Constans Gay Emperor Constantine the Great son Roman Coin Glory of Army i34534

$125.00 $112.50

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Item: i34534


Authentic Ancient 
Coin of:

Constans – Roman Emperor: 337-350 A.D. –
Bronze AE3 16mm (1.10 grams) Struck at the mint of Siscia 337-340 A.D.
CONSTANSPFAVG – Diademed (rosettes), draped and cuirassed bust right.
GLORIAEXERCITVS Exe: .ГSIS. – Two soldiers standing either side of a labarum 
with Chi-Rho (Christ monogram).

You are bidding on the exact item pictured, 
provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of 


Labarum of Constantine I, displaying the “Chi-Rho” symbol above.

The labarum  was a
(military standard) that displayed 
the “Chi-Rho” 

, formed from the first two
Greek letters
of the word “Christ”  

. It was first used by the
Roman emperor
Constantine I
. Since the vexillum consisted of 
a flag suspended from the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to 
symbolize the

Later usage has sometimes regarded the terms “labarum” and “Chi-Rho” as 
synonyms. Ancient sources, however, draw an unambiguous distinction between the 


Beyond its derivation from Latin labarum, the etymology of the word is 
unclear. Some derive it from Latin /labāre/ ‘to totter, to waver’ (in the sense 
of the “waving” of a flag in the breeze) or laureum [vexillum] (“laurel 
standard”). According to the
Real Academia Española
, the related
is also derived from Latin labărum 
but offers no further derivation from within Latin, as does the Oxford English 
An origin as a loan into Latin from a Celtic language or
has also been postulated. There is a 
traditional Basque symbol called the
; though the name is only attested from 
the 19th century onwards the motif occurs in engravings dating as early as the 
2nd century AD.

Vision of Constantine

A coin of Constantine (c.337) showing a depiction of his labarum 
spearing a serpent.

On the evening of October 27, 312, with his army preparing for the
Battle of the Milvian Bridge
, the emperor
Constantine I
claimed to have had a vision 
which led him to believe he was fighting under the protection of the
Christian God

states that, in the night before the 
battle, Constantine was commanded in a dream to “delineate the heavenly sign on 
the shields of his soldiers”. He obeyed and marked the shields with a sign 
“denoting Christ”. Lactantius describes that sign as a “staurogram”, or a
Latin cross
with its upper end rounded in a 
P-like fashion, rather than the better known
sign described by
Eusebius of Caesarea
. Thus, it had both the 
form of a cross and the monogram of Christ’s name from the formed letters “X” 
and “P”, the first letters of Christ’s name in Greek.

From Eusebius, two accounts of a battle survive. The first, shorter one in 
Ecclesiastical History
leaves no doubt that 
God helped Constantine but doesn’t mention any vision. In his later Life of 
, Eusebius gives a detailed account of a vision and stresses that 
he had heard the story from the emperor himself. According to this version, 
Constantine with his army was marching somewhere (Eusebius doesn’t specify the 
actual location of the event, but it clearly isn’t in the camp at Rome) when he 
looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek 
Ἐν Τούτῳ Νίκα
. The traditionally employed 
Latin translation of the Greek is
in hoc signo vinces
– literally “In this 
sign, you will conquer.” However, a direct translation from the original Greek 
text of Eusebius into English gives the phrase “By this, conquer!”

At first he was unsure of the meaning of the apparition, but the following 
night he had a dream in which Christ explained to him that he should use the 
sign against his enemies. Eusebius then continues to describe the labarum, the 
military standard used by Constantine in his later wars against
, showing the Chi-Rho sign.

Those two accounts can hardly be reconciled with each other, though they have 
been merged in popular notion into Constantine seeing the Chi-Rho sign on the 
evening before the battle. Both authors agree that the sign was not readily 
understandable as denoting Christ, which corresponds with the fact that there is 
no certain evidence of the use of the letters chi and rho as a Christian sign 
before Constantine. Its first appearance is on a Constantinian silver coin from 
c. 317, which proves that Constantine did use the sign at that time, though not 
very prominently. He made extensive use of the Chi-Rho and the labarum only 
later in the conflict with Licinius.

The vision has been interpreted in a solar context (e.g. as a
solar halo
phenomenon), which would have been 
reshaped to fit with the Christian beliefs of the later Constantine.

