Constantine The Great founds Constantinople Ancient Roman Coin Soldiers i42658

$125.00 $112.50

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Item: i42658


Authentic Ancient

Coin of:

Constantine I ‘The Great’

Roman Emperor
: 307-337 A.D. –

Founding of New Roman Capital Constantinople Commemorative
Bronze AE3 16mm (1.35 grams) Struck at the mint of Constantinople 330-335 A.D.
CONSTANTINOPOLI – Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding
scepter over shoulder.
soldiers standing either side of a standard.

* Numismatic Note: Commemorates founding of Constantinople as new Roman
capital by Constantine I the Great.

By circa 330 A.D., Constantine the Great completed his new
capital for the Roman empire  called Constantinople. For this momentous
occasion, he issued two commemorative coin types, one celebrating Rome and the
other Constantinople. The type that
commemorated Rome
had the
personification of Rome, Roma with the inscription VRBS ROMA and the founders of
Rome, Romulus and Remus on the reverse suckling the she-wolf. The type that
commemorated Constantinople
the personification of Constantinople on the obverse and Victory on a galley
sailing with a shield. This was a great way for Constantine the Great to pay
homage to both Rome and Constantinople.

 You are bidding on the exact item pictured,

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of



Roman military standards. The standards with discs, or signa
(first three on left) belong to centuriae of the
legion (the image does not show the heads of the standards – whether
spear-head or wreathed-palm). Note (second from right) the
. The standard on the
extreme right probably portrays the
(lupa) which fed
, the legendary founder of
Rome. (This was the emblem of
Legio VI Ferrata
, a legion then
based in
, a detachment of which is
known to have fought in Dacia). Detail from Trajan’s Column, Rome

Modern reenactors parade with replicas of various legionary
standards. From left to right: signum (spear-head type), with
four discs; signum (wreathed-palm type), with six discs;
of ruling emperor; legionary aquila; vexillum
of commander (legatus) of
Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix
, with
embroidered name and emblem (Capricorn) of legion

Each tactical unit in the imperial army, from centuria upwards, had
its own standard. This consisted of a pole with a variety of adornments that was
borne by dedicated standard-bearers who normally held the rank of duplicarius.
Military standards had the practical use of communicating to unit members where
the main body of the unit was situated, so that they would not be separated, in
the same way that modern tour-group guides use umbrellas or flags. But military
standards were also invested with a mystical quality, representing the divine
spirit (genius) of the unit and were revered as such (soldiers frequently
prayed before their standards). The loss of a unit’s standard to the enemy was
considered a terrible stain on the unit’s honour, which could only be fully
expunged by its recovery.

The standard of a centuria was known as a signum, which was
borne by the unit’s signifer. It consisted of a pole topped by either an
open palm of a human hand or by a spear-head. The open palm, it has been
suggested, originated as a symbol of the
(manipulus = “handful”), the
smallest tactical unit in the
Roman army of the mid-Republic
. The poles were
adorned with two to six silver discs (the significance of which is uncertain).
In addition, the pole would be adorned by a variety of cross-pieces (including,
at bottom, a crescent-moon symbol and a tassel). The standard would also
normally sport a cross-bar with tassels.

The standard of a Praetorian cohort or an auxiliary cohort or ala was
known as a vexillum
or banner. This was a square flag,
normally red in colour, hanging from a crossbar on the top of the pole. Stitched
on the flag would be the name of the unit and/or an image of a god. An exemplar
found in Egypt bears an image of the goddess Victory on a red background. The
was borne by a vexillarius. A legionary detachment (vexillatio)
would also have its own vexillum. Finally, a vexillum
traditionally marked the commander’s position on the battlefield.[194]
The exception to the red colour appears to have been the Praetorian Guard, whose
vexilla, similar to their clothing, favoured a blue background.

