1954 Ukraine & Russian Pereyaslav Agreement 300 Year Commemorative Pin i56466

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as Soviet Union (USSR)
300 Years of Ukraine and Russia Union Commemorative
1954 Commemorative Pin

3.8×2.8mm (12.00 grams)

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The Pereyaslav Agreement,[1] 
also known as the Treaty of Pereyaslav, was an act undertaken by the
Council (rada
of Pereyaslav
Переяславская рада) convened in the town of 
Pereyaslav (now
central Ukraine
) in January 1654 on the 
initiative of

Bohdan Khmelnytsky
to address the issue of the

Cossack Hetmanate
, at the time a vassal state 
in the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
, securing the 
military protection from the
Tsardom of Russia
in exchange for allegiance to 
the Tsar. The Council was attended by a delegation from
headed by
Vasiliy Buturlin
. The event was soon thereafter 
followed by the adoption in Moscow of the so-called
March Articles
that stipulated an autonomous 
status of the Hetmanate within the Russian state. The agreement precipitated the
Russo-Polish War (1654–67)
. The definitive 
legal settlement was effected under the
Eternal Peace Treaty of 1686
concluded by 
Russia and Poland that re-affirmed Russia′s sovereignty over the lands of
Zaporizhian Sich
as well as the city of


No written treaty was concluded in Pereyaslav. An
oath of allegiance
to the
Russian monarch
from the leadership of Cossack 
Hetmanate was taken, shortly thereafter followed by swearing allegiance by other 
officials, clergy and inhabitants of the Hetmanate. The exact nature of the 
relationship stipulated by the agreement between the Hetmanate and Russia is a 
matter of scholarly controversy.[2]



  • Background

    • Cossack — Moscow 
      negotiations timeline

  • Preparations
  • Pereyaslav meeting 
    and the autonomous Cossack state

  • Historical 

  • See also
  • References
  • Literature

    • Printed
    • Online



In January of 1648, a major anti-Polish
led by
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
began in the
Zaporizhia lands
. Supported by popular masses, 
the rebels won a number of victories over the government forces of the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
seeking the 
increase of Cossack registry (kept at the expense of the state treasury), 
weakening of the Polish aristocratic oppression, oppression by the Jews who 
governed estates as well as recovery of positions of the Orthodox Church in own 
lands. However, the autonomy obtained by Khmelnytsky found itself squeezed 
between three Great powers:
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Tsardom of Muscovy
Ottoman Empire

Being the main leader of the uprising,
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
was not able to declare 
independence, because he was not a legitimate monarch and there was not such a 
candidate among other leaders of the uprising. Taking into consideration the 
economic and human resources, the uprising was taking place in backward regions 
of the Polish Crown, Kijow, Czernihow and Braclaw voivodeships. The Crimean 
Khan, the only ally, was not interested in a decisive victory of Cossacks.

Cossack — Moscow negotiations timeline

It is believed that negotiations to unite the Zaporizhia land with Russia 
started as early as in 1648. Such idea is common among Soviet historians of 
Ukraine and Russia such as
Mykola Petrovsky
Many other Ukrainian historians among which are
Ivan Krypiakevych
Dmitriy Ilovaisky
Myron Korduba
Valeriy Smoliy[7] 
and others interpret negotiations as an attempt to attract the Tsar to military 
support of Cossacks and motivate him to struggle for the Polish Crown which 
became available after the death of
Władysław IV Vasa

  • June 18, 1648 – the first known official letter of
    Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
    to the Tsar
    Alexis I
  • June 18, 1648 – letter of Khmelnytskyi to the Muscovite voivode of 
    Siveria, Leontiev. Mention of favorable attitude of the Cossacks to the 
    Tsar. The issue of allegiance to the Tsar is not raised.[8]
  • July 21, 1648 – letter of Khmelnytskyi to the Muscovite voivode of 
    Putivl, Pleshcheyev. Mention of motivation of the Tsar of Muscovy to the 
    struggle for the Polish Crown. The issue of allegiance to the Tsar is not 
  • end of December of 1648 – departing of Khmelnytskyi delegation to 
    Moscow. The delegation included the chief envoy
    Syluyan Muzhylovsky
    Patriarch Paisius I of Jerusalem
  • January of 1649 – in Moscow Patriarch Paisius convinced the Tsar of 
    Khmelnytskyi’s intentions “…striking with forehead to your Imperial 
    Majesty, so the emperor ordered to grant him, Khmelnytskyi and all the 
    Zaporizhian Host adoption under His high imperial hand…”,[10] 
    but in the Muzhylovsky’s notes is mentioned only request for military 
    assistance, while the issue of allegiance to the Tsar was not raised.[10]
  • April of 1649 – meeting of Khmelnytskyi with the Tsar’s envoy
    Grigoriy Unkovsky
    . Hetman emphasized on the kinship 
    of Ukraine with Moscow: “…from the baptizing by St.Vladimir we had with 
    Moscow our one pious Christian faith and one power…”[10] 
    and asked for military assistance.[9]
  • May of 1649 – deportation of Khmelnytskyi’s envoys to Moscow headed by
    Colonel Fedir Veshnyak. In 
    accreditation letter it was expressed petition for protectorate of the 
    Muscovite Tsar.[9] 
    “…take under own mercy and defense… whole Ruthenia”[9][10] 
    At the same time, similar delegation was sent to the
    Prince of Transylvania

