POLEMO I Polemon I Eusebes 8BC Apollo Tripod Bosporus Ancient Greek Coin i53540

$1,250.00 $1,125.00

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Item: i53540


 Authentic Ancient 

Coin of:

Kingdom of


Polemon I, Eusebes
– King, circa 15-8 B.C.

Bronze ‘4 Units’ 21mm (7.98 grams) Struck circa
or possibly a
Posthumous issue, circa 8/7 B.C. – 7/8 A.D. 
as suggested by MacDonald
Reference: Anohin 280;
MacDonald 243
Laurel wreath containing laureate head of Apollo right.
Tripod with cover; myrtle branch to right; denomination mark
Δ to right; Polemo’s monogram to left.

Son of Zeno of Laodiceia, Polemo won the favor of Mark Antony 
who bestowed on him the Kingdom of Pontus. After the death of Antony, Augustus 
confirmed his position. By his marriage to Asander’s widow, Dynamis, Polemo also 
obtained control of Bosporus. But the royal couple soon quarreled and Polemo was 
killed in 8.B.C.

The years following the death of Asander until the accession of Aspourgos were a 
politically unstable time to judge from the scant historical record. Macdonald 
notes (p. 54): “Bronze coins bearing the monogram of Polemo exist in so many 
varieties that it is difficult to imagine all were issued during Polemo’s short 
period of direct rule in the Bosporus, circa 14-8 BC. Bronze coins with Polemo 
I’s monogram may have continued to have been issued even after his death, 
possibly as late as AD 9/10, either by Dynamis or Roman officials active in the 
western part of the kingdom.”

You are bidding on the exact item pictured, 

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of 


2nd century AD Roman statue of Apollo depicting the god's attributes—the lyre and the snake Python

Roman mythology
, is one of the most 
important and diverse of the
Olympian deities
. The ideal of the
(a beardless youth), Apollo has been 
variously recognized as a god of light and the sun; truth and prophecy;
; medicine and healing; music, poetry, 
and the arts; and more. Apollo is the son of

and Leto
, and has a
sister, the chaste huntress
. Apollo is known in Greek-influenced
Etruscan mythology
as Apulu. Apollo was 
worshiped in both
ancient Greek
Roman religion
, as well as in the modern

As the patron of Delphi
(Pythian Apollo), Apollo was an
god — the prophetic deity of the
Delphic Oracle
. Medicine and healing were 
associated with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his 
son Asclepius
, yet Apollo was also seen as a god 
who could bring ill-health and deadly
as well as one who had the ability to 
cure. Amongst the god’s custodial charges, Apollo became associated with 
dominion over
, and as the patron defender of herds 
and flocks. As the leader of the

(Apollon Musagetes) and director of their choir, Apollo 
functioned as the patron god of music and
created the

for him, and the instrument became a common
of Apollo. Hymns sung to Apollo were 
called paeans

In Hellenistic times, especially during the third century BCE, as Apollo 
he became identified among Greeks with
god of the sun
, and his sister Artemis 
similarly equated with
goddess of the moon
. In Latin texts, on the 
other hand, Joseph Fontenrose declared himself unable to find any conflation of 
Apollo with
among the
Augustan poets
of the first century, not even 
in the conjurations of
XII (161–215). Apollo and Helios/Sol 
remained separate beings in literary and mythological texts until the third 
century CE.

A sacrificial tripod was a type of
used by the ancient Greeks. The most 
famous was the Delphic

, on which the
Pythian priestess
took her seat to deliver the
of the deity. The seat was formed by a 
circular slab on the top of the tripod, on which a branch of
was deposited when it was unoccupied by 
the priestess. In this sense, by Classical times the tripod was sacred to
. The
contesting with Apollo for the tripod 
appears in vase-paintings older than the oldest written literature. The oracle 
originally may have been related to the primal deity, the Earth.

Another well-known tripod was the
Plataean Tripod
, made from a tenth part of the 
spoils taken from the
army after the
Battle of Plataea
. This consisted of a golden 
basin, supported by a

with three heads (or three serpents 
intertwined), with a list of the states that had taken part in the war inscribed 
on the coils of the serpent. The golden bowl was carried off by the
during the
Third Sacred War
; the stand was removed by the 
), where it still can be seen in the
, the Atmeydanı, although in 
damaged condition, the heads of the serpents disappeared however one is now on 
display at the nearby Istanbul Archaeology Museums. The inscription, however, 
has been restored almost entirely. Such tripods usually had three ears 
(rings which served as handles) and frequently had a central upright as support 
in addition to the three legs.

