1934 Boris III Tsar of Bulgaria 100 Leva Large Old European Silver Coin i50163

$250.00 $225.00

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Item: i50163


 Authentic Coin of:


Boris III
– Tsar of Bulgaria: 3 October 1918 – 28 August 1943

Silver 100 Leva 34mm (19.91 grams) 0.500 silver (approximately 0.3194 oz. ASW)

Reference: KM# 45 Designer: Percy Metcalfe

100 ЛEBA 1934 between two stalks of wheat and flower and bottom.

You are bidding on the exact item pictured,

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of


BASA-3K-7-342-28-Boris III of Bulgaria.jpeg
III, Tsar of Bulgaria
(30 January [O.S.
18 January] 1894 – 28 August 1943), originally Boris Klemens Robert Maria
Pius Ludwig Stanislaus Xaver
(Boris Clement Robert Mary Pius Louis
Stanislaus Xavier
), son of
Ferdinand I
, came to the throne in 1918 upon
the abdication
of his father, following the defeat
of the
Kingdom of Bulgaria
during World War I. This
was the country’s second major defeat in only five years, after the disastrous
Second Balkan War
(1913). Under the
Treaty of Neuilly
, Bulgaria was forced to cede
new territories and pay crippling reparations to its neighbours, thereby
threatening political and economic stability. Two political forces, the Agrarian
Union and the Communist Party, were calling for the overthrowing of the monarchy
and the change of the government. It was in these circumstances that Boris
succeeded to the throne. He distinguished himself during the Second World War by
opposing attempts by
Adolf Hitler
to deport the

population of his country.


Boris was born on 30 January 1894 in
. He was the first son of Prince
Ferdinand of Bulgaria
and his wife Princess
Marie Louise

In February 1896 his father paved the way for the reconciliation of Bulgaria
and Russia
with the conversion of the infant Prince
Boris from
Roman Catholicism
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
, a move that
earned Ferdinand the frustration of his wife, the animosity of his Catholic
Austrian relatives (particularly that of his uncle,
Franz Joseph I of Austria
) and excommunication
from the Catholic Church. In order to remedy this difficult situation Ferdinand
christened all his remaining children as Catholics.
Nicholas II of Russia
stood as godfather to
Boris and met the young boy during Ferdinand’s official visit to
Saint Petersburg
in July 1898.

He received his initial education in the so-called Palace Secondary School
which Ferdinand created in 1908 solely for his sons. Later, Boris graduated from
the Military School in
, then took part in the
Balkan Wars
. During the
First World War
he served as
liaison officer
of the General Staff of the
Bulgarian Army on the
Macedonian front
. In 1916 he was promoted to
and attached again as liaison officer
to Army Group Mackensen and the Bulgarian
Third Army
for the operations against
. Boris worked hard to smooth the
sometimes difficult relations between
Field Marshal

and the commander of the 3rd army
Lieutenant General

Stefan Toshev
. Through his courage and personal
example he earned the respect of the troops and the senior Bulgarian and German
commanders, even that of the
of the German Army
Erich Ludendorff
, who preferred dealing
personally with Boris and described him as excellently trained, a thoroughly
soldierly person and mature beyond his years. In 1918 Boris was made a
major general
and with the abdication of his
father acceded to the throne as Tsar Boris III on 3 October 1918.

Early reign


The Royal Sceptre of Boris III

One year after Boris’s accession,
Aleksandar Stamboliyski
(or Stambolijski)
of the Bulgarian People’s Agrarian Union was elected prime minister. Though
popular with the large peasant class, Stambolijski earned the animosity of the
middle class and military, which led to his toppling in a military coup on 9
June 1923, and his subsequent assassination. On 14 April 1925 an anarchist group
attacked Boris’s cavalcade as it passed through the
Pass. Two days later a bomb killed
150 members of the Bulgarian political and military elite in Sofia as they
attended the funeral of a murdered general (see
St Nedelya Church assault
). Following a further
attempt on Boris’s life the same year military reprisals killed several thousand
communists and agrarians, including representatives of the intelligentsia.
Finally, in October 1925, there was a short border war with Greece, known as the
Incident at Petrich
, which was resolved with
the help of the
League of Nations