From the time of
(consul 107 BC), the standard of all
legions was the
(“eagle”). The pole was surmounted
by a sculpted eagle of solid gold, or at least gold-plated silver, carrying
thunderbolts in its claws (representing
, the highest Roman god. Otherwise the
pole was unadorned. No exemplar of a legionary eagle has ever been found
(doubtless because any found in later centuries were melted down for their gold
The eagle was borne by the aquilifer, the legion’s most senior
standard-bearer. So important were legionary eagles as symbols of Roman military
prestige and power, that the imperial government would go to extraordinary
lengths to recover those captured by the enemy. This would include launching
full-scale invasions of the enemy’s territory, sometimes decades after the
eagles had been lost e.g. the expedition in 28 BC by
Marcus Licinius Crassus
(Isaccea, near modern
, Rom., in the Danube delta region), a
fortress of the Getae
, to recover standards lost 33 years
earlier by
Gaius Antonius
, an earlier
Or the campaigns of AD 14-17 to recover the three eagles lost by
in AD 6 in the
Teutoburg Forest

Under Augustus, it became the practice for legions to carry portraits (imagines)
of the ruling emperor and his immediate family members. An imago was
usually a bronze bust carried on top of a pole like a standard by an

From around the time of Hadrian (r. 117-38), some auxiliary alae
adopted the dragon-standard (draco) commonly carried by Sarmatian cavalry
squadrons. This was a long cloth wind-sock attached to an ornate sculpture of an
open dragon’s mouth. When the bearer (draconarius) was galloping, it
would make a strong hissing-sound.


The Roman army awarded a variety of individual decorations (dona) for
valour to its legionaries. Hasta pura was a miniature spear; phalerae
were large medal-like bronze or silver discs worn on the cuirass; armillae
were bracelets worn on the wrist; and

were worn round the neck, or on the cuirass. The highest
awards were the coronae (“crowns”), of which the most prestigious was the
corona civica, a crown made oak-leaves awarded for saving the life of a
fellow Roman citizen in battle. The most valuable award was the corona
, a crown made of gold awarded to the first man to scale an enemy
rampart. This was awarded rarely, as such a man hardly ever survived.

There is no evidence that auxiliary common soldiers received individual
decorations like legionaries, although auxiliary officers did. Instead, the
whole regiment was honoured by a title reflecting the type of award e.g.
(“awarded a torque”) or armillata (“awarded bracelets”).
Some regiments would, in the course of time, accumulate a long list of titles
and decorations e.g. cohors I Brittonum Ulpia torquata pia fidelis c.R..

Constantinople was founded by the
Roman emperor

Constantine I
on the site of an already
existing city,
, settled in the early days of Greek
colonial expansion, probably around 671-662 BC. The site lay astride the land
route from Europe to Asia and the seaway from the Black Sea to the
, and had in the
Golden Horn
an excellent and spacious harbour.

Constantine II
presents a
representation of the city of Constantinople as tribute to an
enthroned Mary and Christ Child in this church mosaic.
St Sophia
, c. 1000

Constantine had altogether more colorful plans. Having restored the unity of
the Empire, and being in course of major governmental reforms as well as of
sponsoring the consolidation of the Christian church, he was well aware that
Rome was an unsatisfactory capital. Rome was too far from the frontiers, and
hence from the armies and the Imperial courts, and it offered an undesirable
playground for disaffected politicians. Yet it had been the capital of the state
for over a thousand years, and it might have seemed unthinkable to suggest that
the capital be moved to a different location. Nevertheless, he identified the
site of Byzantium as the right place: a place where an emperor could sit,
readily defended, with easy access to the
or the
frontiers, his court supplied from
the rich gardens and sophisticated workshops of Roman Asia, his treasuries
filled by the wealthiest provinces of the Empire.

