Valentinian I w Victory & labarum 364AD Ancient Roman Coin Christ monogr i30871

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Item: i30871


Authentic Ancient

Coin of:

Valentinian I – Roman Emperor: 364-375 A.D. –

Bronze AE3 18mm (2.46 grams) Sirmium mint 364-367 A.D.
Reference: Sirmium RIC 6a
DN VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right
RESTITVTOR REIP, Valentinian standing facing holding labarum and Victory, HSIRM
in ex.

You are bidding on the exact item pictured,

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of


symbols of power

Ruling dynasties often exploit pomp and ceremony with the use of

orb (globe) and sceptres
, some of which are reflections
of formerly practical objects. The use of language mechanisms also support this
differentiation with subjects talking of “the crown” and/or of “the
” rather than referring directly to
personal names and items.

provide the most explicit
demonstration of tools to strengthen the elevation of leaders. Thrones sit high
on daises
leading to subjects lifting their gaze
(if they have permission) to contemplate the ruler. Architecture in general can
set leaders apart: note the symbolism inherent in the very name of the Chinese
Forbidden City


Labarum of Constantine I, displaying the “Chi-Rho” symbol above.

The labarum  was a
(military standard) that displayed
the “Chi-Rho

, formed from the first two
Greek letters
of the word “Christ” 

. It was first used by the
Roman emperor

Constantine I
. Since the vexillum consisted of
a flag suspended from the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to
symbolize the

Later usage has sometimes regarded the terms “labarum” and “Chi-Rho” as
synonyms. Ancient sources, however, draw an unambiguous distinction between the


Beyond its derivation from Latin labarum, the etymology of the word is
unclear. Some derive it from Latin /labāre/ ‘to totter, to waver’ (in the sense
of the “waving” of a flag in the breeze) or laureum [vexillum] (“laurel
According to the
Real Academia Española
, the related
is also derived from Latin labărum
but offers no further derivation from within Latin, as does the Oxford English
An origin as a loan into Latin from a Celtic language or
has also been postulated. There is a
traditional Basque symbol called the
; though the name is only attested from
the 19th century onwards the motif occurs in engravings dating as early as the
2nd century AD.[7]

Vision of Constantine

A coin of Constantine (c.337) showing a depiction of his labarum
spearing a serpent.

On the evening of October 27, 312, with his army preparing for the
Battle of the Milvian Bridge
, the emperor
Constantine I
claimed to have had a vision
which led him to believe he was fighting under the protection of the
Christian God

states that, in the night before the
battle, Constantine was commanded in a dream to “delineate the heavenly sign on
the shields of his soldiers”. He obeyed and marked the shields with a sign
“denoting Christ”. Lactantius describes that sign as a “staurogram”, or a
Latin cross
with its upper end rounded in a
P-like fashion, rather than the better known
sign described by
Eusebius of Caesarea
. Thus, it had both the
form of a cross and the monogram of Christ’s name from the formed letters “X”
and “P”, the first letters of Christ’s name in Greek.

From Eusebius, two accounts of a battle survive. The first, shorter one in
Ecclesiastical History
leaves no doubt that
God helped Constantine but doesn’t mention any vision. In his later Life of
, Eusebius gives a detailed account of a vision and stresses that
he had heard the story from the emperor himself. According to this version,
Constantine with his army was marching somewhere (Eusebius doesn’t specify the
actual location of the event, but it clearly isn’t in the camp at Rome) when he
looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek
Ἐν Τούτῳ Νίκα
. The traditionally employed
Latin translation of the Greek is
in hoc signo vinces
— literally “In this
sign, you will conquer.” However, a direct translation from the original Greek
text of Eusebius into English gives the phrase “By this, conquer!”[9]

At first he was unsure of the meaning of the apparition, but the following
night he had a dream in which Christ explained to him that he should use the
sign against his enemies. Eusebius then continues to describe the labarum, the
military standard used by Constantine in his later wars against
, showing the Chi-Rho sign.[10]

Those two accounts can hardly be reconciled with each other, though they have
been merged in popular notion into Constantine seeing the Chi-Rho sign on the
evening before the battle. Both authors agree that the sign was not readily
understandable as denoting Christ, which corresponds with the fact that there is
no certain evidence of the use of the letters chi and rho as a Christian sign
before Constantine. Its first appearance is on a Constantinian silver coin from
c. 317, which proves that Constantine did use the sign at that time, though not
very prominently.[11]
He made extensive use of the Chi-Rho and the labarum only later in the conflict
with Licinius.