Boris III of Bulgaria and Prime-minister
Kimon Georgiev
during the opening
session of the IV International Congress of Byzantine Studies
(Sofia, 09. 09. 1934)

In the
coup on 19 May 1934
, the
military organisation established a
dictatorship and abolished the political parties in Bulgaria. King Boris was
reduced to the status of a puppet king as a result of the coup. The following
year, he staged a counter-coup and assumed control of the country by
establishing a regime loyal to him. The political process was controlled by the
Tsar, but a form of parliamentary rule was re-introduced, without the
restoration of the political parties. With the rise of the “King’s government”
in 1935, Bulgaria entered an era of prosperity and astounding growth, which
deservedly qualify it as the Golden Age of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom. It
lasted nearly five years.

Boris married
Giovanna of Italy
, daughter of
Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
, first in a
Catholic ceremony in
, Italy in October 1930 (attended by
Benito Mussolini
), and then at an Orthodox
ceremony in Sofia. The marriage produced a daughter,
Maria Louisa
, in January 1933, and a son and
heir to the throne,
, in 1937.

World War II

In the early days of World War II, Bulgaria was neutral, but powerful groups
in the country swayed its politics towards Germany (with which Bulgaria had also
been allied in World War I). As a result of peace treaties that ended
World War I
– the
Treaty of Versailles
and the
Treaty of Neuilly
—Bulgaria, which had fought on
the losing side, lost two important territories to neighboring countries: the
northern plain of
to Romania and
to Greece. The Bulgarians considered
these treaties an insult and wanted the lands restored. When
Adolf Hitler
rose to power, he tried to win
Bulgarian King
Boris III
’s allegiance. In the summer of 1940,
after a year of war, Hitler hosted diplomatic talks between Bulgaria and Romania
in Vienna. On September 7, an agreement was signed for the return of South
to Bulgaria. The Bulgarian nation
rejoiced. In March 1941, Boris allied himself with the
Axis powers
, thus recovering most of
and Aegean
back to his kingdom, as well as
protecting his country from being crushed by the German
like neighboring
. For recovering these territories Tsar
Boris was called the Unifier (Bulgarian: Цар Обединител).

Tsar Boris appeared on the cover of
on 20 January 1941 wearing a full
military uniform. However he was unwilling to send troops to fight the Soviet
Union, although in that war the destinies of Bulgaria and Europe were to be
decided. He not only did not send regular troops to the
Eastern Front
, but also refused to allow a
legion of volunteers to go, although the German legation in Sofia received 1500
requests from Bulgarian young men who wanted to fight against

However, in spite of this strong alliance, Boris was not willing to render
full and unconditional cooperation with Germany, despite the German presence in
and along the railway line which passed
through the Bulgarian capital to Greece.

Bulgarian Royalty
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Coat of arms of Bulgaria (1881-1927).svg

Ferdinand I
   Boris III
Boris III
Marie Louise
Simeon II
   Prince Beltran
   Princess Mafalda
   Princess Olimpia
   Prince Tassilo
   Prince Mirko
   Prince Lukás
   Prince Tirso
   Prince Umberto
   Princess Sofia

But there was a price to be paid for the return of Dobrudja. This was the
adoption of the anti-Jewish “Law
for Protection of the Nation
” (Закон за защита на нацията — ЗЗН) on
24 December 1940. This law was in accordance with the
Nuremberg Laws
Nazi Germany
and the rest of Hitler’s occupied
Europe. Bulgarian Prime Minister
Bogdan Filov
and Interior Minister
Petur Gabrovski
, both Nazi sympathizers, were
the architects of this law, which restricted Jewish rights, imposed new taxes,
and established a quota for Jews in some professions. Many Bulgarians protested
in letters to their government. In March 1941, Bulgaria signed the Tripartite
Pact and joined the
coalition in hopes of regaining the
territories of Macedonia and Thrace. Tsar Boris signed it into law on 21 January

The Holocaust

In early 1943, in Bulgaria arrived the emissary of

Theodor Dannecker
, an SS Hauptsturmführer and
one of
Adolf Eichmann
‘s associates who guided the
campaign for the deportation of the
French Jews
to death camps. In February 1943,
met with the Commissar for Jewish
Affairs in Bulgaria –
Alexander Belev
, famous for his antisemitic and
strong nationalist views. They both held closed-door meetings and ended with a
secret agreement signed on 22 February 1943 for the deportations of 20,000 Jews
Aegean Thrace
Vardar Macedonia
. These were the territories
conquered by Germany and legally not to be under Bulgarian jurisdiction until
after the end of the war. The Jewish people in these territories were citizens
of Greece
. Several days later, it became clear
that the number of Jews
Aegean Thrace
Vardar Macedonia
was 11,343. The “quota” of
20,000 came short. The revised pact called for sending those 11,343 Jews from
and another 8,000 from
proper. The remaining
Bulgarian Jews
were to be deported later.

