Galerius 308AD Alexandria mint RARE Ancient Roman Coin Genius Cult i56512

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Authentic Ancient Coin of:

Galerius –
Roman Emperor
: 305-311

A.D. –

Bronze  Follis 23mm (7.63 grams) Alexandria mint: 308-310 A.D.
Reference: RIC VI 79; Cohen 47.
IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, laureate head right
 GENIO IMPERATORIS, Genius of the emperor standing left, chlamys over
modius on head, pouring libation from patera & holding cornucopiae,
K/A/P/ALE in ex.


are bidding on the exact item pictured, provided with a

Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of


In the
material culture
classical antiquity
, a phiale or
(Latin pronunciation: [ˈpatera])
is a shallow ceramic or metal
bowl. It often has a bulbous
indentation (omphalos,
“bellybutton”) in the center underside to facilitate holding it, in which case
it is sometimes called a mesomphalic phiale. It typically has no handles,
and no feet. (A drinking cup with handles is a
. A circular platter with a pair of
C-handles is not a patera, but a few paterae have a single long straight
handle.) Although the two terms may be used interchangeably, particularly in the
context of
Etruscan culture
, phiale is more common
in reference to Greek forms, and patera in a Roman setting.


A youth pours a libation to the deceased within a
a scene that may also

, 340–320 BC)

Libation was a central and vital aspect of
ancient Greek religion
, and one of the simplest
and most common forms of religious practice. It is one of the basic religious
acts that define piety in ancient Greece, dating back to the
Bronze Age
and even
prehistoric Greece
. Libations were a part of
daily life, and the pious might perform them every day in the morning and
evening, as well as to begin meals. A libation most often consisted of mixed
wine and water, but could also be unmixed wine, honey, oil, water, or milk.

The form of libation called spondē is typically the ritualized pouring
of wine from a jug or bowl held in the hand. The most common ritual was to pour
the liquid from an
(wine jug) into a phiale. Libation
generally accompanied prayer. The Greeks stood when they prayed, either with
their arms uplifted, or in the act of libation with the right arm extended to
hold the phiale. After the wine offering was poured from the phiale, the
remainder of the contents was drunk by the celebrant.

In Roman art
, the libation is shown performed at
altar, mensa (sacrificial meal table)
. It was the simplest form of sacrifice,
and could be a sufficient offering by itself. The introductory rite (praefatio)
to an animal sacrifice included an incense and wine libation onto a burning
altar. Both
and divinities are frequently
depicted, especially on coins, pouring libations from a patera. Scenes of
libation and the patera itself commonly signify the quality of
, religious duty or reverence.


The cornucopia (from Latin cornu copiae) or horn of plenty
is a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container
overflowing with produce, flowers, nuts, other edibles, or wealth in some form.
Originating in
classical antiquity
, it has continued as a
symbol in
Western art
, and it is particularly associated
with the
holiday in
North America

depiction of the Roman
with a cornucopia, by
(ca. 1630)

In Mythology

offers multiple
explanations of the origin
of the cornucopia.
One of the best-known involves the birth and nurturance of the infant

, who had to be hidden from his devouring father
. In a cave on
Mount Ida
on the island of
, baby Zeus was cared for and protected by
a number of divine attendants, including the goat
(“Nourishing Goddess”), who fed him
with her milk. The suckling future king of the gods had unusual abilities and
strength, and in playing with his nursemaid accidentally broke off one of her
, which then had the divine power to
provide unending nourishment, as the foster mother had to the god.

In another myth, the cornucopia was created when
) wrestled with the river god
and wrenched off one of his horns;
river gods were sometimes depicted as horned. This version is represented in the

Achelous and Hercules

mural painting
by the
American Regionalist
Thomas Hart Benton

The cornucopia became the attribute of several
Roman deities
, particularly those associated
with the harvest, prosperity, or spiritual abundance, such as personifications
of Earth (Gaia
); the child
, god of riches and son of the grain
goddess Demeter
; the

; and
, the goddess of luck, who had the power
to grant prosperity. In
Roman Imperial cult
, abstract Roman deities who
fostered peace (pax
and prosperity were also depicted with a cornucopia,
including Abundantia
, “Abundance” personified, and
, goddess of the
grain supply to the city of Rome
, the classical ruler of the underworld in
mystery religions
, was a giver of agricultural,
mineral and spiritual wealth, and in art often holds a cornucopia to distinguish
him from the gloomier Hades
, who holds a
drinking horn

Modern depictions

In modern depictions, the cornucopia is typically a hollow, horn-shaped
wicker basket filled with various kinds of festive
. In North America, the cornucopia
has come to be associated with
and the harvest. Cornucopia is
also the name of the annual November Wine and Food celebration in
, British Columbia, Canada. Two
cornucopias are seen in the
state seal
. The Great
North Carolina
depicts Liberty standing and
Plenty holding a cornucopia. The coat of arms of

, and the Coat of Arms of the State of
Victoria, Australia
, also feature the
cornucopia, symbolising prosperity.