The vision has been interpreted in a solar context (e.g. as a
solar halo
phenomenon), which would have been
reshaped to fit with the Christian beliefs of the later Constantine.

An alternate explanation of the intersecting celestial symbol has been
advanced by George Latura, which claims that Plato’s visible god in Timaeus
is in fact the intersection of the Milky Way and the Zodiacal Light, a rare
apparition important to pagan beliefs that Christian bishops reinvented as a
Christian symbol.[12]

Eusebius’ description of the labarum

“A Description of the Standard of the Cross, which the Romans now call the
Labarum.” “Now it was made in the following manner. A long spear, overlaid with
gold, formed the figure of the cross by means of a transverse bar laid over it.
On the top of the whole was fixed a wreath of gold and precious stones; and
within this, the symbol of the Saviour’s name, two letters indicating the name
of Christ by means of its initial characters, the letter P being intersected by
X in its centre: and these letters the emperor was in the habit of wearing on
his helmet at a later period. From the cross-bar of the spear was suspended a
cloth, a royal piece, covered with a profuse embroidery of most brilliant
precious stones; and which, being also richly interlaced with gold, presented an
indescribable degree of beauty to the beholder. This banner was of a square
form, and the upright staff, whose lower section was of great length, of the
pious emperor and his children on its upper part, beneath the trophy of the
cross, and immediately above the embroidered banner.”

“The emperor constantly made use of this sign of salvation as a safeguard
against every adverse and hostile power, and commanded that others similar to it
should be carried at the head of all his armies.”[13]

Iconographic career under Constantine

Coin of
, a soldier is holding two
labara. Interestingly they differ from the labarum of Constantine in
having the Chi-Rho depicted on the cloth rather than above it, and
in having their staves decorated with
as were earlier Roman
military unit standards.

The emperor
holding a variant of the
labarum – the Latin phrase on the cloth means “In the name of Christ
[rendered by the Greek letters XPI] be ever victorious.”

Among a number of standards depicted on the
Arch of Constantine
, which was erected, largely
with fragments from older monuments, just three years after the battle, the
labarum does not appear. A grand opportunity for just the kind of political
propaganda that the Arch otherwise was expressly built to present was missed.
That is if Eusebius’ oath-confirmed account of Constantine’s sudden,
vision-induced, conversion can be trusted. Many historians have argued that in
the early years after the battle the emperor had not yet decided to give clear
public support to Christianity, whether from a lack of personal faith or because
of fear of religious friction. The arch’s inscription does say that the Emperor
had saved the
res publica
(“by greatness of mind and by instinct [or impulse]
of divinity”). As with his predecessors, sun symbolism – interpreted as
Sol Invictus
(the Unconquered Sun) or
– is inscribed on his coinage, but in
325 and thereafter the coinage ceases to be explicitly pagan, and Sol Invictus
disappears. In his
Historia Ecclesiae
Eusebius further reports
that, after his victorious entry into Rome, Constantine had a statue of himself
erected, “holding the sign of the Savior [the cross] in his right hand.” There
are no other reports to confirm such a monument.