Tripods frequently are mentioned by
as prizes in
athletic games
and as complimentary gifts; in 
later times, highly decorated and bearing inscriptions, they served the same 
purpose. They also were used as dedicatory
to the deities, and in the dramatic 
contests at the Dionysia
the victorious
(a wealthy citizen who bore the 
expense of equipping and training the chorus) received a crown and a tripod. He 
would either dedicate the tripod to some deity or set it upon the top of a 
marble structure erected in the form of a small circular temple in a street in
, called the street of tripods, 
from the large number of memorials of this kind. One of these, the
Choragic Monument of Lysicrates
, erected by him 
to commemorate his victory in a dramatic contest in
335 BC
, still stands. The form of the victory 
tripod, now missing from the top of the Lysicrates monument, has been rendered 
variously by scholars since the eighteenth century.

The scholar 
Martin L. West
writes that the sibyl at Delphi 
shows many traits of

According to Herodotus (The Histories, I.144), the victory tripods were not 
to be taken from the temple sanctuary precinct, but left there for dedication.

The  Bosporan Kingdom, also known as the Kingdom of the Cimmerian 
Βασίλειον του Κιμμερικού Βοσπόρου
Basileion tou Kimmerikou Bosporou
), was an ancient state located in eastern
and the
Taman Peninsula
on the shores of the Cimmerian 
Bosporus, the present-day
Strait of Kerch
. (It was not named after the 
more famous Bosphorus
at the other end of the
Black Sea
.) The Bosporan Kingdom was the 
longest surviving Roman
client kingdom
. It was a
Roman province
from 63 to 68 AD, under Emperor

. The 1st and 2nd centuries BC saw a period of renewed golden age 
of the Bosporan state. At the end of the 2nd century, King
Sauromates II
inflicted a critical defeat on 
the Scythians
and included all the territories of 
the Crimea in the structure of his state.

The prosperity of the Bosporan Kingdom was based on the export of wheat, fish 
. The profit of the trade supported a 
class whose conspicuous wealth is still visible from newly discovered 
archaeological finds, excavated, often illegally, from numerous burial barrows 
known as kurgans
. The once-thriving cities of the 
Bosporus left extensive architectural and sculptural remains, while the kurgans 
continue to yield spectacular Greco-Sarmatian objects, the best examples of 
which are now preserved in the
St. Petersburg
. These include gold work, vases 
imported from Athens
, coarse terracottas, textile fragments 
and specimens of

Early Greek colonies


Pantikapeon and other ancient Greek colonies along the north coast 
of the Black Sea, along with their modern names

The whole area was dotted with Greek cities: in the west,
most significant city in the region,
; on the east
(the second city of the region),
Portus Sindicus
and Gorgippia.

Greek colonies
were originally settled by
in the 7th and 6th centuries BC. 
Phanagoria (c. 540 BC) was a colony of

, and the foundation of Nymphaeum may have had a connection with
; at least it appears to have been a 
member of the
Delian League
in the 5th century.

of the Bosporan Kingdom

See also:
Roman Crimea

The Bosporan Kingdom was centred around the
Kerch Strait
between the
Black Sea
and the
Sea of Azov
, known in antiquity as the 
Cimmerian Bosporus from where the kingdom’s name derived.

Kings of 
Cimmerian Bosporan

See Also:
List of kings of Cimmerian Bosporus


According to Greek historian
Diodorus Siculus
(xii. 31) the region was 
governed between 480 and 438 BC by a line of kings called the Archaeanactidae
probably a ruling family, usurped by a
called Spartocus (438 – 431 BC), who was 
a Thracian

Spartocid dynasty

Spartocus founded a dynasty which seems to have endured until c. 110 BC, 
known as the
. The Spartocids left many 
inscriptions, indicating that the earliest members of the house ruled under the 
titles of archons
of the Greek cities and kings of 
various minor native tribes, notably the
(from central Crimea) and other branches 
of the
. Surviving material (texts, 
inscriptions and coins) do not supply enough information to reconstruct a 
complete chronology of kings of the region.