The horn of plenty is used on body art and at Halloween, as it is a symbol of
fertility, fortune and abundance.



Head of a genius worshipped by Roman soldiers (found at
, 2nd century CE)

ancient Roman religion
, the genius was
the individual instance of a general divine nature that is present in every
individual person, place, or thing.


Winged genius facing a woman with a tambourine and mirror, from
southern Italy, about 320 BC.

Nature of the genius

The rational powers and abilities of every human being were attributed to
their soul, which was a genius. Each individual place had a genius
) and so did powerful objects, such as volcanoes. The concept
extended to some specifics: the genius of the theatre, of vineyards, and of
festivals, which made performances successful, grapes grow, and celebrations
succeed, respectively. It was extremely important in the Roman mind to
propitiate the appropriate genii for the major undertakings and events of their

Specific genii


Bronze genius depicted as
pater familias
(1st century CE)

Although the term genius might apply to any divinity whatsoever, most
of the higher-level and state genii had their own well-established names.
Genius applied most often to individual places or people not generally
known; that is, to the smallest units of society and settlements, families and
their homes. Houses, doors, gates, streets, districts, tribes, each one had its
own genius.The supreme hierarchy of the Roman gods, like that of the
Greeks, was modelled after a human family. It featured a father,
(“father god”), who, in a
patriarchal society
was also the supreme divine
unity, and a mother,
, queen of the gods. These supreme
unities were subdivided into genii for each individual family; hence, the
genius of each female, representing the female domestic reproductive
power, was a Juno. The male function was a Jupiter.

The juno was worshipped under many titles:

  • Iugalis, “of marriage”
  • Matronalis, “of married women”
  • Pronuba, “of brides”
  • Virginalis, “of virginity”

Genii were often viewed as protective spirits, as one would propitiate
them for protection. For example, to protect infants one propitiated a number of
deities concerned with birth and childrearing
Cuba (“lying down to sleep”), Cunina (“of the cradle”) and
(“of breast-feeding”). Certainly, if those genii did not
perform their proper function well, the infant would be in danger.

Hundreds of lararia, or family shrines, have been discovered at
, typically off the
, kitchen or garden, where the smoke
of burnt offerings could vent through the opening in the roof. A lararium
was distinct from the penus (“within”), another shrine where the
, gods associated with the storerooms,
was located. Each lararium features a panel fresco containing the same
theme: two peripheral figures (Lares)
attend on a central figure (family genius) or two figures (genius
and Juno) who may or may not be at an altar. In the foreground is one or
two serpents crawling toward the genius through a meadow motif.
preserved an ancient practice of
keeping a propitious house snake, here linked with the genius. In
another, unrelated fresco (House
of the Centenary
) the snake-in-meadow appears below a depiction of
Mount Vesuvius
and is labelled Agathodaimon,
“, where daimon must be regarded
as the Greek equivalent of genius.

History of the concept


(“household guardian spirit”) has
the same derivation as nature from
(“tribe”, “people”) from the
root *gen-, “produce.”
It is the indwelling nature of an object or class of objects or
events that act with a perceived or hypothesized unity. Philosophically the
Romans did not find the paradox of the one being many confusing; like all other
prodigies they attributed it to the inexplicable mystery of divinity. Multiple
events could therefore be attributed to the same and different divinities and a
person could be the same as and different from his genius. They were not
distinct, as the later guardian angels, and yet the Genius Augusti was
not exactly the same as Augustus either. As a natural outcome of these
beliefs, the pleasantness of a place, the strength of an oath, an ability of a
person, were regarded as intrinsic to the object, and yet were all attributable
to genius; hence all of the modern meanings of the word. This point of
view is not attributable to any one civilization; its roots are lost in
prehistory. The Etruscans had such beliefs at the beginning of history, but then
so did the Greeks, the native Italics and many other peoples in the near and
middle east.