Whether Constantine was the first
emperor supporting a peaceful
transition to Christianity during his rule, or an undecided pagan believer until
middle age, strongly influenced in his political-religious decisions by his
Christian mother
St. Helena
, is still in dispute among

As for the labarum itself, there is little evidence for its use before 317.[14]
In the course of Constantine’s second war against Licinius in 324, the latter
developed a superstitious dread of Constantine’s standard. During the attack of
Constantine’s troops at the
Battle of Adrianople
the guard of the labarum
standard were directed to move it to any part of the field where his soldiers
seemed to be faltering. The appearance of this talismanic object appeared to
embolden Constantine’s troops and dismay those of Licinius.[15]
At the final battle of the war, the
Battle of Chrysopolis
, Licinius, though
prominently displaying the images of Rome’s pagan pantheon on his own battle
line, forbade his troops from actively attacking the labarum, or even looking at
it directly.[16]

Constantine felt that both Licinius and
were agents of Satan, and associated them
with the serpent described in the
Book of Revelation
Constantine represented Licinius as a snake on his coins.[18]

Eusebius stated that in addition to the singular labarum of Constantine,
other similar standards (labara) were issued to the Roman army. This is
confirmed by the two labara depicted being held by a soldier on a coin of
(illustrated) dating from 350.

Later usage

Modern ecclesiastical labara (Southern Germany).

The emperor
Constantine Monomachos
panel of a Byzantine enamelled crown) holding a miniature labarum

Valentinian I (Latin:
Flavius Valentinianus Augustus;321 –
17 November 375), also known as Valentinian the Great, was
Roman emperor
from 364 to 375. Upon becoming
emperor he made his brother
his co-emperor, giving him rule of the
eastern provinces while Valentinian retained the west.


During his reign, Valentinian fought successfully against the
, and
. Most notable was his victory over
the Alamanni in 367 at the
Battle of Solicinium
. His brilliant general
Count Theodosius
defeated a revolt in
and the
Great Conspiracy
, a coordinated assault on
, and
. Valentinian was also the last emperor
to conduct campaigns across both the
rivers. Valentinian rebuilt and improved
the fortifications along the frontiers – even building fortresses in enemy

Due to the successful nature of his reign and almost immediate decline of the
empire after his death, he is often considered the “last great
western emperor
“. He founded the
Valentinian Dynasty
, with his sons
Valentinian II
succeeding him in the western
half of the empire.


Early life

Solidus of emperor Valentinian I.

Valentinian was born in 321[6]
in southern
Valentinian and his younger brother
were the sons of
Gratianus Major
, a prominent commander during
the reigns of emperors
Constantine I
Constans I
He and his brother grew up on the family estate where they were educated in a
variety of subjects, including painting and sculpting.[9]

Gratianus was promoted to
in the late 320’s or early
330’s, and the young Valentinian accompanied his father to Africa.[10]
However, Gratianus was soon accused of embezzlement and was forced to retire.[10]
Valentinian joined the army in the late 330’s and later probably acquired the
position of
protector domesticus
Gratianus was later recalled during the early 340s and was made comes of
After holding this post, Gratianus retired to the family estate in Cibalae.[11]

In 350, Constans I was assassinated by agents of the

, a commander in

proclaimed emperor by his soldiers.[12]
Constantius II
, older brother of Constans and
emperor in the East, promptly set forth towards Magnentius with a large army.[13]
The following year the two emperors met in Pannonia. The ensuing
Battle of Mursa Major
resulted in a costly
victory for Constantius.[14]
Two years later he defeated Magnentius again in southern Gaul at the
Battle of Mons Seleucus
Magnentius, now realizing the futility of continuing his revolt, committed
suicide in August that year; making Constantius sole ruler of the empire.[16]
It was around this time that Constantius confiscated Gratianus’ property, for
supposedly showing hospitality to Magnentius when he was in Pannonia.[11]
Despite his father’s fall from favor, Valentinian does not seem to have been
adversely affected at this time, making it unlikely he ever fought for the
It is known that Valentinian was in the region during the conflict, but what
involvement he had in the war, if any, is unknown.[17]

under Constantius and Julian

The conflict between Magnentius and Constantius had allowed the
to take advantage of the confusion and
cross the Rhine
, attacking several important settlements
and fortifications.[10][17]
In 355, after deposing his cousin Gallus but still feeling the crises of the
empire too much for one emperor to handle, Constantius raised his cousin
to the rank of Caesar.[10]
With the situation in Gaul rapidly deteriorating, Julian was made at least
nominal commander of one of the two main armies in Gaul,
being commander of the other.[10]
Constantius devised a strategy where Julian and Barbatio would operate in a
pincer movement against the Alamanni.[17]
However, a band of Alamanni slipped past Julian and Barbatio and attacked
Julian sent the tribunes Valentinian and
to watch the road the raiders would
have to return by. However, their efforts were hindered by Barbatio and his
. The Alamann king
took advantage of the situation
and attacked the Romans in detail, inflicting heavy losses.[17]
Barbatio complained to Constantius and the debacle was blamed on Valentinian and
Bainobaudes, who were cashiered from the army.[17]