An alternate explanation of the intersecting celestial symbol has been 
advanced by George Latura, which claims that Plato’s visible god in Timaeus 
is in fact the intersection of the Milky Way and the Zodiacal Light, a rare 
apparition important to pagan beliefs that Christian bishops reinvented as a 
Christian symbol.

Eusebius’ description of the labarum

“A Description of the Standard of the Cross, which the Romans now call the 
Labarum.” “Now it was made in the following manner. A long spear, overlaid with 
gold, formed the figure of the cross by means of a transverse bar laid over it. 
On the top of the whole was fixed a wreath of gold and precious stones; and 
within this, the symbol of the Saviour’s name, two letters indicating the name 
of Christ by means of its initial characters, the letter P being intersected by 
X in its centre: and these letters the emperor was in the habit of wearing on 
his helmet at a later period. From the cross-bar of the spear was suspended a 
cloth, a royal piece, covered with a profuse embroidery of most brilliant 
precious stones; and which, being also richly interlaced with gold, presented an 
indescribable degree of beauty to the beholder. This banner was of a square 
form, and the upright staff, whose lower section was of great length, of the 
pious emperor and his children on its upper part, beneath the trophy of the 
cross, and immediately above the embroidered banner.”

“The emperor constantly made use of this sign of salvation as a safeguard 
against every adverse and hostile power, and commanded that others similar to it 
should be carried at the head of all his armies.”

Iconographic career under Constantine

Coin of
, a soldier is holding two 
labara. Interestingly they differ from the labarum of Constantine in 
having the Chi-Rho depicted on the cloth rather than above it, and 
in having their staves decorated with
as were earlier Roman 
military unit standards.

The emperor
holding a variant of the 
labarum – the Latin phrase on the cloth means “In the name of Christ 
[rendered by the Greek letters XPI] be ever victorious.”

Among a number of standards depicted on the
Arch of Constantine
, which was erected, largely 
with fragments from older monuments, just three years after the battle, the 
labarum does not appear. A grand opportunity for just the kind of political 
propaganda that the Arch otherwise was expressly built to present was missed. 
That is if Eusebius’ oath-confirmed account of Constantine’s sudden, 
vision-induced, conversion can be trusted. Many historians have argued that in 
the early years after the battle the emperor had not yet decided to give clear 
public support to Christianity, whether from a lack of personal faith or because 
of fear of religious friction. The arch’s inscription does say that the Emperor 
had saved the
res publica
MENTIS MAGNITVDINE (“by greatness of mind and by instinct [or impulse] 
of divinity”). As with his predecessors, sun symbolism – interpreted as 
Sol Invictus
(the Unconquered Sun) or
– is inscribed on his coinage, but in 
325 and thereafter the coinage ceases to be explicitly pagan, and Sol Invictus 
disappears. In his
Historia Ecclesiae
Eusebius further reports 
that, after his victorious entry into Rome, Constantine had a statue of himself 
erected, “holding the sign of the Savior [the cross] in his right hand.” There 
are no other reports to confirm such a monument.

Whether Constantine was the first
emperor supporting a peaceful 
transition to Christianity during his rule, or an undecided pagan believer until 
middle age, strongly influenced in his political-religious decisions by his 
Christian mother
St. Helena
, is still in dispute among 

As for the labarum itself, there is little evidence for its use before 317.In 
the course of Constantine’s second war against Licinius in 324, the latter 
developed a superstitious dread of Constantine’s standard. During the attack of 
Constantine’s troops at the
Battle of Adrianople
the guard of the labarum 
standard were directed to move it to any part of the field where his soldiers 
seemed to be faltering. The appearance of this talismanic object appeared to 
embolden Constantine’s troops and dismay those of Licinius.At the final battle 
of the war, the
Battle of Chrysopolis
, Licinius, though 
prominently displaying the images of Rome’s pagan pantheon on his own battle 
line, forbade his troops from actively attacking the labarum, or even looking at 
it directly.[16]

Constantine felt that both Licinius and
were agents of Satan, and associated them 
with the serpent described in the
Book of Revelation
Constantine represented Licinius as a snake on his coins.

Eusebius stated that in addition to the singular labarum of Constantine, 
other similar standards (labara) were issued to the Roman army. This is 
confirmed by the two labara depicted being held by a soldier on a coin of
(illustrated) dating from 350.

