i54431 Category:

Item: i54431


 Authentic Ancient 

Coin of:

Macrinus – 

Roman Emperor: 217-218 A.D. –

Bronze 27mm (11.04 grams) of

Nicopolis ad Istrum in Moesia Inferior 
under Magistrate Statilius Longinus
AVT K M ΟΠЄΛ CЄV MAKPЄINOC, Laureate head right.
the “Farnese”

standing facing, head right, resting 
on hip and placing left on club set on rock; lion skin beside club.

The model for this reverse type is the famed marble Farnese Hercules statue that 
was discovered in the excavations of the Baths of Caracalla in 1546. It stood 
for over 200 year sin the Palazzo Farnese in Rome, from whence it gained its 
name, and was moved to Naples in 1787, where it is now displayed in the Museo 
Archeologico Nazionale. The statue is thought to be an enlarged copy sculpted in 
early 3rd Century AD by Glykon based on an original by Lysippos dating to the 
4th century BC. The statue depicts Hercules at rest after completing his labors: 
he is shown standing with his club, draped in the skin of the Nemean lion, set 
upright on a rock, propped under his left arm supporting the weight of his 
muscular frame, his head slightly nodding forward in a weary attitude, and he 
holds the apples of the Hesperides behind his back in his right hand. The 
sculpture was apparently well-liked by the Romans, and copies have been found in 
Roman palaces and gymnasiums.

You are bidding on the exact 

item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime 

Guarantee of Authenticity.

The Farnese Hercules is an ancient sculpture, probably an enlarged 
copy made in the early third century AD and signed by a certain Glykon, from an 
original by Lysippos
(or one 
of his 

circle) that would have been made in the fourth century BC. The copy was 
made for the Baths of 

in Rome (dedicated in 216 AD), 
where it was recovered in 1546.


The heroically-scaled Hercules
is one of the most famous sculptures of
, and has fixed the image of the mythic hero in the European 
imagination. It quickly made its way into the collection of
Cardinal Alessandro Farnese
, grandson of
Pope Paul III
Alessandro Farnese was well placed to form one of the greatest collections of 
classical sculpture that has been assembled since Antiquity.

It stood for generations in its own room at
Palazzo Farnese, Rome
, where the hero was surrounded by frescoed depictions 
of his feats by Annibale Carracci
and his studio, executed in the 1590s.

The Farnese statue was moved to Naples
in 1787 and is now displayed in the
Museo Archeologico Nazionale

The type was well known in Antiquity: a Hellenistic or Roman bronze 
reduction, found at Foligno
is conserved in the Musée 
du Louvre

; a small marble, probably Greek of the Roman period, is to be seen 
in the Museum of the Ancient Agora, Athens (illustration).

The Farnese Hercules is a massive and muscular marble statue, 
following a lost original
in bronze
through a 
method called
lost wax casting
. It depicts a weary
Hercules leaning on his 
club, which has his lion-skin draped over it. He is performing one of the last 
The Twelve Labours
, which is suggested by the
apples of 
the Hesperides

he holds behind his back. This prominently-sited statue was 
well liked by the

and copies have been found in Roman palaces and gymnasiums: another, coarser, 
stood in the courtyard of Palazzo Farnese; one with the feigned (but probably 
ancient) inscription “Lykippos” has stood in the court of
Palazzo Pitti
Florence, since the sixteenth century.

della Porta, the head had been recovered separately, from a well in
Trastevere, and was bought 
for Farnese through the agency of della Porta, whose legs made to complete the 
figure were so well regarded that when the original legs were recovered from 
ongoing excavations in the Baths of Caracalla, della Porta’s were retained, on
Michelangelo‘s advice, 
in part to demonstrate that modern sculptors could bear direct comparison with 
the ancients. The original legs, from the
collection, were not reunited with the sculpture until 1787.
, in his Italian Journey, recounts his differing impressions upon 
seeing the Hercules with each set of legs, marvelling at the clear superiority 
of the original ones.

Hercules is caught in a rare moment of repose. Leaning on his knobby club 
which is draped with the pelt of the 
Nemean Lion
, he holds the apples of the
Hesperides in his right 
hand, but conceals them behind his back like a baseball pitcher with a 
knuckleball. Many engravings and woodcuts spread the fame of the Farnese’s 
Hercules. By 1562 the find was already included in the set of engravings for
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae
(“Mirror of Rome’s Magnificence”) 
and connoisseurs, artists and tourists gaped at the original, which stood in the 
courtyard of the Palazzo Farnese, protected under the arcade. In 1590-91, during 
his trip to Rome, Hendrik Goltzius
sketched the statue in the palazzo courtyard. Later (in 
1591) Goltzius recorded the less-common rear view, in a bravura engraving (illustration, 
), which emphasizes the already exaggerated muscular form with swelling 
and tapering lines that flow over the contours. 
The young
made quick sketches of the Hercules’ planes and massing. Before 
photography, prints were the only way to put the image into many hands.