    George II Rákóczi
    to encourage him to fight for the Polish Crown.[9]

  • August 16, 1649 – hollow victory at the
    Battle of Zboriv
    . Betrayed by Crimean 
    Tatars, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi blamed Moscow for not sending help.[7] 
    Cossack-Moscow relations worsened.[9] 
    Hetman and his associates resorted to diplomatic pressure on Moscow: openly 
    expressed about the need for campaign onto Muscovites[10] 
    and refused to give impostor Timofey Akudinov who claimed to be the son of 
    Moscow Tsar
    Vasili IV of Russia
  • March of 1650 – Khmelnytskyi ignored orders of the
    King of Poland
    on preparations to a shared 
    Polish-Crimean campaign against Moscow.[9]
  • Summer-fall of 1650 – revival of the Turkish-Ukrainian dialogue to 
    transfer under the Ottoman protectorate: “… Ukraine, White Ruthenia, 
    Volhynia, Podolie with whole Ruthenia all the way to Wisla…”[12][13]
  • March 1, 1651 –
    Zemsky Sobor
    . Moscow clergy found it possible in 
    case of not following by the Polish side conditions of the Eternal Peace 
    permit Alexis Mikhailovich to adopt the
    Zaporizhian Host
    as one of his subjects.[9]
  • September of 1651 – to
    arrived envoy Osman-aga and 
    informed about readiness of the
    High Porte
    to take under its protection 
    Khmelnytskyi did not rush anticipating the Moscow’s answer.[9]
  • March of 1652 – Khmelnytskyi’s envoys in Moscow. Envoy
    Ivan Iskra
    proposed immediately to take the
    Zaporizhian Host
    under the Tsar’s custody. 
    The Tsar’s government agreed to take only the army without the territory 
    anticipating in the future give it lands in the interfluve of
    and Medveditsa.[9]


The 1653 Zemsky Sobor that took place in Moscow in the fall adopted decision 
on including Ukraine to Muscovy and on November 2, 1653 the Moscow’s government 
declared war onto the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
. To conduct 
negotiations between two states to Ukraine from Moscow departed a big delegation 
headed by boyar

Vasili Buturlin
. In its composition were also
L.Lopukhin and representatives of clergy. 
The travel took almost three months. And not just because of bad roads and 
disorder: there had to be made new
royal standard
, the Buturlin’s speech text, 
from the mace (bulawa) designated to Hetman disappeared several precious stones 
that had to be recovered. Also the delegation had to wait almost a week for 
arrival of
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
who was delayed in
at the burial of his older son
Tymofiy Khmelnytsky
and later was not able to 
cross Dnieper
as the ice on the river was not strong 

Pereyaslav meeting and the autonomous Cossack state

At a meeting between the council of
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Vasiliy Buturlin
, representative of


Alexey I
of the
Tsardom of Russia
, during the
Khmelnytsky Uprising
. The “Pereyaslav Council” 
(Pereyaslavs’ka Rada in
) of Ukrainians took place on January 
18; it was meant to act as the supreme
council and demonstrate the unity and 
determination of the “Rus’ 
“. Military leaders and representatives of regiments, nobles 
and townspeople listened to the speech by the
Cossack hetman