Genii under the

No literature of the monarchy has survived, but later authors in recounting
its legends mention the genius. For example, under
Servius Tullius
the triplets
of Rome fought the triplets Curiatii of
Alba Longa
for the decision of the war that had
arisen between the two communities. Horatius was left standing but his sister,
who had been betrothed to one of the Curiatii, began to keen, breast-beat and
berate Horatius. He executed her, was tried for murder, was acquitted by the
Roman people but the king made him expiate the Juno of his sister and the
Genius Curiatii
, a family genius.

Republican genii

The genius appears explicitly in Roman literature relatively late as
early as Plautus
, where one character in the play,
, jests that the father of another
is so avaricious that he uses cheap Samian ware in sacrifices to his own
, so as not to tempt the genius to steal it.In this passage,
the genius is not identical to the person, as to propitiate oneself would
be absurd, and yet the genius also has the avarice of the person; that
is, the same character, the implication being, like person, like genius.

Implied geniuses date to much earlier; for example, when
Horatius Cocles
defends the
Pons Sublicius
against an Etruscan crossing at
the beginning of the
Roman Republic
, after the bridge is cut down he
prays to the Tiber to bear him up as he swims across: Tiberine pater te,
sancte, precor …
, “Holy father Tiber, I pray to you ….” The Tiber so
addressed is a genius. Although the word is not used here, in later
literature it is identified as one.


describes the genius as “the companion which controls the natal star; the god of
human nature, in that he is mortal for each person, with a changing expression,
white or black”.

Imperial genii


Genius of Domitian

Octavius Caesar
on return to Rome after the
final victory of the
Roman Civil War
at the
Battle of Actium
appeared to the Senate to be a
man of great power and success, clearly a mark of divinity. In recognition of
the prodigy they voted that all banquets should include a libation to his
. In concession to this sentiment he chose the name
, capturing the numinous meaning of
English “august.” This line of thought was probably behind the later vote in 30
BC that he was divine, as the household cult of the Genius Augusti dates
from that time. It was propitiated at every meal along with the other household
numina.The vote began the tradition of the
divine emperors
; however, the divinity went
with the office and not the man. The Roman emperors gave ample evidence that
they personally were neither immortal nor divine.


Inscription on votive altar to the genius of
Legio VII Gemina
by L. Attius Macro
II 5083)

If the genius
of the
, or commander of all troops, was
to be propitiated, so was that of all the units under his command. The
provincial troops expanded the idea of the genii of state; for example,
from Roman Britain have been found altars to the genii of Roma,
Roman aeterna
, Britannia, and to every
in Britain, as well as to the
of every
and even to the
. Inscriptional dedications to
were not confined to the military. From
Gallia Cisalpina
under the empire are numerous
dedications to the genii of persons of authority and respect; in addition
to the emperor’s genius principis, were the geniuses of patrons of
freedmen, owners of slaves, patrons of guilds, philanthropists, officials,
villages, other divinities, relatives and friends. Sometimes the dedication is
combined with other words, such as “to the genius and honor” or in the case of
couples, “to the genius and Juno.”

Surviving from the time of the empire hundreds of dedicatory, votive and
sepulchral inscriptions ranging over the entire territory testify to a floruit
of genius worship as an official cult. Stock phrases were abbreviated:
GPR, genio populi Romani (“to the genius of the Roman people”); GHL,
genio huius loci
(“to the genius of this place”); GDN, genio domini
(“to the genius of our master”), and so on. In 392 AD with the final
victory of Christianity
Theodosius I
declared the worship of the Genii,
to be treason, ending their official
terms. The concept, however, continued in representation and speech under
different names or with accepted modifications.

Roman iconography


The genius of a corporate social body is often a
theme on ancient coins: a
from Spain, 76–75 BC, featuring a bust
of the GPR (Genius Populi Romani, “Genius of the Roman People”) on
; an
, 270–275 AD, featuring a standing image
of the GENIUS ILLVR (Genius Exercitus Illyriciani, “Genius of the
Illyrian Army”) on the reverse; an
of Rome, 134–138 AD, with an image of a
youth holding a cornucopia and patera (sacrificial dish) and the inscription
GENIOPR, genio populi Romani, “to the genius of the Roman people,” on the


Scene from Lararium, House of Iulius Polybius, Pompeii 

divinity”), genius of the soil around Vesuvius 

Unknown Roman genius near Pompeii, 1st century BC 

Genius of

Genius of
Antoninus Pius


Genius of love, Meister des Rosenromans, 1420-1430 

Genius of victory,

Genius of
, Ignazio Marabitti,
c. 1778 

Genius of liberty,
Augustin Dumont
, 1801-1884 

Genius of Alexander, Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun,

Genius of war, Arturo Melida y Alinara (1849-1902) 

Genius of







Maximianus (ca.