The initial roundups were to begin on March 9, 1943. In
, a town on the western border, the
boxcars were lined up. But as the news about the imminent deportations leaked,
protests began throughout
. In the morning of March 9, a
delegation from Kyustendil, composed of eminent public figures and headed by
Dimitar Peshev
, the deputy speaker of the
National Assembly, met with Interior Minister
Petur Gabrovski
. Facing strong opposition
within the country, Gabrovski relented. The same day he sent telegrams to the
roundup centers cancelling the deportations.

In a report of 5 April 1943, Adolph Hoffman, a German government adviser and
police attache at the German legation in Sofia (1943–44) wrote: “The Minister of
Interior has received instruction from the highest place to stop the planned
deportation of Jews from the old borders of Bulgaria”. In fact, Gabrovski’s
decision was not taken on his own “personal initiative,” but had come from the
highest authority— King Boris III, who at the risk of direct confrontation with
the Reich, refused to deport the Jews. Four hours before the deadline, the order
was cancelled. While Jews living in
proper were saved, 11,343 Jews from
Vardar Macedonia
were deported to the death camps of
. The Jewish subjects of these new
territories were considered exiles under
‘s military command and under
‘s direct jurisdiction. Bulgaria
administered these lands, but Nazi Germany did not formally annex them to
Bulgaria and their status were to be resolved only after the war.

Still reluctant to comply with the German deportation request, the Royal
Palace utilized Swiss diplomatic channels to inquire whether possible
deportations of the Jews could happen to British-controlled Palestine by ships
rather than to concentration camps in Poland by trains. However, this attempt
was blocked by the British Foreign Secretary,
Anthony Eden

Aware of Bulgaria’s unreliability on the Jewish matter, the Nazis grew more
suspicious about the quiet activities in aid of European Jewry of an old friend
of King Boris, Monsignor
Angelo Roncalli
, then Apostolic delegate in
and future
Pope John XXIII
. Reporting on the humanitarian
efforts of Roncalli, his secretary in
and in the
, Monsignor Loris F. Capovilla writes:
“Through his intervention, and with the help of King Boris III of Bulgaria,
thousands of Jews from
, who had first been sent to
and then to
, and who were in danger of being sent
Nazi concentration camps
, obtained transit
visas for Palestine
signed by him.”


Meetings with Hitler

Nazi pressure on King Boris III continued for the deportation of the
Bulgarian Jewry. At the end of March,
invited the king to visit him. Upon
returning home, King Boris ordered able-bodied Jewishmen to join hard labor
units to build roads within the interior of his kingdom. It is widely believed
this was the King’s attempt to avoid deporting them. In May 1943,
and the Commissar for Jewish Affairs
headed to plan the deportation of 50,000
Bulgarian Jews, to be loaded on steamers on the
River Danube
. Boris III continued the cat and
mouse game that
Bulgarian Jews
were needed for the construction
of roads and railway lines inside his kingdom. Nazi officials requested that
Bulgaria deport its Jewish population to German-occupied
. The request caused a public outcry, and
a campaign whose most prominent leaders were Parliament vice-chairman
Dimitar Peshev
and the head of the
Bulgarian Orthodox Church
, Archbishop Stefan,
was organized. Following this campaign, Boris III refused to permit the
extradition of Bulgaria’s 50,000 Jews.

On June 30, 1943, Apostolic Delegate
Angelo Roncalli
, the future Pope John XXIII,
wrote to King Boris III of Bulgaria, asking for mercy for “the sons of the
Jewish people
.” He wrote that King Boris should
on no account agree to that dishonorable action. On the copy of the letter the
Pope John XXIII
noted, by hand, that the King
replied verbally to his message. The note goes on: “Il Re ha fatto qualche cosa”
(“The king has acted”) and also noting the difficult situation of the monarch,
Mgr. Roncalli stresses once again: “Però, ripeto, ha fatto” (” But I repeat, he
has acted”).