Later usage

Modern ecclesiastical labara (Southern Germany).

The emperor
Constantine Monomachos
panel of a Byzantine enamelled crown) holding a miniature labarum

Constans (Latin:
Flavius Julius Constans Augustus
(c.323-350) was
Roman Emperor
from 337 to 350. He defeated his 
Constantine II
in 340, but anger in the army 
over his personal life and preference for his barbarian bodyguards led the 
general Magnentius
to rebel, resulting in the 
assassination of Constans in 350.


Constans was the third and youngest son of
Constantine the Great
, his father’s second wife. He was 
educated at the court of his father at
under the tutelage of the poet
Aemilius Magnus Arborius
On 25 December 333, Constantine I elevated Constans to the rank 
. Constans became engaged to
, the daughter of the
Praetorian Prefect
, but the marriage never came to 
pass.With Constantine’s death in 337, Constans and his two brothers,
Constantine II
Constantius II
, divided the Roman world between 
themselves and disposed of virtually all relatives who could possibly have a 
claim to the throne.The army proclaimed them
on September 9, 337. Almost 
immediately, Constans was required to deal with a
invasion in late 337, over whom he 
won a resounding victory.

Division of the Roman Empire among the Caesars appointed by
Constantine I
: from left to right, 
the territories of
Constantine II
, Constans,
Constantius II
. After the death of 
Constantine I (May 337), this was the formal division of the Empire, 
until Dalmatius was killed and his territory divided between 
Constans and Constantius.

Constans was initially under the guardianship of Constantine II. The original 
settlement assigned Constans the
praetorian prefectures
Italy and Africa
. Constans was unhappy with 
this division, so the brothers met at
in 338 to revise the boundaries. 
Constans managed to extract the prefecture of
and the
diocese of Thrace
,provinces that were 
originally to be ruled by his cousin
, as per Constantine I’s proposed 
division after his death. Constantine II soon complained that he had not 
received the amount of territory that was his due as the eldest son.

Annoyed that Constans had received Thrace and
after the death of Dalmatius, 
Constantine demanded that Constans hand over the African provinces, which he 
agreed to do in order to maintain a fragile peace. Soon, however, they began 
quarreling over which parts of the African provinces belonged to
, and thus Constantine, and which 
belonged to Italy
, and therefore Constans. This led to 
growing tensions between the two brothers, which were only heightened by 
Constans finally coming of age and Constantine refusing to give up his 
guardianship. In 340 Constantine II invaded Italy. Constans, at that time in
, detached and sent a select and 
disciplined body of his Illyrian troops, stating that he would follow them in 
person with the remainder of his forces. Constantine was eventually trapped at
, where he died, leaving Constans to 
inherit all of his brother’s former territories –

Constans began his reign in an energetic fashion. In 341-42, he led a 
successful campaign against the
, and in the early months of 343 he 
. The source for this visit,
Julius Firmicus Maternus
, does not provide a 
reason, but the quick movement and the danger involved in crossing the
in the dangerous winter months suggests 
it was in response to a military emergency, possibly to repel the

Regarding religion, Constans was tolerant of Judaism but promulgated an edict 
banning pagan sacrifices in 341. He suppressed
in Africa and supported
Nicene orthodoxy
, which was championed by his brother 
Constantius. Although Constans called the
Council of Sardica
in 343 to settle the 
conflict, it was a complete failure, and by 346 the two emperors were on the 
point of open warfare over the dispute. The conflict was only resolved by an 
interim agreement which allowed each emperor to support their preferred clergy 
within their own spheres of influence.


In the final years of his reign, Constans developed a reputation for cruelty 
and misrule.
Dominated by favourites and openly preferring his select 
bodyguard, he lost the support of the
who were also offended by his 
homosexuality. In 350, the general
declared himself emperor at
with the support of the troops on 
the Rhine
frontier, and later the western provinces 
of the Empire. Constans was enjoying himself nearby when he was notified of the 
elevation of Magnentius.
Lacking any support beyond his immediate household, he was 
forced to flee for his life. As he was trying to reach either Italy or Spain, 
supporters of Magnentius cornered him in a fortification in
Vicus Helena
Elne) in the
, southwestern
, where he was killed after seeking 
sanctuary in a temple.



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Constans I



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