1146AD ARAB BYZANTINE Zangid Atabegs JESUS CHRIST Ancient Islamic Coin i56530

$1,250.00 $1,125.00

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Item: i56530


Ancient Coin of:

The Zangids (Atabegs) of Aleppo
Nur al din Mahmud ibn Zangi – 541-569 A.H. / 1146-1173 A.D.
Bronze Fals 22mm (3.09 grams)
Reference: Mitchiner (World of Islam), 1132
Two Byzantine figures standing; traces of Greek inscription between them; Arabic 
Jesus Christ standing facing; traces of Greek beside; Arabic around.

You are bidding on the exact item pictured, 

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of 


he Zengid or Zangid dynasty was a

Oghuz Turk
origin, which ruled parts of the
Upper Mesopotamia
on behalf of the
Seljuk Empire


The dynasty was founded by
Imad ad-Din Zengi
, who became the Seljuk
(governor) of
in 1127. He quickly became the chief 
Turkish potentate in Northern Syria and Iraq, taking
from the squabbling
in 1128 and
capturing the County of Edessa
from the 
Crusaders in 1144. This latter feat made Zengi a hero in the Muslim world, but 
he was assassinated by a slave two years later, in 1146.

On Zengi’s death, his territories were divided, with Mosul and his lands in 
Iraq going to his eldest son
Saif ad-Din Ghazi I
, and Aleppo and Edessa 
falling to his second son,
Nur ad-Din, atabeg of Aleppo
. Nur ad-Din proved 
to be as competent as his father. In 1149 he defeated
Raymond of Poitiers
Prince of Antioch
, at the
battle of Inab
, and the next year conquered the 
remnants of the
County of Edessa
west of the
. In 1154 he capped off these 
successes by his capture of
from the
Burid dynasty
that ruled it.

Now ruling from Damascus, Nur ad-Din’s success continued. Another Prince of 
Raynald of Châtillon
was captured, and the 
territories of the
Principality of Antioch
were greatly reduced. 
In the 1160s, Nur ad-Din’s attention was mostly held by a competition with the
King of Jerusalem
Amalric of Jerusalem
, for control of the
Fatimid Caliphate
. Ultimately, Nur ed-Din’s
was successful in conquering Fatimid 
Egypt in 1169, but Shirkuh’s nephew and successor as Governor of Egypt,
, eventually rejected Nur ad-Din’s 

Nur ad-Din was preparing to invade Egypt to bring Saladin under control when 
he unexpectedly died in 1174. His son and successor
As-Salih Ismail al-Malik
was only a child, and 
was forced to flee to Aleppo, which he ruled until 1181, when he was murdered 
and replaced by his relation, the Atabeg of Mosul. Saladin conquered Aleppo two 
years later, ending Zengid rule in Syria.

Zengid princes continued to rule in Northern Iraq well into the 13th century, 
ruling Mosul until 1234; their rule did not come finally to an end until 1250.

Nūr ad-Dīn Abū al-Qāsim Maḥmūd ibn ʿImād ad-Dīn Zengī (February 1118 – 
15 May 1174), often shortened to his
Nur ad-Din (Arabic:
نور الدين‎‎, “Light of the 
Faith”), was a member of the

Zengid dynasty
which ruled the
Syrian province
of the
Seljuk Empire
. He reigned from 1146 to 1174.

The war against 
the Crusaders

Nur ad-Din was the second son of
Imad ad-Din Zengi
, the Turkic
, who was a devoted enemy of the
presence in Syria. After the 
assassination of his father in 1146, Nur ad-Din and his older brother
Saif ad-Din Ghazi I
divided the kingdom between 
themselves, with Nur ad-Din governing
and Saif ad-Din Ghazi establishing 
himself in Mosul
. The border between the two new kingdoms 
was formed by the
Nahr al-Khabur River
. Almost as soon as he 
began his rule, Nur ad-Din attacked the
Principality of Antioch
, seizing several 
castles in the north of Syria, while at the same time he defeated an attempt by
Joscelin II
to recover the
County of Edessa
, which had been conquered by 
Zengi in 1144. (See
Siege of Edessa
.) In 1146, Nur ad-Din massacred 
the entire Christian population of the city and destroyed its fortifications, in 
punishment for assisting Joscelin in this attempt. Although according to
Thomas Asbridge
, the women and children of 
Edessa were enslaved. He secured his hold on Antioch after crushing
Raymond of Poitiers
at the
Battle of Inab
in 1149, even presenting to the 
caliph, Raymond’s severed head and arms.