Constantinople was built over six years, and consecrated on 11 May 330.
Constantine divided the expanded city, like Rome, into 14 regions, and
ornamented it with public works worthy of an imperial metropolis. Yet initially
Constantine’s new Rome did not have all the dignities of old Rome. It possessed
a proconsul
, rather than an
urban prefect
. It had no
quaestors. Although it did have
senators, they held the title clarus, not
, like those of Rome. It also
lacked the panoply of other administrative offices regulating the food supply,
police, statues, temples, sewers, aqueducts or other public works. The new
programme of building was carried out in great haste: columns, marbles, doors
and tiles were taken wholesale from the temples of the Empire and moved to the
new city. Similarly, many of the greatest works of Greek and Roman art were soon
to be seen in its squares and streets. The Emperor stimulated private building
by promising householders gifts of land from the Imperial estates in

, and on 18 May 332 he announced that,
as in Rome, free distributions of food would be made to the citizens. At the
time the amount is said to have been 80,000 rations a day, doled out from 117
distribution points around the city.

Augustaeum. The new senate-house (or Curia) was
housed in a basilica on the east side. On the south side of the great square was
erected the
Great Palace
of the emperor with its imposing
entrance, the Chalke
, and its ceremonial suite known as the
Palace of Daphne
. Nearby was the vast
for chariot-races, seating over
80,000 spectators, and the famed
Baths of Zeuxippus
. At the western entrance to
the Augustaeum was the
, a vaulted monument from which distances
were measured across the Eastern Roman Empire.

From the Augustaeum led a great street, the
(Greek: Μέση [Οδός] lit. “Middle
[Street]”), lined with colonnades. As it descended the First Hill of the city
and climbed the Second Hill, it passed on the left the
or law-court. Then it passed through
the oval
Forum of Constantine
where there was a second
Senate-house and a
high column
with a statue of Constantine
himself in the guise of
, crowned with a halo of seven rays and
looking towards the rising sun. From there the Mese passed on and through the
Forum of Taurus and then the Forum of Bous, and finally up the Seventh Hill (or
Xerolophus) and through to the Golden Gate in the
Constantinian Wall
. After the construction of
Theodosian Walls
in the early 5th century, it
would be extended to the new
Golden Gate
, reaching a total length of seven
Roman miles


File:Berlin - Siegessäule Spitze.jpg

ancient Roman religion
, Victoria was the
goddess of victory. She is the
Roman equivalent
of the
Greek goddess

, and was associated with
. She was adapted from the
agricultural goddess
and had a
on the
Palatine Hill
. The goddess
Vica Pota
was also sometimes identified with


Unlike the Greek
, the goddess Victoria (Latin
for “victory”) was a major part of Roman society. Multiple temples were erected
in her honor. When her statue was removed in 382 CE by Emperor
there was much anger in Rome. She was
normally worshiped by
generals returning from war.

Also unlike the Greek Nike, who was known for success in athletic games such
chariot races
, Victoria was a symbol of victory
over death and determined who would be successful during war.

Victoria appears widely on Roman coins, jewelry, architecture, and other
arts. She is often seen with or in a
, as in the late 18th-century sculpture
representing Victory in a
on the
Brandenburg Gate
, Germany; “Il Vittoriano
in Rome has two.

Winged figures, very often in pairs, representing victory and referred to as
“victories”, were common in Roman official iconography, typically hovering high
in a composition, and often filling spaces in
or other gaps in architecture. These
represent the spirit of victory rather than the goddess herself. They continued
to appear after Christianization of the Empire, and slowly mutated into
Christian angels

Greek mythology

was a goddess
who personified
, also known as the Winged Goddess of
Victory. The Roman equivalent was
. Depending upon the time of various
myths, she was described as the daughter of
(Titan) and

(Water) and the sister of
(Force), and
(Zeal). Nike and her siblings were close
companions of Zeus
, the dominant deity of the
Greek pantheon
. According to classical (later)
myth, Styx brought them to Zeus when
Stone carving of the goddess Nike at the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Ephesus
god was assembling allies for the
Titan War
against the older deities. Nike
assumed the role of the divine
, a role in which she often is
portrayed in Classical Greek art. Nike flew around battlefields rewarding the
victors with glory and fame.

