Constantine the Great Ancient Roman Coin Victory over Sarmatia Very rare i31667

$250.00 $225.00

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Item: i31667


Authentic Ancient

Coin of:

Constantine I ‘The Great’- Roman Emperor: 307-337 A.D.
Victory over Sarmatia.

 Bronze AE3 20mm (2.42 grams) Trier mint  323-324 A.D.

Reference: RIC VII 435,S
 CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right
 SARMATIA DEVICTA, Victory advancing right, holding trophy & palm branch,

spurning captive on ground to right, STR-crescent in ex.

You are bidding on the exact item pictured,

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of


The Iron Age
Sarmatians (Latin Sarmatæ
or Sauromatæ, Sanskrit

) were an
Iranian people
Classical Antiquity
, flourishing from about the
5th century BC to the 4th century AD.

Their territory was known as Sarmatia to
Greco-Roman ethnographers
, corresponding to the
western part of greater
Southern Russia
, and the eastern
). At their greatest reported extent,
around 100 BC, these tribes ranged from the
Vistula River
to the mouth of the
and eastward to the
, bordering the shores of the
seas as well as the
to the south.

The Sarmatians declined in the 4th century with the incursions connected to
Migration period
). The descendants of the Sarmatians
became known as the Alans
during the Early Middle Ages, and
ultimately gave rise to the modern
ethnic group.


Sarmatae is in origin probably just one of several tribal names of the
Sarmatians which came to be applied to the entire group as an
Greco-Roman ethnography
in the 1st century names as the main
tribes of the Sarmatians the
, the
, the
and the

The Greek name Sarmatai derives from the shortening of Sauromatai
apparently by association with lizards (sauros). Suggestions for the
reason the Sarmatians were associated with lizards include their reptile-like
scale armour and their dragon standards.[5]

Pliny the Elder
( book ivNatural
) and
are aware that the names in Sar-
and in Sauro- are interchangeable variants, referring to the same people.

Greek authors of the 4th century (Pseudo-Scylax,
Eudoxus of Cnidus
) mention Syrmatae as
the name of a people living at the Don, perhaps reflecting the ethnonym as it
was pronounced in the final phase of Sarmatian culture. The
mentions Sairima as a region “in
the west”.


The Sarmatians emerged in the 7th century BC in a region of the steppe to the
east of the Don River
and south of the
Ural Mountains
in Eastern Europe. For centuries
they lived in relatively peaceful co-existence with their western neighbours the
. Then in the 3rd century BC they
spilled over the Don to attack the Scythians on the
Pontic steppe
to the north of
the Black Sea
. The Sarmatians were to dominate
these territories over the next five centuries.[6]


Great steppe
of Kazakhstan in early

A Sarmatian
, found at the Khokhlach
(1st century AD,
Hermitage Museum

Sarmatian cataphracts during
Dacian Wars
as depicted on
Trajan’s Column

Sarmatia Europea in map of
, 1697.

Sarmatia Europæa” separated from “Sarmatia Asiatica
by the Tanais
River Don
), based on Greek literary
sources, in a map printed in London, ca 1770.

Soviet archaeologist
Boris Grakov
in 1947[citation
defined a culture flourishing from the 6th
century BC to the 4th century AD, apparent in late
graves, sometimes reusing part of much
older Kurgans. It is a nomadic steppe culture ranging from the
Black Sea
to beyond the
, and is especially evident at two of the
major sites at
in the trans-Uralic steppe. Grekov
defined four phases:

  1. Sauromatian, 6th-5th centuries BC
  2. Early Sarmatian, 4th-2nd centuries BC
  3. Middle Sarmatian, late 2nd century BC to late 2nd century AD
  4. Late Sarmatian: late 2nd century AD to 4th century AD

It is important to note that while “Sarmatian” and “Sauromatian” are
synonymous as ethnonyms, they are given different meanings purely by convention
as archaeological technical terms.