Nur ad-Din sought to make alliances with his Muslim neighbours in northern

and Syria in order to strengthen the Muslim front against their 
crusader enemies. In 1147 he signed a bilateral treaty with
Mu’in ad-Din Unur
, governor of
; as part of this agreement, he also 
married Mu’in ad-Din’s daughter
Ismat ad-Din Khatun
. Together Mu’in ad-Din and 
Nur ad-Din besieged the cities of
Battle of Bosra
) and Salkhad, which had been 
captured by a rebellious vassal of Mu’in ad-Din named Altuntash, but Mu’in 
ad-Din was always suspicious of Nur ad-Din’s intentions and did not want to 
offend his former crusader allies in
, who had helped defend Damascus 
against Zengi. To reassure Mu’in ad-Din, Nur ad-Din curtailed his stay in 
Damascus and turned instead towards the Principality of Antioch, where he was 
able to seize
Kafar Latha
, Basarfut, and Balat.

In 1148, the
Second Crusade
arrived in Syria, led by
Louis VII of France
Conrad III of Germany
. Nur ad-Din’s victories 
and the crusaders’ losses in Asia Minor however had made the recovery of Edessa 
– their original goal – practically impossible. Given that Aleppo was too far 
off from Jerusalem for an attack and Damascus, recently allied with the
Kingdom of Jerusalem
against Zengi, had entered 
into an alliance with Nur ad-Din, the crusaders decided to attack Damascus, the 
conquest of which would preclude a combination of Jerusalem’s enemies. Mu’in 
ad-Din reluctantly called for help from Nur ad-Din, but the
crusader siege
collapsed after only four days.

Nur ad-Din took advantage of the failure of the crusade to prepare another 
attack against Antioch. In 1149, he launched an offensive against the 
territories dominated by the castle of Harim, situated on the eastern bank of 
, after which he besieged the castle of

. The Prince of Antioch,
Raymond of Poitiers
, quickly came to the aid of 
the besieged citadel. The Muslim army destroyed the crusader army at the
Battle of Inab
, during which Raymond was 
killed. Raymond’s head was sent to Nur ad-Din, who sent it along to the
. Nur ad-Din marched all the way to the 
coast and expressed his dominance of Syria by symbolically bathing in the 
Mediterranean. He did not, however, attack Antioch itself; he was content with 
capturing all Antiochene territory east of the Orontes and leaving a rump state 
around the city, which in any case soon fell under the suzerainty of the
Byzantine Empire
. In 1150, he defeated Joscelin 
II for a final time, after allying with the Seljuk
Sultan of Rüm
(whose daughter he also married). 
Joscelin was blinded and died in his prison in Aleppo in 1159. In the
Battle of Aintab
, Nur ad-Din tried but failed 
to prevent King
Baldwin III of Jerusalem
‘s evacuation of the 
Latin Christian residents of
. In 1152 Nur ad-Din briefly captured
after the assassination of
Raymond II of Tripoli

Unification of 
the Sultanate

It was Nur ad-Din’s dream to unite the various Muslim forces between the
and the

to make a common front against the crusaders. In 1149 Saif 
ad-Din Ghazi died, and a younger brother,
Qutb ad-Din Mawdud
, succeeded him. Qutb ad-Din 
recognized Nur ad-Din as overlord of Mosul, so that the major cities of Mosul 
and Aleppo were united under one man. Damascus was all that remained as an 
obstacle to the unification of Syria.

