ANTONINUS PIUS 156AD Tyana Cappadocia TYCHE Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i57574

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Item: i57574


Authentic Ancient 

Coin of:

Antoninus Pius –

Roman Emperor: 138-161 A.D.
Bronze 21mm (8.82 grams) city of Tyana in Cappadocia, Struck 156/157 A.D.
Reference: Sear GIC 1490; B.M.C.20.97,6
AVTOK. ANTWNЄINOC CЄBA, Laureate head right.
TYANЄWN T.Π.T. IЄP. ACY. AYT., City-goddess 
(Tyche) enthroned left, holding corn-ears and grapes, river-god swimmint at her 
feet; in field, ЄT-ΘI (= regnal year 19 = 156/157 

You are bidding on the exact 

item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime 

Guarantee of Authenticity.

Tyche (Greek for luck; the Roman equivalent was
) was the presiding
tutelary deity
that governed the fortune and 
prosperity of a city, its destiny. Increasingly during the Hellenistic period, 
cities had their own specific iconic version of Tyche, wearing a
mural crown
(a crown like the walls of the 

Greek historian Polybius
believed that when no cause can be 
discovered to events such as floods, droughts, frosts or even in politics, then 
the cause of these events may be fairly attributed to Tyche.

Stylianos Spyridakis  concisely expressed Tyche’s appeal in a 
Hellenistic world of arbitrary violence and unmeaning reverses: “In the 
turbulent years of the
Epigoni of Alexander
, an awareness of the 
instability of human affairs led people to believe that Tyche, the blind 
mistress of Fortune, governed mankind with an inconstancy which explained the 
vicissitudes of the time.”

In literature, she might be given various genealogies, as a daughter of
, or considered as one of the
, daughters of
, or of

. She was connected with
Agathos Daimon
(“good spirit”).

She was uniquely venerated at
in Crete, as Tyche Protogeneia
linked with the Athenian
(“firstborn”), daughter of
, whose self-sacrifice saved the 

She had temples at
Caesarea Maritima
. In
the Tychaeon, the temple of 
Tyche, was described by
as one of the most magnificent of the 
entire Hellenistic world.

Tyche appears on many
of the Hellenistic period in the three 
centuries before the Christian era, especially from cities in the Aegean. 
Unpredictable turns of fortune drive the complicated plotlines of
Hellenistic romances
, such as
Leucippe and Clitophon
Daphnis and Chloe
. She experienced a 
resurgence in another era of uneasy change, the final days of publicly 
, between the late-fourth-century 
Theodosius I
who definitively closed the 
temples. The effectiveness of her capricious power even achieved respectability 
in philosophical circles during that generation, though among poets it was a 
commonplace to revile her for a fickle harlot.

In medieval art
, she was depicted as carrying a
, an
ship’s rudder, and the
wheel of fortune
, or she may stand on the 
wheel, presiding over the entire circle of fate.

The constellation of
is sometimes identified as the heavenly 
figure of Tyche, as well as other goddesses such as

Tyana or Tyanna 
(Ancient Greek:
Tuwanuwa) was an ancient city in 
the Anatolian
region of
, in modern
Niğde Province
Central Anatolia
. It was the capital of a
kingdom in the 1st millennium BC.


Tyana is the city referred to in
archives as Tuwanuwa. During the 
Hittite Empire period in mid 2nd millennium, Tuwanuwa was among the principal 
settlements of the region along with Hupisna, Landa, Sahasara, Huwassana and 
Kuniyawannni. This south-central Anatolian region was referred to as the Lower 
Land in Hittite sources and its population was mainly
speakers. Following the collapse of the 
Hittite Empire, Tuwanuwa/Tuwana was a major city of the independent Neo-Hittite 
kingdoms. It is not certain whether or not it was initially subject to the
kingdom to its north, but certainly by 
the late 8th century BC it was an independent kingdom under a ruler named
(in Assyrian sources Urballa). He 
figures in several hieroglyphic
Luwian inscriptions
found in the region, 
including a monumental rock carving in
. Warpalawa is also mentioned in Assyrian 
texts, under the name Urballa, first in a list of tributees of Assyrian king
Tiglath Pileser III
and later in a letter of
Sargon II
. Warpalawa was probably succeeded by 
his son Muwaharani whose name appears in another monument found in

Greek and Roman 

In Greek legend, the city was first called Thoana because Thoas, a
king, was its founder (Arrian,
Periplus Ponti Euxini, vi); it was in
, at the foot of the
Taurus Mountains
and near the Cilician Gates (Strabo
XII, 537; XIII, 587).

mentions it in his book
, under the name of Dana, as 
a large and prosperous city. The surrounding plain was known after it as

It is the reputed birthplace of the celebrated philosopher (and reputed 
saint, god, or magician)
Apollonius of Tyana
in the first century AD.