In Hungary
, a great Late Sarmatian pottery center
was reportedly unearthed between 2001–2006 near
, in
archaeological site. Typical gray,
granular Üllő5 ceramics forms a distinct group of Sarmatian pottery found
everywhere in the northcentral part of the
Great Hungarian Plain
region, indicating a
lively trading activity. A 1998 paper on the study of glass beads found in
Sarmatian graves suggests wide cultural and trade links.[7]

Archaeological evidence suggests that Scythian-Sarmatian cultures may have
given rise to the myth of
. Graves of armed females have been
found in southern Ukraine and Russia. David Anthony notes, “About 20% of
“warrior graves” on the lower
and lower
contained females dressed for battle as
if they were men, a phenomenon that probably inspired the Greek tales about the


The numerous Iranian personal names in the Greek inscriptions from the
Black Sea
Coast indicate that the Sarmatians
spoke a
North-Eastern Iranian
dialect ancestral to


Like the Scythians, Sarmatians were of a
appearance, and before the arrival of
the Huns
(4th century AD) it is thought that few
had Asiatic or turco
features. Sarmatian noblemen often reached 1.70-1.80m (5ft 7ins-5ft 10ins) as
measured from
, and they had sturdy bones, they wore
long hair and beards.

The Alans
who were a group of Sarmatian tribes
according to the
Ammianus Marcellinus
“Nearly all the Alani are
men of great stature and beauty , their hair is somewhat
, their eyes are frighteningly fierce”.[6]


4.21) in the 5th century BC placed the land of the Sarmatians east of the
, beginning at the corner of the
Maeotian Lake
, stretching northwards for
fifteen days’ journey, adjacent to the forested land of the
. Herodotus describes the Sarmatians’
physical appearance as blond, stout and tanned, in short, pretty much as the
were seen by the other classical

As seen in Roman depictions of Sarmatians they are of caucasian types[10]

Herodotus (4.110-117) gives a story of the Sauromatians’ origin from an
unfortunate marriage of a band of young Scythian men and a group of
. In the story, some
were captured in battle by Greeks in
) near the river
, and the captives were loaded into
three boats. They overcame their captors while at sea, but were not able
sailors. Their ships were blown north to the
Maeotian Lake
Sea of Azov
) onto the shore of
near the cliff region (today’s
southeastern Crimea
). After encountering the Scythians and
learning the Scythian language, they agreed to marry Scythian men, but only on
the condition that they move away and not be required to follow the customs of
Scythian women. According to Herodotus, the descendants of this band settled
toward the northeast beyond the
Tanais (Don)
river and became the Sauromatians.
Herodotus’ account explains the origins of the Sarmatians’ language as an
“impure” form of Scythian and credits the unusual freedoms of Sauromatae women,
including participation in warfare, as an inheritance from their supposed Amazon
ancestors. Later writers[who?]
refer to the “woman-ruled Sarmatae” (γυναικοκρατούμενοι). However, Herodotus’
belief that the Sarmatians were descendants of mythological Amazons is very
likely a fictional invention designed to explain certain idiosyncrasies of
Sarmatian culture.


explicitly classes them as Scythian
and describes their warlike women and their customs:

Their women, so long as they are virgins, ride, shoot, throw the javelin
while mounted, and fight with their enemies. They do not lay aside their
virginity until they have killed three of their enemies, and they do not
marry before they have performed the traditional sacred rites. A woman who
takes to herself a husband no longer rides, unless she is compelled to do so
by a general expedition. They have no right breast; for while they are yet
babies their mothers make red-hot a bronze instrument constructed for this
very purpose and apply it to the right breast and cauterize it, so that its
growth is arrested, and all its strength and bulk are diverted to the right
shoulder and right arm.

mentions the Sarmatians in a number of
places, never saying very much about them. He uses both Sarmatai and Sauromatai,
but never together, and never suggesting that they are different peoples. He
often pairs Sarmatians and
in reference to a series of ethnic
names, never stating which is which, as though Sarmatian or Scythian could apply
equally to them all.

In Strabo, the Sarmatians extend from above the Danube eastward to the Volga,
and from north of the
into the
, where, he says, they are called
Caucasii like everyone else there. This statement indicates that the
already had a home in the Caucasus,
without waiting for the Huns to push them there.

Even more significantly, he points to a Celtic admixture in the region of the
, who, he says, are of
origin. The

are there. A fourth ethnic element
being melted in are the
(7.3.2). Moreover, the peoples toward
the north are Keltoskythai, “Celtic Scythians” (11.6.2).