(top view), 4th century BC

(431 – 387 BC), successor to Spartocus, 
established his rule over the whole region, adding
to his kingdom and besieging
, which was wealthy because, unlike 
other cities in the region, it had a port which was free of ice throughout the 
year, allowing it to trade grain with the rest of the Greek world, even in 
winter. Satyrus’ son
(387 – 347 BC) would eventually take the 
city. He was succeeded jointly by his two sons, Spartocus II, and Paerisades; 
Spartocus died in 342, allowing Paerisades to reign alone until 310. After 
Paerisades’ death, a civil war between his sons Satyrus and Eumelus was fought. 
Satyrus defeated his younger brother Eumelus at the
Battle of the River Thatis
in 310 BC but was 
then killed in battle, giving Eumelus the throne.[3]

Eumelus’ successor was Spartocus III (303 – 283 BC) and after him Paerisades 
II. Succeeding princes repeated the family names, so it is impossible to assign 
them a definite order. The last of them, however, Paerisades V, unable to make 
headway against increasingly violent attacks from nomadic tribes in the area, 
called in the help of
, general of King
Mithridates VI of Pontus
, leaving him his 
kingdom. Paerisades was killed by a
named Saumacus who led a rebellion 
against him.

The house of Spartocus was well known as a line of enlightened and wise 
princes; although Greek opinion could not deny that they were, strictly 
speaking, tyrants
, they are always described as dynasts. 
They maintained close relations with
, their best customer for the Bosporan 
grain exports: Leucon I of Bosporus created privileges for Athenian ships at 
Bosporan ports. The Attic orators make numerous references to this. In return 
the Athenians granted Leucon Athenian citizenship and made decrees in honour of 
him and his sons.

Mithridates VI


The northern Black sea shores of the Pontic Kingdom (actual Crimea 
and Kerch peninsula) shown as part of the empire of
Mithridates VI of Pontus

After his defeat by Roman General
in 63 BC, King
Mithridates VI of Pontus
fled with a small army 
from Colchis
(modern Georgia) over the Caucasus 
Mountains to Crimea
and made plans to raise yet another army 
to take on the Romans. His eldest living son,
, regent of Cimmerian Bosporus, was 
unwilling to aid his father, so Mithridates had Machares killed, acquiring the 
throne for himself. Mithridates then ordered the conscriptions and preparations 
for war. In 63 BC,
, the youngest son of Mithridates, led 
a rebellion against his father, joined by Roman exiles in the core of 
Mithridates’s Pontic army. Mithridates VI withdrew to the citadel in
, where he committed suicide. 
Pompey buried Mithridates VI in a rock-cut tomb in either
the capital of the
Kingdom of Pontus

Roman client kingdom


The stele
of Staphhilos from the
, depicting a soldier 
with the traditional Bosporan long hair and beard.

After the death of Mithridates VI (63 BC), Pharnaces II (63  – 47 BC) 
supplicated to Pompey, and then tried to regain his dominion during Julius
Caesar’s Civil War
, but was defeated by
and was later killed by his former 
governor and son-in-law

Before the death of Pharnaces II, Asander had married Pharnaces II’s daughter
. Asander and Dynamis were the ruling 
monarchs until Caesar commanded a paternal uncle of Dynamis,
Mithridates II
to declare war on the Bosporan 
Kingdom and claimed the kingship for himself. Asander and Dynamis were defeated 
by Caesar’s ally and went into political exile. However, after Caesar’s death in 
44 BC, the Bosporan Kingdom was restored to Asander and Dynamis by Caesar’s 
great nephew and heir
. Asander ruled as an archon and later 
as king until his death in 17 BC. After the death of Asander, Dynamis was 
compelled to marry a Roman
called Scribonius, but the Romans under
intervened and established
Polemon I of Pontus
(16 – 8 BC) in his place. 
Polemon married Dynamis in 16 BC and she died in 14 BC. Polemon ruled as king 
until his death in 8 BC. After the death of Polemon,
, the son of Dynamis and Asander, 
succeeded Polemon.