260 – late April or early May 311), formally Gaius

Galerius Valerius Maximianus was

Roman Emperor from 305 to 311.



lifeRomuliana Galerius head.jpg

Galerius was born on a small farm

estate, on the site where he later built his palace,

Felix Romuliana.[5] His father was a Thracian and his

mother Romula was a Dacian woman, who left Dacia because

of the Carpians’ attacks.[10] He originally followed his

father’s occupation, that of a herdsman, where he got

his surname of Armentarius (Latin: armentum, herd). He

served with distinction as a soldier under Emperors

Aurelian and Probus, and in 293 at the establishment of

the Tetrarchy, was designated Caesar along with

Constantius Chlorus, receiving in marriage Diocletian’s

daughter Valeria (later known as Galeria Valeria), and

at the same time being entrusted with the care of the

Illyrian provinces. Soon after his appointment, Galerius

would be dispatched to Egypt to fight the rebellious

cities Busiris and Coptos.[11]


with Persia



In 294,


, a son of Shapur who had been passed over for

the Sassanid succession, came into power in Persia.

Narseh probably moved to eliminate

Bahram III

, a young man installed by a noble named

Vahunam in the wake of Bahram II’s death in 293.[12]

In early 294, Narseh sent Diocletian the customary

package of gifts, but within Persia he was destroying

every trace of his immediate predecessors, erasing their

names from public monuments. He sought to identify

himself with the warlike reigns of


(r. 226–41) and


(r. 241–72), the same Shapur who had sacked

Roman Antioch, skinned the Emperor


(r. 253–260) to decorate his war temple.[13]

In 295 or 296, Narseh declared war on

Rome. He appears to have first invaded western Armenia,

retaking the lands delivered to Tiridates in the peace

of 287. He would occupy the lands there until the

following year.[14]

Narseh then moved south into Roman Mesopotamia, where he

inflicted a severe defeat on Galerius, then commander of

the Eastern forces, in the region between Carrhae (Harran,

Turkey) and Callinicum (Ar-Raqqah,


Diocletian may or may not have been present at the


but would present himself soon afterwards at Antioch,

where the official version of events was made clear:

Galerius was to take all the blame for the affair. In

Antioch, Diocletian forced Galerius to walk a mile in

advance of his imperial cart while still clad in the

purple robes of an emperor.[17]

The message conveyed was clear: the loss at Carrhae was

not due to the failings of the empire’s soldiers, but

due to the failings of their commander, and Galerius’

failures would not be accepted.[18]

(It is also possible that Galerius’ position at the head

of the caravan was merely the conventional organization

of an imperial progression, designed to show a Caesar’s

deference to his Augustus.)[19]

Detail of Galerius



on the

Arch of Galerius





, the city where Galerius carried

out most of his administrative actions.[20]

Galerius had been reinforced,

probably in the spring of 298, by a new contingent

collected from the empire’s Danubian holdings.[21]

Narseh did not advance from Armenia and Mesopotamia,

leaving Galerius to lead the offensive in 298 with an

attack on northern Mesopotamia via Armenia.[18]

Diocletian may or may not have been present to assist

the campaign.[22]

Narseh retreated to Armenia to fight Galerius’ force, to

Narseh’s disadvantage: the rugged Armenian terrain was

favorable to Roman infantry, but unfavorable to Sassanid

cavalry. Local aid gave Galerius the advantage of

surprise over the Persian forces, and, in two successive

battles, Galerius secured victories over Narseh.[23]

During the second encounter, Roman

forces seized Narseh’s camp, his treasury, his harem,

and his wife along with it.[23]

Narseh’s wife would live out the remainder of the war in

Daphne, a suburb of Antioch, serving to the Persians as

a constant reminder of Roman victory.[18]