Strabo also portrays the peoples of the region as being nomadic, or
Hamaksoikoi, “wagon-dwellers” and Galaktophagoi, “milk-eaters” referring, no
doubt, to the universal
eaten in historical times. The wagons
were used for porting tents made of

, which must have been the

used universally by Asian nomads.

Pliny the Elder
writes (4.12.79-81):

From this point (the mouth of the
) all the races in general are
Scythian, though various sections have occupied the lands adjacent to the
coast, in one place the
… at another the Sarmatae … Agrippa
describes the whole of this area from the Danube to the sea … as far as the
river Vistula in the direction of the Sarmatian desert … The name of the
Scythians has spread in every direction, as far as the Sarmatae and the
Germans, but this old designation has not continued for any except the most
outlying sections ….

According to Pliny, Scythian rule once extended as far as Germany.
supports this hypothesis by telling us
on the one hand that he was familiar with the Geography of
, which includes the entire Balto-Slavic
territory in Sarmatia[citation
, and on the other that this same region was
Scythia. By “Sarmatia”, Jordanes means only the Aryan territory. The Sarmatians
therefore did come from the Scythians.


De Origine et situ Germanorum
speaks of
“mutual fear” between
Germanic peoples
and Sarmatians:

All Germania is divided from Gaul, Raetia, and Pannonia by the Rhine and
Danube rivers; from the Sarmatians and the
by shared fear and mountains. The
Ocean laps the rest, embracing wide bays and enormous stretches of islands.
Just recently, we learned about certain tribes and kings, whom war brought
to light.[12]

According to Tacitus, like the
, the Sarmatians wore long, flowing
robes (ch 17). Moreover, the Sarmatians exacted tribute from the
, and iron from the Cotini (ch. 43), “to
their shame” (presumably because they could have used the iron to arm themselves
and resist).

By the 3rd century BC, the Sarmatian name appears to have supplanted the
Scythian in the plains of what is now south
. The geographer,
reports them at what must be their maximum
extent, divided into adjoining European and central Asian sections. Considering
the overlap of tribal names between the Scythians and the Sarmatians, no new
displacements probably took place. The people were the same Indo-Europeans they
used to be, but now under yet another name.

, viewing
votive offerings
near the Athenian Acropolis in
the 2nd century AD,[13]
found among them a Sauromic breastplate.

On seeing this a man will say that no less than Greeks are foreigners
skilled in the arts: for the Sauromatae have no iron, neither mined by
themselves nor yet imported. They have, in fact, no dealings at all with the
foreigners around them. To meet this deficiency they have contrived
inventions. In place of iron they use bone for their spear-blades, and
for their bows and arrows,
with bone points for the arrows. They throw a lasso round any enemy they
meet, and then turning round their horses upset the enemy caught in the
lasso. Their breastplates they make in the following fashion. Each man keeps
many mares, since the land is not divided into private allotments, nor does
it bear any thing except wild trees, as the people are nomads. These mares
they not only use for war, but also sacrifice them to the local gods and eat
them for food. Their hoofs they collect, clean, split, and make from them as
it were python scales. Whoever has never seen a python must at least have
seen a pine-cone still green. He will not be mistaken if he liken the
product from the hoof to the segments that are seen on the pine-cone. These
pieces they bore and stitch together with the sinews of horses and oxen, and
then use them as breastplates that are as handsome and strong as those of
the Greeks. For they can withstand blows of missiles and those struck in
close combat.

Pausanias’ description is well borne out in a relief from Tanais.[citation
These facts are not necessarily incompatible
with Tacitus, as the western Sarmatians might have kept their iron to
themselves, it having been a scarce commodity on the plains.

In the late 4th century,
Ammianus Marcellinus
describes a severe defeat which Sarmatian raiders inflicted upon Roman forces in
the province of Valeria in
in late 374 AD. The Sarmatians almost
destroyed 2 legions: one recruited from
and one legion from Pannonia. The last
had been sent to intercept a party of Sarmatians which had been in pursuit of a
senior Roman officer named Aequitius. The two legions failed to coordinate,
allowing the Sarmatians to catch them unprepared.