With his career in ruins, Valentinian returned to his new family estate in
. Two years later his first son
was born by his wife
Marina Severa
Valentinian’s actions become uncertain around this time, but he may have been
exiled for refusing to do sacrifice to Julian.[19]

Rise to power

At the news of Julian’s death, the army hastily declared a commander,
, emperor. The army still found itself
beleaguered by Persian attacks, forcing Jovian to accept humiliating peace
Jovian’s authority within the empire was still insecure, so he sent a notary
and the tribune
west to announce his accession.[20]
During Jovian’s reign Valentinian was promoted to tribune of a Scutarii
(elite infantry) regiment, and was dispatched to Ancyra. Jovian’s rule would be
short – only eight months – and before he could even consolidate his position in
he died en route between
. His death was attributed to either
poisoning or assassination. Jovian is remembered mostly for restoring
Christianity to its previous favored status under Constantine and his sons.

The army marched to Nicaea, and a meeting of civil and military officials was
convened to choose a new emperor. Two names were proposed: Aequitius, a tribune
of the first Scutarii, and Januarius, a relative of Jovian’s in charge of
military supplies in Illyricum. Both were rejected; Aequitius as too rough and
Januarius because he was too far away.[22]
As a man well qualified and at hand, the assembly finally agreed upon
Valentinian and sent messengers to inform him in Ancyra.


Valentinian accepted the acclamation on 26 February 364. As he prepared to
make his accession speech the soldiers threatened to riot, apparently uncertain
as to where his loyalties lay. Valentinian reassured them that the army was his
greatest priority. According to Ammianus the soldiers were astounded by
Valentinian’s bold demeanor and his willingness to assume the imperial
authority. To further prevent a succession crisis he agreed to pick a
co-Augustus. His decision to elect a fellow-emperor could also be construed as a
move to appease any opposition among the civilian officials in the eastern
portion of the Empire. By agreeing to appoint a co-ruler, he assured the eastern
officials that someone with imperial authority would remain in the east to
protect their interests.

Valentinian selected his brother Valens as co-Augustus at Constantinople on
28 March 364. This was done over the objections of Dagalaifus, the
magister equitum
. Ammianus makes it clear
that Valens was subordinate to his brother. The remainder of 364 was spent
delegating administrative duties and military commands. Valentinian retained the
services of Dagalaifus and promoted Aequitius to Comes Illyricum. Valens
was given the
Prefecture of Oriens
, governed by

. Valentinian gained control of
, and
. Valens resided in Constantinople,
while Valentinian’s court was at Milan.

Campaigns in
Gaul and Germania

In 365 the
crossed the Rhine and invaded Gaul.
– the last scion of the
Constantinian dynasty
– began his revolt
against Valens in the east. According to Ammianus, Valentinian received news of
both the Alamanni and Procopius’ revolt on 1 November while on his way to
. He initially sent Dagalaifus to fight
the Alamanni[23]
while he himself made preparations to march east and help Valens. After
receiving counsel from his court and deputations from the leading Gallic cities
begging him to stay and protect Gaul, he decided to remain in Gaul and fight the
Valentinian advanced to
and sent two generals, Charietto
and Severianus, against the invaders.[26]
Both generals were promptly defeated and killed.[27]
In 366, Dagalaifus was sent against the Alamanni but he was also ineffective.[28]
Late in the campaigning season Dagalaifus was replaced by Jovinus, a general
from the court of Valentinian. After several battles Jovinus pushed the Alamanni
out of Gaul and was awarded the consulate the following year for his efforts.[29]