VIII) places the tale of
Baucis and Philemon
in the vicinity.

According to Strabo the city was known also as “Eusebeia at the Taurus”. 
Roman Emperor

, the city became Antoniana colonia 
. After having sided with Queen
, it was captured by
in 272, who would not allow his 
soldiers to sack it, allegedly because
appeared to him, pleading for its 

Late Roman 
and Byzantine periods

In 372, Emperor Valens
split the
of Cappadocia in two, and Tyana became 
the capital and metropolis of
Cappadocia Secunda
. In
Late Antiquity
, the city was also known as
Χριστούπολις, “city of Christ”).

Following the
Muslim conquests
and the establishment of the 
frontier between the
Byzantine Empire
and the
along the
Taurus Mountains
, Tyana became important as a 
military base due to its strategic position on the road to
via the
Cilician Gates
, which lie some 30 km to the 
south. Consequently, the city was frequently targeted by Muslim raids. The city 
was first
by the
after a long siege in 708, and 
remained deserted for some time before being rebuilt. It was then
by the
Harun al-Rashid
in 806. Harun began converting 
the city into a military base and even erected a
there, but evacuated it after the 
Byzantine emperor
Nikephoros I
bought a peace.

The city was again taken and razed by the Abbasids under
Al-Abbas ibn al-Ma’mun
in 831. Abbas rebuilt 
the site three years later as an Abbasid military colony in preparation for 
Caliph al-Ma’mun
‘s planned conquest of Byzantium, but 
after Ma’mun’s sudden death in August 833 the campaign was abandoned by his 
and the half-rebuilt city was razed 

The city fell into decline after 933, as the Arab threat receded. The ruins 
of Tyana are at modern
, three miles south of
; there are remains of a
Roman aqueduct
and of cave cemeteries and 
sepulchral grottoes.

Ecclesiastical history

As noted, in 372 Emperor
created the province of Cappadocia 
, of which Tyana became the metropolis. This aroused a violent 
controversy between
, Bishop of Tyana, and St.
Basil of Caesarea
, each of whom wished to have 
as many
sees as possible. About 640 Tyana had 
three, and it was the same in the tenth century (Heinrich 
, “Ungedruckte … Texte der Notitiae episcopatum”, 538, 554).

Le Quien
(Oriens christianus, I, 
395-402) mentions 28 bishops of Tyana, among whom were:

  • Eutychius, at Nice in 325
  • Anthimus, the rival of St. Basil
  • Aetherius, at Constantinople in 381
  • Theodore, the friend of
    St. John Chrysostom
  • Eutherius, the partisan of
    , deposed and exiled in 431
  • Cyriacus, a


In May 1359, Tyana still had a
(Mikelosich and Müller, “Acta 
patriarchatus Constantinopolitani”, I, 505); in 1360 the
metropolitan of Caesarea
secured the 
administration of it (op. cit., 537). Thenceforth the see was titular.

Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus (19 September 86 – 7 

March 161), generally known in English as Antoninus Pius was

Roman emperor

from 138 to 161. He was the fourth of the

Five Good Emperors


Antoninus Pius Glyptothek Munich 337 cropped.jpgand a member of the

. He 

did not possess the


Pius” until after 

his accession to the throne. Almost certainly, he earned the name “Pius” because 

he compelled the


to deify his adoptive father

; the

Historia Augusta

, however, suggests that he may have earned the name by 

saving senators sentenced to death by Hadrian in his later years.


He was the son and only child of

Titus Aurelius Fulvus


in 89 

whose family came from


(modern Nîmes

and was born near


and his mother was Arria Fadilla. Antoninus’ father and paternal grandfather 

died when he was young and he was raised by

Gnaeus Arrius Antoninus

, his maternal grandfather, a man of integrity and 

culture and a friend of

Pliny the Younger

. His mother married to Publius Julius Lupus (a man of 

consular rank),


in 98, and bore him a daughter called Julia Fadilla.

As a private citizen between 110 and 115, he married Annia Galeria

Faustina the Elder

. They had a very happy marriage. She was the daughter of 


Marcus Annius Verus



Faustina (a half-sister to Roman Empress


). Faustina was a beautiful woman, renowned for her wisdom. She spent 

her whole life caring for the poor and assisting the most disadvantaged Romans.

Having filled with more than usual success the offices of


and praetor

he obtained the consulship in 120; he was next appointed by the Emperor


one of the four


to administer


, then greatly increased his reputation by his conduct as




. He acquired much favor with the Emperor Hadrian, who adopted him as 

his son and successor on 25 February, 138, after the death of his first adopted 

son Lucius Aelius

, on the condition that Antoninus would in turn adopt Marcus 

Annius Verus, the son of his wife’s brother, and Lucius, son of Aelius Verus, 

who afterwards became the emperors

Marcus Aurelius



(colleague of Marcus Aurelius).