Bohdan Khmelnytsky
, who expounded the necessity 
of seeking the Russian protection. The audience responded with applause and 
consent. The treaty, initiated with Buturlin later on the same day, invoked only 
protection of the
Cossack state
by the Tsar and was intended as 
an act of official separation of
from the
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
independence had been informally declared earlier in the course of the Uprising 
by Khmelnytsky). Participants in the preparation of the treaty at Pereyaslav 
included, besides Khmelnytsky, Chief Scribe
Ivan Vyhovsky
and numerous other Cossack 
elders, as well as a large visiting contingent from Russia and their 

The Cossack leaders tried in vain to exact from Buturlin some binding 
declarations; the envoy refused claiming lack of authority and deferred 
resolution of specific issues to future rulings by the Tsar, which he expected 
to be favorable to the Cossacks. Khmelnytsky and many Ukrainians (127,000 total 
including 64,000 Cossacks, according to the Russian reckoning) ended up swearing 
allegiance to the Tsar nevertheless, while numerous other leaders, Cossacks and 
private individuals objected or refused[citation 
. The actual details of the agreement were 
negotiated the following March and April in
by Cossack emissaries and the Tsardom. 
The Russians agreed to the majority of the Ukrainian demands, granting the 
Cossack state broad autonomy, large
Cossack register
and preservation of the status 
of the Kiev
Orthodox Patriarch, who would keep 
reporting to the
Patriarch of Constantinople
(rather than 
Moscow). The Cossack hetman was prohibited from conducting independent foreign 
policy, especially in respect to the Commonwealth and the
Ottoman Empire
, as the Tsardom pledged now to 
provide the Hetmanate’s defense. The status of Ukraine, seen by the negotiators 
as being now in union with the Russian state (rather than Poland), was thus 
settled. The erroneous but stubborn policies of the Commonwealth are widely seen 
as the cause of the Cossacks’ changed direction, which gave rise to a new and 
lasting configuration of power in central, eastern and southern Europe.[2]

The seemingly generous provisions of the Pereyaslav-Moscow pact were soon 
undermined by practical politics, Moscow’s imperial policies and Khmelnytsky’s 
own maneuvering. Disappointed by the
Truce of Vilna
(1656) and other Russian moves, 
he attempted to extricate the Hetmanate from the dependency. The Pereyaslav 
treaty led to the outbreak of the
Russo-Polish War (1654-1667)
and in 1667 to the
Truce of Andrusovo
, in which eastern Ukraine 
was ceded by Poland to Russia (in practice it meant a limited recovery of 
western Ukraine by the Commonwealth). The Cossack Hetmanate, the autonomous 
Ukrainian state established by Khmelnytsky, was later restricted to
left-bank Ukraine
and existed under the
Russian Empire
until it was destroyed by Russia 
in 1764-1775.[2]

The contemporary written records of the Pereyaslav-Moscow transactions do 
exist and are kept in the
Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts


The eventual consequence for the Hetmanate was the dissolution of the
Zaporizhian Host
in 1775 and the imposition of
in the region, as well as a systematic 
process of

For Russia, the deal eventually led to the full incorporation of the 
Hetmanate into the Russian state, providing a justification for the title of 
Russian tsars and emperors, the
Autocrat of all the Russias
Самодержецъ Всероссійскій
). Russia, 
being at that time the only part of former
Kievan Rus’
which was not dominated by a 
foreign power, considered itself the successor of Kievan Rus’ and the re-unifier 
of all Rus’ lands. Subsequently, in the 20th century, in official
propaganda and history, the Council of 
Pereyaslav was officially viewed and referred to as an act of “re-unification 
of Ukraine with Russia

For Poland, the deal provided one of the early signs of its gradual decline 
eventual demise
by the end of the 18th century.

The decision adopted in Pereyaslav is seen by Ukrainian nationalists as a sad 
occasion and lost chance for Ukrainian independence. The
“Rainbow” monument
in the Ukrainian capital

, colloquially referred to as the “Yoke 
of the Peoples”, further demonstrates the controversial nature of the treaty. 
Pro-Russian Ukrainian parties, on the other hand, celebrate the date of this 
event and renew calls for re-unification of the three
East Slavic
nations: Russia, Ukraine and

In 2004, after the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the event, the 
administration of President
Leonid Kuchma
of Ukraine established January 18 
as the official date to commemorate the event, a move which created controversy. 
In 1954, the anniversary celebrations included the
from the
Russian Republic
to the
Ukrainian Republic
of the
Soviet Union
, a movement reversed by the
annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation
in 2014.

See also

  • Khmelnytsky Uprising
  • Cossack Hetmanate
  • Pereyaslav Articles
  • History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 



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