An excerpt from the diary of Rabbi
Daniel Zion
, the spiritual leader of the Jewish
community in Bulgaria during the war years, reads: “Do not be afraid, dear
brothers and sisters! Trust in the Holy Rock of our salvation … Yesterday I
was informed by Bishop Stephen about his conversation with the Bulgarian king.
When I went to see Bishop Stephen, he said: “Tell your people, the King has
promised, that the Bulgarian Jews shall not leave the borders of Bulgaria …”.
When I returned to the synagogue, silence reigned in anticipation of the outcome
of my meeting with Bishop Stephen. When I entered, my words were: “Yes, my
brethren, God heard our prayers …”

Most irritating for Hitler, however, was the Tsar’s refusal to declare war on
the Soviet Union
or send Bulgarian troops to the
Eastern front. On 9 August 1943, Hitler summoned Boris to a stormy meeting at
East Prussia
, where Tsar Boris arrived by plane
on Saturday, 14 August. At
the King asserted his stance once
again not to send
Bulgarian Jews
to death camps in Poland and
Germany. While Bulgaria had declared a ‘symbolic’ war on the distant United
Kingdom and the United States, at that meeting Boris once again refused to get
involved in the war against the Soviet Union, giving two major reasons for his
unwillingness to send troops to Russia. First, many ordinary Bulgarians had
strong Russian sentiments; and second, the political and military position of
Turkey remained unclear. The ‘symbolic’ war against the Western Allies, however,
turned into a disaster for the citizens of
as the city was heavily bombarded by the
and the British
Royal Air Force
in 1943 and 1944. Nevertheless,
the bombardments started only after Boris’ death.

Bulgaria’s opposition came to a head at this last official meeting between
and King Boris III in August 1943.
Reports of the meeting indicate that Hitler was furious at the King for refusing
to join the war against the USSR and to deport the Jews within his kingdom. At
the end of the meeting, it was agreed that “the Bulgarian Jews were not to be
deported for King Boris had insisted that the Jews were needed for various
laboring tasks including road maintenance.” This act of bravery displayed by
King Boris saved all 50,000 Jews of Bulgaria. Two weeks later on August, 28th
1943, King Boris III died, aged 49.



The grave of Tsar Boris III in the
Rila Monastery


Wood-carving made by inhabitants of the village of Osoi, Debar
district, with the inscription: To its Tsar Liberator Boris III,
from grateful Macedonia

Shortly after returning to Sofia from a meeting with Hitler, Boris died of
apparent heart failure on 28 August 1943. According to the diary of the German
attache in Sofia at the time, Colonel von Schoenebeck, the two German doctors
who attended the king – Sajitz and
Hans Eppinger
– both believed that the king had
died from the same poison that Dr. Eppinger had allegedly found two years
earlier in the postmortem examination of the Greek prime minister
Ioannis Metaxas
, a slow poison which takes
weeks to do its work, and which causes the appearance of blotches on the skin of
its victim before death.

Boris was succeeded by his six-year-old son
Simeon II
under a Regency Council headed by
Boris’s brother,
Prince Kiril of Bulgaria

Following a large and impressive state funeral at the
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia
, where the
streets were lined with weeping crowds, the coffin of Tsar Boris III was taken
by train to the mountains and buried in Bulgaria’s largest and most important
monastery, the
Rila Monastery
. After taking power in September
1944, the Communist-dominated government had his body exhumed and secretly
buried in the courtyard of the
Vrana Palace
near Sofia. At a later time the
Communist authorities removed the zinc coffin from Vrana and moved it to a
secret location, which remains unknown to this day. After the fall of communism,
an excavation attempt was made at the Vrana Palace, in which only Boris’s heart
was found, as it had been put in a glass cylinder outside the coffin. The heart
was taken by his widow in 1993 to Rila Monastery where it was reinterred.

A wood-carving is placed on the left side of his grave in the Rila monastery,
made on 10 October 1943 by inhabitants of the village of Osoi,
Debar district
. The wood-carving has the
following inscription:

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