In early 367 Valentinian was distracted from launching a punitive expedition
against the Alamanni due to crises in Britain and northern Gaul. The Alamanni
promptly re-crossed the Rhine and plundered
. Valentinian succeeded in arranging
the assassination of Vithicabius, an Alamannic leader, but Valentinian was more
determined to bring the Alamanni under Roman hegemony. Valentinian spent the
entire winter of 367 gathering a massive army for a spring offensive. He
summoned the Comes Italiae Sebastianus, with the Italian and Illyrian
legions, to join Jovinus and Severus, the
magister peditum
. In the spring of 368
Valentinian, his eight year old son Gratian and the army crossed the Rhine and
Main river
into Alamannic territory. They did
not encounter any resistance initially – burning any dwellings or food stores
they found along the way. Finally, Valentinian fought the Alamanni in the
Battle of Solicinium
; the Romans were
but suffered heavy casualties.[31]
A temporary peace was reached and Valentinian returned to
for the winter.[32]
During 369, Valentinian ordered new defensive works to be constructed and old
structures refurbished along the length of the Rhine’s west bank.[33]
Boldly, he ordered the construction of a fortress across the Rhine in the
mountains near modern
The Alamanni sent envoys to protest, but they were dismissed. The Alamanni
attacked the fortress while it was still under construction and destroyed it.[35]

In 370 the Saxons renewed their attacks on northern Gaul. Nannienus, the
in charge of the troops in northern Gaul, urged Severus to come to his
aid. After several modest successes, a truce was called and the Saxons gave the
Romans young men fit for duty in the Roman military – in exchange for free
passage back to their homeland. The Romans – preferring to be rid of many Saxon
enemies now rather than later – treacherously ambushed them and killed them all.

Valentinian meanwhile tried to persuade the
– bitter enemies of the Alamanni –
to attack Macrian
, a powerful Alamannic chieftain. If the
Alamanni tried to flee, Valentinian would be waiting for them with his army.
Negotiations with the Burgundians broke down when Valentinian, in his usual
high-handed manner, refused to meet with the Burgundian envoys and personally
assure them of Roman support. Nevertheless, rumors of a Roman alliance with the
Burgundians did have the effect of scattering the Alamanni through fear of an
imminent attack from their enemies. This event allowed the
magister equitum

to attack the Alamanni through
Raetia – taking many Alamannic prisoners. These captured Alamanni were settled
in the
Po river
valley in Italy, where they were still
settled at the time Ammianus wrote his history.

Valentinian campaigned unsuccessfully for four more years to defeat Macrian
though in 372 he barely escaped capture by Theodosius. Meanwhile, Valentinian
continued to recruit heavily from Alamanni friendly to Rome. He sent the
Alamannic king Fraomarius, along with Alamannic troops commanded by Bitheridius
and Hortarius, to Britain in order to replenish troops there. Valentinian’s
Alamannic campaigns, however, were hampered by troubles first in Africa, and
later on the Danube river. In 374 Valentinian was forced to make peace with
Macrian because the Emperor’s presence was needed to counter an invasion of
Illyricum by the Quadi and Sarmatians.

The Great Conspiracy

In 367, Valentinian received reports from Britain that a combined force of
had killed the
Comes litoris Saxonici

Dux Britanniarum

. At the same time, Frankish and
Saxon forces were raiding the coastal areas of northern Gaul. The empire was in
the midst of the
Great Conspiracy
– and was in danger of losing
control of Britain altogether. Valentinian set out for Britain, sending Comes
Severus ahead of him to investigate. Severus was not able to
correct the situation and returned to Gaul, meeting Valentinian at
. Valentinian then sent Jovinus to
Britain and promoted Severus to magister peditum. It was at this time that
Valentinian fell ill and a battle for succession broke out between Severus, a
representative of the army, and Rusticus Julianus, magister memoriae and
a representative of the Gallic nobility. Valentinian soon recovered however and
appointed his son Gratian as his co-Augustus in the west. Ammianus remarks that
such an action was unprecedented. Jovinus quickly returned saying that he needed
more men to take care of the situation. In 368 Valentinian appointed Theodosius
as the new
Comes Britanniarum
with instructions to
return Britain to Roman rule. Meanwhile, Severus and Jovinus were to accompany
the emperor on his campaign against the Alamanni.