The Farnese Hercules, engraved by
Hendrick Goltzius
, 1591. Two onlookers give scale.

The sculpture was admired from the start, reservations about its exaggerated 
musculature only surfacing in the later eighteenth century.
Napoleon remarked to
Antonio Canova that 
its lack in the museum he accumulated in Paris was the most important gap in the 
collection, and the sculpture was more than once crated ready for shipment to 
Paris before the Napoleonic regime fled Naples.

Wealthy collectors could afford one of the numerous bronze replicas in sizes 
for table-top display. A full-size marble copy that belonged to the Bourbons of 
Naples is at the National Museum, Naples.

Copies of the Farnese Hercules appeared in 16th- and 18th-century gardens 
throughout Europe. During construction of the
Alameda de Hercules
(1574) in Seville
, the oldest
public garden
preserved in Europe, on the cover were installed two columns 
from a Roman temple, an unquestionable sign of admiration for the Roman 
archaeological sites, elements of a building still preserved in the Marble 
Street. On them were placed two sculptures by
Diego de Pesquera
, in 1574, of the Farnese Hercules, as founder of the city, 
and of Julius Caesar

restorer of Híspalis. The first was a copy of the Farnese Hercules, near the 
monumental size of the famous Roman marble from the
Baths of Caracalla
, near Kassel

a colossal version 8.5 m high produced by Johann Jacob Anthoni, 1713–1717, has 
become the city’s mascot. André Le Nôtre
placed a full-size gilded version against the skyline at the 
far end of the main vista at
Vaux-le-Vicomte. That 
is a copy by
Jean Cornu
, 1684–1686. In Scotland
a rare copy in lead

of the first half of the 18th century, is sited incongruously in the central
, overlooking the recently restored Hercules Garden in the grounds 
of Blair Castle.

Nicopolis ad Istrum was a


and Early


town founded by Emperor


101–106, at the junction of the Iatrus (Yantra

and the Rositsa

rivers, in memory of his victory over the

. Its 

ruins are located at the village of


, 20 km north of

Veliko Tarnovo

in northern


The town reached its apogee during the reigns of Trajan,

, the


and the

Severan dynasty


The classical town was planned according to the orthogonal system. The 

network of streets, the forum surrounded by an Ionic colonnade and many 

buildings, a two-nave room later turned into a basilica and other public 

buildings have been uncovered. The rich architectures and sculptures show a 

similarity with those of the ancient towns in Asia Minor. Nicopolis ad Istrum 

had issued coins, bearing images of its own public buildings.


447 AD

, the town was destroyed by



Perhaps it was already abandoned before the early 400s. 

In the 6th century, it was rebuilt as a powerful fortress enclosing little more 

than military buildings and churches, following a very common trend for the 

cities of that century in the Danube area.The largest area of the extensive ruins (21.55 hectares) of the classical 

Nicopolis was not reoccupied since the fort covered only one fourth of it (5.75 

hectares), in the southeastern corner. 

The town became an episcopal centre during the early Byzantine period. It was 

finally destroyed by the Avar invasions at the end of the 6th century. A 

Bulgarian medieval settlement arose upon its ruins later (10th-14th century).

Nicopolis ad Istrum can be said to have been the birthplace of


literary tradition. In the 4th century, the


missionary and translator


obtained permission from Emperor

Constantius II

to immigrate with his flock of converts to Moesia and settle 

near Nicopolis ad Istrum in 347-8. 

There, he invented the

Gothic alphabet

and translated the






Marcus Opellius Macrinus (ca. 165 – June 218) was



for fourteen months in 217 and 218. Macrinus was the first emperor 

to become so without membership in the senatorial class. Macrinus was possibly 

of Berber




and career

Born in Caesarea (modern


Algeria) in the

Roman province



to an


family, Macrinus received an education which allowed him to 

ascend to the Roman political class. Over the years he earned a reputation as a 

skilled lawyer. Under the emperor

Septimius Severus

he became an important bureaucrat. Severus’ successor


appointed him


of the

Praetorian guard

. While Macrinus likely enjoyed the trust of Caracalla, this 

may have changed when, according to tradition, he was prophesied to depose and 

succeed the emperor. Rumors spread regarding Macrinus’ alleged desire to take 

the throne for himself. Given Caracalla’s tendency towards murdering political 

opponents, Macrinus probably feared for his own safety should the emperor become 

aware of this prophecy. According to Dio, Caracalla had already taken the step 

of re-assigning members of Macrinus’ staff.