Decline in the 4th

The Sarmatians remained dominant until the
ascendancy in the

Black Sea area
. Goths attacked Sarmatian tribes on the north of the
Danube in Dacia
, what is today
. The Roman Emperor
Constantine II
up from Galia to run a campaign
north of the Danube. In very cold weather, the Romans were victorious, killing
100,000 Goths and capturing
the son of the Goth king.[15][16][17]

In their efforts to halt the Gothic expansion and replace it with their own
on the north of Lower Danube (present-day Romania), the Sarmatians armed their
captives. After the Roman victory, however, the local population revolted
against their Sarmatian masters, pushing them beyond the Roman border.
Constantine, on whom the Sarmatians had called for help, defeated
, the leader of the revolt, and moved
the Sarmatian population back in. In the Roman provinces, Sarmatian combatants
were enlisted in the Roman army, whilst the rest of the population was
distributed throughout
, Macedonia and Italy.
Origo Constantini
mentions 300,000 refugees
resulting from this conflict. The emperor Constantine was subsequently
attributed the title of
Sarmaticus Maximus

In the 4th and 5th centuries, the

expanded and conquered both the Sarmatians and the Germanic
Tribes living between the Black Sea and the borders of the Roman Empire. From
bases in modern day Hungary, the Huns ruled the entire former Sarmatian
territory. Their various constituents enjoyed a
under Hunnish rule, fought for the Huns
against a combination of Roman and Germanic troops, and went their own ways
after the
Battle of Chalons
, the death of
and the disappearance of the
ruling elements west of the Volga.


Roman mythology

, Victoria was the personification/Goddess of victory.

She is the Roman version of the

Greek goddess


, and was associated with


. She was adapted from the


agricultural goddess

and had



on the

Palatine Hill

. Her name (in Latin) means victory. Unlike the Greek Nike, Victoria (Latin

for “victory”) was a major part of Roman society. Multiple temples were erected

in her honour. When her statue was removed in 382 AD by emperor


there was much anger in Rome. She was normally worshipped by


generals returning from war. Also unlike the Greek Nike, who was known for success in athletic games such

as chariot races, Victoria was a symbol of victory over death and determined who

would be successful during war. Appearing on Roman coins, jewelry, architecture, and other arts, Victoria is

often seen with or in a

. An

example of this is her place upon the

Brandenburg Gate

in Berlin, Germany.

Caesar Flavius Valerius

Aurelius Constantinus Augustus (27 February c. 272

– 22 May 337), commonly known in


as Constantine I, Constantine the Great, or (among

Eastern Orthodox

, Coptic Orthodox,

Oriental Orthodox


Byzantine Catholic

Christians) Saint Constantine, was



from 306, and the undisputed holder of that office from 324 until

his death in 337. Best known for being the first


Roman emperor, Constantine reversed the


of his predecessor,



and issued (with his co-emperor



the Edict of Milan

in 313, which proclaimed

religious toleration

throughout the empire.



liturgical calendar, observed by the

Eastern Orthodox Church


Eastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine rite

, lists both Constantine and his



as saints. Although he is not included in the



list of saints, which does recognize several other Constantines as

saints, he is revered under the title “The Great” for his contributions to



Constantine also transformed the ancient Greek colony of


into a new imperial residence,


, which would remain the capital of the

Byzantine Empire

for over one thousand years.

One of the great Roman emperors, Constantine rose to power when his

father Constantius Chlorus died in the year 306 while campaigning against

Scottish tribes. He later went on to defeat the rival emperor Maxentius in the

decisive battle of Milvian Bridge in 312. He is credited for several great

landmarks in history and is probably best memorialized by the city that bore his

name for hundreds of years: Constantinople. Although now renamed Istanbul, this

city was to be the seat of power for all Byzantine emperors for the next 1100

years. Constantine is also remembered as the first Roman emperor who embraced

Christianity and instituted the buildings and papal dynasty that eventually grew

into what is today the Vatican and the Pope.

The latter part of his life saw his commitment to the church rise in step

with the increasing repression against old-school paganism. He left behind

several sons who would, after his death, turn on each other and generally undo

much of the stability that Constantine had fought so hard to bring about.

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Constantine I





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