Galerius advanced into




, winning continuous victories, most

prominently near Erzurum,[20]

and securing Nisibis (Nusaybin,

Turkey) before October 1, 298. He moved down the Tigris,

taking Ctesiphon, and gazing onwards to the ruins of

Babylon before returning to Roman territory via the




Narseh had previously sent an

ambassador to Galerius to plead for the return of his

wives and children, but Galerius had dismissed this

ambassador, reminding him of how Shapur had treated


The Romans, in any case, treated Narseh’s captured

family with tact, perhaps seeking to evoke comparisons



and his beneficent conduct towards the

family of

Darius III


Peace negotiations began in the spring of 299, with both

Diocletian and Galerius presiding. Their magister

memoriae (secretary) Sicorius Probus was sent to

Narseh to present terms.[21]

The conditions of the peace were


Persia would give up territory to Rome, making the

Tigris the boundary between the two empires. Further

terms specified that Armenia was returned to Roman

domination, with the fort of Ziatha as its border;

Caucasian Iberia

would pay allegiance to Rome under

a Roman appointee; Nisibis, now under Roman rule, would

become the sole conduit for trade between Persia and

Rome; and Rome would exercise control over the five

satrapies between the Tigris and Armenia:


, Sophanene (Sophene),

Arzanene (Aghdznik),


, and


(near modern


, Turkey). These regions included the passage

of the Tigris through the


range; the


pass, the quickest southerly route into

Persian Armenia; and access to the

Tur Abdin

plateau. With these territories, Rome

would have an advance station north of Ctesiphon, and

would be able to slow any future advance of Persian

forces through the region.[25]

Under the terms of the peace Tiridates would regain both

his throne and the entirety of his ancestral claim, and

Rome would secure a wide zone of cultural influence in

the region.[21]

The fact that the empire was able to sustain such

constant warfare on so many fronts has been taken as a

sign of the essential efficacy of the Diocletianic

system and the goodwill of the army towards the

tetrarchic enterprise.[26]

Detail of the

Arch of Galerius





of Christians

Christians had lived in peace during

most of the rule of Diocletian. The persecutions that

began with an edict of February 24, 303, were credited

by Christians to Galerius’ work, as he was a fierce

advocate of the old ways and old gods. Christian houses

of assembly were destroyed, for fear of sedition in

secret gatherings.


was not anti-Christian during the first

part of his reign, and historians have claimed that

Galerius decided to prod him into persecuting them by

secretly burning the Imperial Palace and blaming it on

Christian saboteurs. Regardless of who was at fault for

the fire, Diocletian’s rage was aroused and he began one

of the last and greatest Christian persecutions in the

history of the

Roman Empire


It was at the insistence of Galerius

that the last edicts of persecution against the


were published, beginning on February 24,

303, and this policy of repression was maintained by him

until the appearance of the general edict of toleration,

issued from


in April 311, apparently during his last

bout of illness, in his own name and in those of





Edict of Toleration by Galerius



gives the text of the edict in his

moralized chronicle of the bad ends to which all the

persecutors came, De Mortibus Persecutorum (“On

the Deaths of the Persecutors”, chapters 34, 35). This

marked the end of official persecution of Christians.


as Augustus

After the elevation of

Constantius I

and Galerius to the rank of Augusti,

two new Caesars were required to supply their place, and

to complete the system of the Imperial government. The

two persons whom Galerius promoted to the rank of Caesar

were very much Galerius’ creatures, and he hoped to

enhance his authority throughout the empire with their


First was

Maximinus Daia

, whose mother was Galerius’ sister.

An inexperienced youth with little formal education, he

was invested with the purple, exalted to the dignity of

Caesar, and assigned the command of Egypt and Syria.

Second was


, Galerius’ comrade in arms; he was sent to


to receive the possession of Italy and Africa.

According to the forms of the constitution, Severus

acknowledged the supremacy of the western emperor; but

he was absolutely devoted to the commands of his

benefactor Galerius, who, reserving to himself the

intermediate countries from the confines of Italy to

those of Syria, firmly established his power over three

quarters of the empire.[27]

His hopes were dashed when his

colleague Constantius died at


in 306 and the legions elevated his son


to the position of Augustus. Galerius

only discovered this when he received a letter from

Constantine, who informed him of his father’s death,

modestly asserted his natural claim to the succession,

and respectfully lamented that the enthusiastic violence

of his troops had not allowed him to obtain the Imperial

purple in the regular and constitutional manner. The

first emotions of Galerius were those of surprise,

disappointment, and rage; and, as he could seldom

restrain his passions, he threatened to burn both the

letter and the messenger.[28]

But when he had time to reconsider

his position, he inevitably saw that his chances of

winning a war against Constantine was doubtful at best,

especially given that he was well aware of Constantine’s

strengths as Constantine had been his guest for some

time at


, not to mention the attachment of the

troops to him[27].