The Bosporan Kingdom of Aspurgus was a
client state
of the
Roman Empire
, protected by Roman garrisons. 
Aspurgus (8 BC – 38 AD) founded a dynasty of kings which endured with a couple 
of interruptions until 341 AD. Aspurgus adopted the Imperial Roman names 
“Tiberius Julius” when he received
Roman citizenship
and enjoyed the patronage of 
the first two
Roman Emperors
. All of the following kings adopted 
these two Roman names followed by a third name, of
(Kotys, Rhescuporis or Rhoemetalces) 
or local origin (such as Sauromates, Eupator, Ininthimeus, Pharsanzes, Synges, 
Terianes, Theothorses or Rhadamsades).


Ruins of
, modern
, the capital of the Bosporan 

The Roman client kings of the dynasty had descended from King
Mithridates VI of Pontus
and his first wife,
his sister Laodice
, through Aspurgus. The kings 
adopted a new calendar (the “Pontic Era”) introduced by Mithridates VI, starting 
with 297 BC to date their coins. Bosporan kings struck coinage throughout its 
period as a client state, which included gold
bearing portraits of both the Roman 
emperor and Bosporan king. Like the Roman, Bosporan coinage became increasingly 
debased during the 3rd century. The coinage makes their lineages fairly clear to 
historians, though scarcely any events from their reigns are recorded.

The Bosporan Kingdom covered the eastern half of Crimea and the Taman 
peninsula, and extended along the east coast of the
Maeotian marshes
at the mouth of the
in the north-east, a great market for trade 
with the interior. Throughout the period there was perpetual war with the native 
tribes of Scythians
, and in this the Bosporan Kingdom 
was supported by its Roman suzerains, who lent the assistance of garrisons and 

In 62 AD for reasons unknown, Roman emperor

deposed the Bosporan king
Cotys I
. It is possible that Nero wanted to 
minimise the power of local client rulers and wanted the Bosporans to be 
subsumed into the Roman empire. The Bosporan Kingdom was incorporated as part of 
the Roman province of
Moesia Inferior
from 63 to 68. In 68, the new 
Roman emperor Galba
restored the Bosporan Kingdom to
Rhescuporis I
, the son of Cotys I.

The balance of power amongst local tribes was severely disturbed by
westward migration
in the 3rd–4th centuries. In 
the 250s AD, the Goths
were able to seize Bosporan shipping and 
even raid the shores of

With the coins of the last king
Rhescuporis VI
in 341, constructing a 
chronology becomes very difficult. The kingdom was probably finally overrun by 
the Huns
, who defeated the nearby
in 375/376 and moved rapidly westwards 
towards the Roman empire.

Byzantine period

A few centuries after the Hunnic invasion, the Bosporan cities enjoyed a 
revival, under
and Bulgarian protection. The ancient 
Greek city of
became the capital of Old Great 
Bulgaria between 632 and 665. From time to time Byzantine officers built 
fortresses and exercised authority at Bosporus, which constituted an

A relevant Byzantine usage of the term is found in a newly discovered seal of 
a general of the early 11th century as of “Πο<σ>φορ(ου)”, i.e., of the Cimmerian 

They also held Tamatarcha on the eastern side of the strait, a town which in 
the 10th and 11th centuries became the seat of the
Kievan Rus
principality of
, which in turn gave way to

Following the
, and aided by the
emerged in the region, and Jewish 
communities developed in some of the cities of the region (especially
). The Jewish or Thracian influence on 
the region may have inspired the foundation of a cult to the “Most High God,” a 
distinct regional cult which emerged in the 1st century AD, which professed 
monotheism without being distinctively Jewish or Christian.


Although considered rare among collectors prior to the demise of the
Soviet Union
in the early 1990s, Bosporan coins 
are now well known on the international coin markets, hinting at the quantities 
produced. Several large series were produced by Bosporan cities from the 5th 
century BC, particularly in
. Gold staters of Panticapaeum 
bearing Pan
‘s head and a griffin are especially 
remarkable for their weight and fine workmanship.

There are coins with the names of the later Spartocids and a complete series 
of dated
issued by the later or
dynasty. In them may be noticed the 
swift degeneration of the gold solidus through silver and
to bronze.

See also

  • Cimmerians
  • Cimmerian Bosporus
  • Kingdom of Pontus
  • Roman Crimea



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