Theodosius arrived in 368 with the
, Jovii and Victores legions. Landing at
, he proceeded to
restoring order to southern Britain.
Later, he rallied the remaining garrison which was originally stationed in
Britain; it was apparent the units had lost their cohesiveness when Fullofaudes
and Nectaridus had been defeated. Theodosius sent for
to be installed as the new
of the
as an additional general. In 369,
Theodosius set about reconquering the areas north of
; putting down the revolt of
, the brother-in-law of a

. Subsequently, Theodosius restored
the rest of Britain to the empire and rebuilt many fortifications – renaming
northern Britain ‘Valentia‘.
After his return in 369, Valentinian promoted Theodosius to magister equitum
in place of Jovinus.

Revolt in Africa and crises on the Danube

In 372, the rebellion of
broke out in the African provinces. This
rebellion was driven by the corruption of the comes Romanus. Romanus took
sides in the murderous disputes among the legitimate and illegitimate children
of Nubel, a Moorish prince and leading Roman client in Africa. Resentment of
Romanus’ peculations and his failure to defend the province from desert nomads
caused some of the provincials to revolt. Valentinian sent in Theodosius to
restore imperial control. Over the following two years Theodosius uncovered
Romanus’ crimes, arrested him and his supporters, and defeated Firmus.

In 373, hostilities erupted with the
, a group of Germanic-speaking people
living on the upper Danube. Like the Alamanni, the Quadi were outraged that
Valentinian was building fortifications in their territory. They complained and
sent deputations that were ignored by the magister armorum per Illyricum
Aequitius. However, by 373 the construction of these forts was behind schedule.
Maximinus, now praetorian prefect of Gaul, arranged with Aequitius to promote
his son Marcellianus and put him in charge of finishing the project. The
protests of Quadic leaders continued to delay the project, and in a fit of
frustration Marcellianus murdered the Quadic king Gabinius at a banquet
ostensibly arranged for peaceful negotiations. This roused the Quadi to war;
along with their allies the Sarmatians. During the fall, they crossed the Danube
and began ravaging the province of
Pannonia Valeria
. The marauders could not
penetrate the fortified cities, but they heavily damaged the unprotected
countryside. Two legions were sent in but failed to coordinate and were routed
by the Sarmatians. Meanwhile, another group of Sarmatians invaded
, but were driven back by the son of
Theodosius, Dux Moesiae and later emperor

Valentinian did not receive news of these crises until late 374. The
following spring he set out from Trier and arrived at
, which was deserted. There he was met
by Sarmatian envoys who begged forgiveness for their actions. Valentinian
replied that he would investigate what had happened and act accordingly.
Valentinian ignored Marcellianus’ treacherous actions and decided to punish the
Quadi. He was accompanied by Sebastianus and
, and spent the summer months
preparing for the campaign. In the fall he crossed the Danube at
into Quadi territory.[36]
After pillaging Quadi lands without opposition, he retired to
to winter quarters.[37]

In the spring he decided to continue campaigning and moved from Savaria to
. Once he arrived on 17 November, he
received a deputation from the Quadi. In return for supplying fresh recruits to
the Roman army, the Quadi were to be allowed to leave in peace. However, before
the envoys left they were granted an audience with Valentinian. The envoys
insisted that the conflict was caused by the building of Roman forts in their
lands; furthermore individual bands of Quadi were not necessarily bound to the
rule of the chiefs who had made treaties with the Romans – and thus might attack
the Romans at any time. The attitude of the envoys so enraged Valentinian that
he suffered a stroke that ended his life.