After the failure of the Second Crusade, Mu’in ad-Din had renewed his treaty 
with the crusaders, and after his death in 1149 his successor
Mujir ad-Din
followed the same policy. In 1150 
and 1151 Nur ad-Din besieged the city, but retreated each time with no success, 
aside from empty recognition of his suzerainty. When
Ascalon was captured
by the crusaders in 1153, 
Mujir ad-Din forbade Nur ad-Din from travelling across his territory. Mujir 
ad-Din, however, was a weaker ruler than his predecessor, and he also agreed to 
pay an annual tribute to the crusaders in exchange for their protection. The 
growing weakness of Damascus under Mujir ad-Din allowed Nur ad-Din to overthrow 
him in 1154, with help from the population of the city. Damascus was annexed to 
Zengid territory, and all of Syria was unified under the authority of Nur 
ad-Din, from
in the north to the
in the south. He was cautious not to 
attack Jerusalem right away, and even continued to send the yearly tribute 
established by Mujir ad-Din; meanwhile he briefly became involved in affairs to 
the north of Mosul, where a succession dispute in the Sultanate of Rum 
threatened Edessa and other cities.

In 1157 Nur ad-Din besieged the
Knights Hospitaller
in the crusader fortress of
, routed a relief army from Jerusalem led 
by King
Baldwin III
, and captured
Grand Master

Bertrand de Blanquefort
. However, he fell ill 
that year and the crusaders were given a brief respite from his attacks. In 1159 
Byzantine emperor

Manuel I Comnenus
arrived to assert his 
authority in Antioch, and the crusaders hoped he would send an expedition 
against Aleppo. However, Nur ad-Din sent ambassadors and negotiated an alliance 
with the emperor against the Seljuks, much to the crusaders’ dismay. Nur ad-Din, 
along with the
of eastern
, attacked the Seljuk sultan
Kilij Arslan II
from the east the next year, 
while Manuel attacked from the west. Later in 1160, Nur ad-Din captured the 
Prince of Antioch,
Raynald of Châtillon
after a raid in the 
Anti-Taurus mountains; Raynald remained in captivity for the next sixteen years. 
By 1162, with Antioch under nominal Byzantine control and the crusader states 
further south powerless to make any further attacks on Syria, Nur ad-Din made a 
pilgrimage to Mecca
. Soon after he returned, he learned of 
the death of King
Baldwin III of Jerusalem
, and out of respect 
for such a formidable opponent he refrained from attacking the crusader kingdom:
William of Tyre
reports that Nur ad-Din said 
“We should sympathize with their grief and in pity spare them, because they have 
lost a prince such as the rest of the world does not possess today.”

The problem of Egypt

Main article:
Crusader invasion of Egypt

As there was now nothing the crusaders could do in Syria, they were forced to 
look to the south if they wanted to expand their territory. The capture of 
Ascalon had already succeeded in cutting off Egypt from Syria, and Egypt had 
been politically weakened by a series of very young

. By 1163, the caliph was the young
, but the country was ruled by the 
vizier Shawar
. That year, Shawar was overthrown by 
Dirgham; soon afterwards, the
King of Jerusalem
Amalric I
, led an offensive against Egypt, on 
the pretext that the Fatimids were not paying the tribute they had promised to 
pay during the reign of Baldwin III. This campaign failed and he was forced to 
return to Jerusalem
, but it provoked Nur ad-Din to lead a 
campaign of his own against the crusaders in Syria in order to turn their 
attention away from Egypt. His attack on Tripoli was unsuccessful, but he was 
soon visited by the exiled Shawar, who begged him to send an army and restore 
him to the vizierate. Nur ad-Din did not want to spare his own army for a 
defense of Egypt, but his
convinced him to invade in 1164. In 
response, Dirgham allied with Amalric, but the king could not mobilize in time 
to save him. Dirgham was killed during Shirkuh’s invasion and Shawar was 
restored as vizier.

Shawar immediately expelled Shirkuh and allied with Amalric, who arrived to 
besiege Shirkuh at
. Shirkuh agreed to abandon Egypt when 
Amalric was forced to return home, after Nur ad-Din attacked Antioch and
besieged the castle of Harenc
. There, Nur 
ad-Din routed the combined armies of Antioch and Tripoli, but refused to attack 
Antioch itself, fearing reprisals from the Byzantines. Instead he besieged and 
captured Banias, and for the next two years continually raided the frontiers of 
the crusader states. In 1166 Shirkuh was sent again to Egypt. Amalric followed 
him at the beginning of 1167, and a formal treaty was established between 
Amalric and Shawar, with the nominal support of the caliph. The crusaders 
occupied Alexandria
and made Egypt a tributary state, but 
Amalric could not hold the country while Nur ad-Din still held Syria, and he was 
forced to return to Jerusalem.