In the spring of 217, Caracalla was in the eastern provinces 

preparing a campaign against the

Parthian Empire

. Macrinus was among his staff, as were other members of the 

praetorian guard. In April, the emperor went to visit a temple of

near the 

spot of the

battle of Carrhae

, accompanied only by his personal bodyguard, which 

included Macrinus. Events are not clear, but it is certain that Caracalla was 

murdered at some point on the trip (perhaps on

April 8

Caracalla’s body was brought back from the temple by his bodyguards, along with 

the corpse of a fellow bodyguard. The story as told by Macrinus was that the 

dead guard had killed Caracalla. By

April 11

Macrinus proclaimed himself emperor. Macrinus also nominated his son



and successor and conferred upon him the name “Antoninus”, thus 

connecting him with the relatively stable reigns of the

Antonine emperors

of the 2nd century.


(April 217 – June 218)

Despite his equestrian background, Macrinus was confirmed in 

his new role by the


According to S.N. Miller, this may have been due to both his background as an 

accomplished jurist and his deferential treatment of the senatorial class. He 

found it necessary, however, to replace several provincial governors with men of 

his own choosing. Caracalla’s mother


was initially left in peace, but when she started to conspire with the 

military he ordered her to leave


Being at that time in an advanced stage of breast cancer (Cassius Dio) she chose 

instead to starve herself to death.

In urgent matters of foreign policy, Macrinus displayed a 

tendency towards conciliation and a reluctance to engage in military conflict. 

He averted trouble in the province of


returning hostages that had been held by Caracalla, and he ended troubles in


by granting that country’s throne to


, whose father had also been imprisoned under Caracalla. Less 

easily managed was the problem of


, which had been invaded by the


the wake of Caracalla’s demise. Meeting the Parthians in battle during the 

summer of 217, Macrinus achieved a

costly draw

near the town of


and as a result was forced to enter negotiations through which was 

obliged to pay the enormous


of 200 million sesterces to the Parthian ruler

Artabanus IV

in return for peace.

Macrinus’ reluctance to engage in warfare, and his failure to 

gain victory over even a historically inferior enemy such as the Parthians 

caused considerable resentment among the soldiers. This was compounded by the 

rolling back of the privileges they had enjoyed under Caracalla and the 

introduction of a pay system by which recruits received less than veterans. 

After only a short while, the legions were searching for a rival emperor.

At a high point of his popularity monuments were built to 

revere Macrinus. The grand


Capitoline Temple

, in


was erected to honour Emperor Macrinus in 217 AD.

His popularity also suffered in Rome. Not only had the new 

emperor failed to visit the city after taking power, but a late-summer 

thunderstorm caused widespread fires and flooding, and Macrinus’ appointee as 

urban prefect proved unable to repair the damage to the satisfaction of the 

populace and had to be replaced.


This discontent was fostered by the surviving members of the

Severan dynasty

, headed by


(Caracalla’s aunt) and her daughters

Julia Soaemias


Julia Mamaea

. Having been evicted from the imperial palace and ordered to 

return home by Macrinus, the Severan women plotted from their home near




to place another Severan on the imperial throne. They used their 

hereditary influence over the cult of


Elagabalus (the Latinised form of


) to proclaim Soaemias’ son


(named for his family’s patron deity) as the true successor to Caracalla. The 

rumor was spread, with the assistance of the Severan women, that Elagabalus was 

in fact Caracalla’s illegitimate son, and thus the child of a union between 

first cousins.


May 18

Elagabalus was proclaimed emperor by the

Gallica Legio III

at its camp at

. A 

force under his tutor Gannys marched on


engaged a force under Macrinus on

June 8

218. Macrinus, 

deserted by most of his soldiers, was soundly defeated in the


, and fled towards Italy disguised as a courier. He was captured near


and later executed in


His son Diadumenianus, sent for safety to the Parthian court, was captured at


and also put to death.

Macrinus’ short reign, while important for its historical 

“firsts”, was cut short due to the inability of this otherwise accomplished man 

to control or satisfy the soldiery. In his death at the hands of Roman soldiers, 

Macrinus reinforced the notion of the soldiers as the true brokers of power in 

the third-century empire and highlighted the importance of maintaining the 

support of this vital faction. His reign was followed by another seventeen years 

of rule under the Severan emperors



Severus Alexander




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