A.H.M. Jones
writes that though he was “less of
a boor” than his chief rival for election to the imperial throne, “he was of a
violent and brutal temper, and not only uncultivated himself, but hostile to
cultivated persons”, as
tells us, ‘he hated the well-dressed
and educated and wealthy and well-born’. He was, however, an able soldier and a
conscientious administrator, and took an interest in the welfare of the humbler
classes, from which his father had risen. Unfortunately his good intentions were
often frustrated by a bad choice of ministers, and an obstinate belief in their
merits despite all evidence to the contrary.”[38]
According to the
Encyclopædia Britannica 1911
, he was a founder
of schools, and provided medical attendance for the poor of

, by appointing a physician for each of the fourteen districts of
the city.

Valentinian was a
but permitted liberal religious
freedom to all his subjects, proscribing only some forms of rituals such as
particular types of sacrifices, and banning the practice of magic. Against all
abuses, both civil and ecclesiastical (excepting, of course, his own excesses),
Valentinian steadily set his face, even against the increasing wealth and
worldliness of the clergy. His chief flaw was his temper, which at times was
frightful, and showed itself in its full fierceness in the punishment of persons
accused of witchcraft, some kinds of fortune-telling or magical practices.”[39]

Socrates Scholasticus
gives an interesting
account in his Historia Ecclesiastica of Valentinian’s marriages, that has
inspired some to call this emperor
. According to the text: the empress
“became known to
Marina Severa
, wife of the emperor Valentinian,
and had frequent intercourse with the empress, until their intimacy at length
grew to such an extent that they were accustomed to bathe together. When Severa
saw Justina in the bath she was greatly struck with the beauty of the virgin,
and spoke of her to the emperor; saying that the daughter of Justus was so
lovely a creature, and possessed of such symmetry of form, that she herself,
though a woman, was altogether charmed with her. The emperor, treasuring this
description by his wife in his own mind, considered with himself how he could
espouse Justina, without repudiating Severa, as she had borne him Gratian, whom
he had created Augustus a little while before. He accordingly framed a law, and
caused it to be published throughout all the cities, by which any man was
permitted to have two lawful wives. The law was promulgated and he married
Justina, by whom he had Valentinian the younger.” (Book IV, chapt. 31.)[40]
This story is only known to Socrates. There is no trace of any edict allowing
polygamy in the laws passed by Valentinian I, his predecessors or his
successors. This practice is unknown in all other sources of Classical
Antiquity. Valentinian I may have divorced Severa according to Roman Law, which
allowed for divorce (see
Women in Ancient Rome
But since divorce was not acknowledged by Christians,[42]
Socrates contemptuously describes him as a bigamist. It is also possible that
Socrates, who was a
attempted to accuse Justina, who
was an
, of fornication, a common aspersion
against other cults. Gibbon maintains that the marriages of Valentinian were
conducted successively.[43]
According to the Antique sources of
John Malalas
, the
Chronicon Paschale
John of Nikiu
the empress Severa was banished
by Valentinian I for conducting an illegal transaction, before he consorted with
Justina. Barnes believes this story to be an attempt to justify the divorce of
Valentinian I without accusing the emperor.[4

The Chi Rho is one of the earliest


used by Christians. It is formed by superimposing the

first two letters in the Greek spelling of the word




 : “ΧÃ��ιÃ�Æ’Ã�„Ã�Å’Ã�‚” ), chi = ch and rho = r, in such a way to produce

the monogram

☧. The Chi-Rho symbol was also used by pagan Greek scribes to

mark, in the margin, a particularly valuable or relevant passage; the


letters Chi and Rho standing for chrÄ“ston, meaning “good.”

Although not technically a cross, the Chi Rho invokes the crucifixion

of Jesus as well as symbolizing his status as the Christ. There is early

evidence of the Chi Rho symbol on Christian Rings of the third century.

The labarum (Greek:

λάβα��ον) was a


(military standard) that displayed the “Chi-Rho

symbol, formed from the first two

Greek letters

of the word “Christ


ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χ��ι�ƒ�„�Œ�‚) â€� Chi (�‡)

and Rho (��).

It was first used by the

Roman emperor

Constantine I

. Since the vexillum consisted of a flag suspended from

the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to symbolize


. The Chi-Rho symbol was also used by Greek scribes to

mark, in the margin, a particularly valuable or relevant passage; the

combined letters Chi and Rho standing for chrēston, meaning


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Valentinian I



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