In 1168 Amalric sought an alliance with Emperor Manuel and invaded Egypt once 
more. Shawar’s son Khalil had had enough, and with support from Caliph al-Adil 
requested help from Nur ad-Din and Shirkuh. At the beginning of 1169 Shirkuh 
arrived and the crusaders once more were forced to retreat. This time Nur ad-Din 
gained full control of Egypt. Shawar was executed and Shirkuh was named vizier 
of the newly conquered territory, later succeeded by his nephew
. One last invasion of Egypt was 
launched by Amalric and Manuel, but it was disorganized and came to nothing.


Domes of Nur al-Din Mahmud’s madrasa complex in Damascus (his burial 

Death and succession

During this time Nur ad-Din was busy in the north, fighting the
, and in 1170 he had to settle a 
dispute between his nephews when his brother Qutb ad-Din died. After conquering 
Egypt, Nur ad-Din believed that he had accomplished his goal of uniting the 
Muslim states, but
did not wish to be subject to his 
authority. He did not participate in the invasions led by Nur ad-Din against 
Jerusalem in 1171 and 1173, hoping that the crusader kingdom would act as a 
buffer state between Egypt and Syria. Nur ad-Din realized that he had created a 
dangerous opponent in Saladin, and the two rulers assembled their armies for 
what seemed to be the inevitable war.

However, when Nur ad-Din was on the verge of invading Egypt, he was seized by 
a fever due to complications from a
peritonsillar abscess
. He died at the age of 59 
on 15 May 1174 in the
Citadel of Damascus
. He was initially buried 
there, before being reburied in the
Nur al-Din Madrasa
. His young son
As-Salih Ismail al-Malik
became his legitimate 
heir, and Saladin declared himself his vassal, although he really planned to 
unify Syria and Egypt under his own rule. He married Nur ad-Din’s widow, 
defeated the other claimants to the throne and took power in Syria in 1185, 
finally realizing Nur ad-Din’s dream.


According to
William of Tyre
, although Nur ad-Din was “a 
mighty persecutor of the Christian name and faith,” he was also “a just prince, 
valiant and wise, and according to the traditions of his race, a religious man.” 
Nur ad-Din was especially religious after his illness and his

. He considered the crusaders foreigners in Muslim 
territory, who had come to
to plunder the land and profane its 
sacred places. Nevertheless, he tolerated the Christians who lived under his 
authority, aside from the Armenians of Edessa and regarded the Emperor Manuel 
with deep respect. In contrast to Nur ad-Din’s respectful reaction to the death 
of Baldwin III, Amalric I immediately besieged Banias upon learning of the 
emir’s death, and extorted a vast amount of money from his widow.

Nur ad-Din also constructed universities and mosques in all the cities he 
controlled. These universities were principally concerned with teaching the
. Nur ad-Din himself enjoyed to have 
specialists read to him from the Hadith, and his professors even awarded him a 
diploma in Hadith narration. He had free hospitals constructed in his cities as 
well, and built
on the roads for travellers and 
pilgrims. He held court several times a week so that people could seek justice 
from him against his generals, governors, or other employees who had committed 
some crime. In the Muslim world he remains a legendary figure of military 
courage, piety, and modesty. Sir Steven Runciman said that he loved, above all 
else, justice.

The Damascene chronicler
Ibn al-Qalanisi
generally speaks of Nur ad-Din 
in majestic terms, although he himself died in 1160, and unfortunately did not 
witness the later events of Nur ad-Din’s reign.

  • Regnal titles
    Preceded by


    Emir of Aleppo

    Succeeded by

    As-Salih Ismail al-Malik
    Preceded by

    Mujir ad-Din

    Emir of Damascus

    Succeeded by

    As-Salih Ismail al-Malik



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