Therefore, without either condemning or ratifying the

choice of the British army, Galerius accepted the son of

his deceased colleague as the ruler of the provinces

beyond the Alps; but he gave him only the title of

Caesar, and the fourth rank among the Roman princes,

whilst he conferred the vacant place of Augustus on his

favourite Severus.

The ambitious spirit of Galerius was

only just gotten over this disappointment when he beheld

the unexpected loss of Italy to


. Galerius’ need for additional revenue had

persuaded him to make a very strict and rigorous

examination of the property of his subjects for the

purpose of a general taxation. A very minute survey was

taken of their real estates; and, wherever there was the

slightest suspicion of concealment, torture was used to

obtain a sincere declaration of their personal wealth.

Italy had traditionally been exempt from any form of


but Galerius ignored this precedent, and the officers of

the revenue already began to number the Roman people,

and to settle the proportion of the new taxes. Italy

began to murmur against this indignity and Maxentius

used this sentiment to declare himself emperor in Italy,

to the fury of Galerius. Therefore, Galerius ordered his

colleague Severus to immediately march to Rome, in the

full confidence that, by his unexpected arrival, he

would easily suppress the rebellion[27].

Severus was quickly captured and executed by


, who had once again been elevated to the

rank of co-emperor, this time by his son Maxentius.

The importance of the occasion needed

the presence and abilities of Galerius. At the head of a

powerful army collected from


and the East, he entered Italy, determined

to revenge the death of Severus and to punish the

rebellious Romans. But due to the skill of Maximian,

Galerius found every place hostile, fortified, and

inaccessible; and though he forced his way as far as


, within sixty miles of Rome, his control in

Italy was confined to the narrow limits of his camp.

Seeing that he was facing

ever-greater difficulties, Galerius made the first

advances towards reconciliation, and dispatched two

officers to tempt the Romans by the offer of a

conference, and the declaration of his paternal regard

for Maxentius, reminding them that they would obtain

much more from his willing generosity that anything that

might have been obtained through a military campaign[27].

The offers of Galerius were rejected with firmness, his

friendship refused, and it was not long before he

discovered that unless he retreated, he might have

succumbed to the fate of Severus. It was not a moment

too soon; large monetary gifts from Maxentius to his

soldiers had corrupted the fidelity of the Illyrian

legions. When Galerius finally began his withdrawal from

Italy, it was only with great difficulty that he managed

to stop his veterans deserting him[27].

In frustration, Galerius allowed his

legions to ravage the countryside as they passed

northwards. Maxentius declined to make a general


With so many emperors now in

existence, in


Galerius, together with the retired emperor

Diocletian and the now active Maximian, called an

imperial ‘conference’ at


on the River Danube to rectify the

situation and bring some order back into the imperial

government. Here it was agreed that Galerius’ long-time

friend and military companion


, who had been entrusted by Galerius with

the defense of the Danube while Galerius was in Italy,

would become Augustus in the West, with Constantine as

his Caesar. In the East, Galerius remained Augustus and

Maximinus remained his Caesar. Maximian was to retire,

and Maxentius was declared a usurper.

Galerius’ plan soon failed. The news

of Licinius’ promotion was no sooner carried into the

East, than Maximinus, who governed, the provinces of

Egypt and Syria, rejected his position as Caesar, and,

notwithstanding the prayers as well as arguments of

Galerius, exacted, the equal title of Augustus[27].

For the first, and indeed for the last time, six

emperors administered the Roman world. And though the

opposition of interest, and the memory of a recent war,

divided the empire into two great hostile powers, their

mutual fears and the fading authority of Galerius

produced an apparent tranquility in the imperial


The last years of Galerius saw him

relinquishing his aspirations towards being the supreme

emperor of the empire, though he managed to retain the

position of first among equals. He spent the remainder

of his years enjoying himself and ordering some

important public works, such as discharging into the


the superfluous waters of

Lake Pelso

, and the cutting down the immense forests

that encompassed it[27].


Galerius died on 5 May 311 from a

horribly gruesome disease described by


, possibly some form of

bowel cancer




Fournier gangrene



, Palace of Galerius near




he had constructed in his birthplace, was

inscribed into the

World Heritage List

in June 2007.

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