On his accession, Antoninus’ name became “Imperator Caesar Titus Aelius 

Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pontifex Maximus”. One of his first acts as Emperor 

was to persuade the


to grant divine honours to Hadrian, which they had at first refused; his efforts 

to persuade the Senate to grant these honours is the most likely reason given 

for his title of Pius (dutiful in affection; compare


). Two other reasons for this title are that he would support his 

aged father-in-law with his hand at Senate meetings, and that he had saved those 

men that Hadrian, during his period of ill-health, had condemned to death. He 

built temples, theaters, and mausoleums, promoted the arts and sciences, and 

bestowed honours and financial rewards upon the teachers of


and philosophy


In marked contrast to his predecessors



Antoninus was not a military man. One modern scholar has written “It is almost 

certain not only that at no time in his life did he ever see, let alone command, 

a Roman army, but that, throughout the twenty-three years of his reign, he never 

went within five hundred miles of a legion”.[2] 

His reign was the most peaceful in the entire history of the


while there were several military disturbances throughout the Empire in his 

time, in Mauretania



, and amongst the


in Britannia

, none of them are considered serious. The unrest in Britannia is 

believed to have led to the construction of the

Antonine Wall

from the

Firth of Forth

to the

Firth of Clyde

, although it was soon abandoned. He was virtually unique 

among emperors in that he dealt with these crises without leaving Italy once 

during his reign, but instead dealt with provincial matters of war and peace 

through their governors or through imperial letters to the cities such as 

Ephesus (of which some were publicly displayed). This style of government was 

highly praised by his contemporaries and by later generations.

Of the public transactions of this period we have scant information, but, to 

judge by what we possess, those twenty-two years were not remarkably eventful in 

comparison to those before and after his; the surviving evidence is not complete 

enough to determine whether we should interpret, with older scholars, that he 

wisely curtailed the activities of the Roman Empire to a careful minimum, or 

perhaps that he was uninterested in events away from Rome and

and his 

inaction contributed to the pressing troubles that faced not only Marcus 

Aurelius but also the emperors of the third century. German historian Ernst 

Kornemann has had it in his Römische Geschichte [2 vols., ed. by H. Bengtson, 

Stuttgart 1954] that the reign of Antoninus comprised “a succession of grossly 

wasted opportunities,” given the upheavals that were to come. There is more to 

this argument, given that the Parthians in the East were themselves soon to make 

no small amount of mischief after Antoninus’ passing. Kornemann’s brief is that 

Antoninus might have waged preventive wars to head off these outsiders.

Scholars place Antoninus Pius as the leading candidate for fulfilling the 

role as a friend of Rabbi


the Prince
. According to the


Zarah 10a-b), Rabbi Judah was very wealthy and greatly revered in Rome. He had a 

close friendship with “Antoninus”, possibly Antoninus Pius, 

who would consult Rabbi Judah on various worldly and spiritual matters.

After the longest reign since Augustus (surpassing


a couple of months), Antoninus died of fever at



about twelve miles (19 km) from Rome, on 7 March 161, giving the keynote to his 

life in the last word that he uttered when the


the night-watch came to ask the password—”aequanimitas” (equanimity). His body 

was placed in

Hadrian’s mausoleum

, a


was dedicated to him on the

Campus Martius

, and the


he had built in the Forum in 141 to his deified wife Faustina was 

rededicated to the deified Faustina and the deified Antoninus.


The only account of his life handed down to us is that of the

Augustan History

, an unreliable and mostly fabricated work. Antoninus is 

unique among Roman emperors in that he has no other biographies. Historians have 

therefore turned to public records for what details we know.


later scholarship

Antoninus in many ways was the ideal of the landed gentleman praised not only 

by ancient Romans, but also by later scholars of classical history, such as

Edward Gibbon

or the author of the article on Antoninus Pius in the ninth 

edition of the

Encyclopedia Britannicaca:

A few months afterwards, on Hadrian’s death, he was enthusiastically 

welcomed to the throne by the Roman people, who, for once, were not 

disappointed in their anticipation of a happy reign. For Antoninus came 

to his new office with simple tastes, kindly disposition, extensive 

experience, a well-trained intelligence and the sincerest desire for the 

welfare of his subjects. Instead of plundering to support his 

prodigality, he emptied his private treasury to assist distressed 

provinces and cities, and everywhere exercised rigid economy (hence the 

nickname κυμινοπριστης “cummin-splitter”). Instead of exaggerating into 

treason whatever was susceptible of unfavorable interpretation, he 

spurned the very conspiracies that were formed against him into 

opportunities for demonstrating his clemency. Instead of stirring up 

persecution against the Christians, he extended to them the strong hand 

of his protection throughout the empire. Rather than give occasion to 

that oppression which he regarded as inseparable from an emperor’s 

progress through his dominions, he was content to spend all the years of 

his reign in Rome, or its neighborhood.



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