Nike is seen with wings in most statues and paintings. Most other winged
deities in the Greek pantheon had shed their wings by Classical times. Nike is
the goddess of strength, speed, and victory. Nike was a very close acquaintance
of Athena
, and is thought to have stood in
Athena’s outstretched hand in the statue of Athena located in the Parthenon.
Nike is one of the most commonly portrayed figures on Greek coins.

Names stemming from Nike include amongst others:
, Nicola, Nick, Nikolai, Nils, Klaas,
Nicole, Ike, Niki, Nikita, Nika, Niketas, and Nico.

Constantine the Great (Latin:
Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus;
27 February c. 272 â€“ 22 May 337), also known as Constantine I or Saint
, was
Roman Emperor
from 306 to 337. Well known for
being the first Roman emperor to
be converted
, Constantine and co-Emperor
issued the
Edict of Milan
in 313, which proclaimed
tolerance of all religions
throughout the

Maxentius and
during civil wars. He also fought
successfully against the
, and
during his reign — even resettling
parts of Dacia
which had been abandoned during the
previous century. Constantine built a new imperial residence at
, naming it
New Rome
. However, in Constantine’s honor,
people called it
, which would later be the
capital of what is now known as the
Byzantine Empire

Flavius Valerius Constantinus, as he was originally named, was born in the
city of Naissus,
province of
, in present-day
, on 27 February of an uncertain year,
probably near 272.
His father was
Flavius Constantius
, a native of
province of Moesia (later
Dacia Ripensis
). Constantius was a tolerant and
politically skilled man. Constantine probably spent little time with his father.
Constantius was an officer in the Roman army, part of the Emperor
‘s imperial bodyguard. Constantius
advanced through the ranks, earning the
from Emperor
, another of Aurelian’s companions
, in 284 or 285.Constantine’s mother
, a
woman of low social standing.It is
uncertain whether she was legally married to Constantius or merely his concubine

Helena gave birth to the future emperor
Constantine I
on 27 February of an uncertain
year soon after 270 (probably around 272). At the time, she was in
). In order to obtain a wife more
consonant with his rising status, Constantius divorced Helena some time before
289, when he married
, Maximian’s daughter.(The narrative
sources date the marriage to 293, but the
Latin panegyric
of 289 refers to the couple as
already married). Helena and her son were dispatched to the court of
at Nicomedia, where Constantine grew
to be a member of the inner circle. Helena never remarried and lived for a time
in obscurity, though close to her only son, who had a deep regard and affection
for her.


She received the title of
in 325 and died in 330 with her son
at her side. She was buried in the
Mausoleum of Helena
, outside

on the
Via Labicana
. Her
is on display in the
Pio-Clementine Vatican Museum
, although the
connection is often questioned, next to her is the sarcophagus of her
granddaughter Saint Constantina (Saint Constance). The elaborate reliefs contain
hunting scenes. During her life, she gave many presents to the poor, released
prisoners and mingled with the ordinary worshippers in modest attire.

Constantine received a formal education at Diocletian’s court, where he
learned Latin literature, Greek, and philosophy.

On 1 May 305, Diocletian, as a result of a debilitating sickness taken in the
winter of 304–5, announced his resignation. In a parallel ceremony in Milan,
Maximian did the same. Lactantius states that Galerius manipulated the weakened
Diocletian into resigning, and forced him to accept Galerius’ allies in the
imperial succession. According to Lactantius, the crowd listening to
Diocletian’s resignation speech believed, until the very last moment, that
Diocletian would choose Constantine and
(Maximian’s son) as his successors.
It was not to be: Constantius and Galerius were promoted to Augusti, while
were appointed their Caesars
respectively. Constantine and Maxentius were ignored.

Constantine recognized the implicit danger in remaining at Galerius’ court,
where he was held as a virtual hostage. His career depended on being rescued by
his father in the west. Constantius was quick to intervene. In the late spring
or early summer of 305, Constantius requested leave for his son, to help him
campaign in Britain. After a long evening of drinking, Galerius granted the
request. Constantine’s later propaganda describes how he fled the court in the
night, before Galerius could change his mind. He rode from
to post-house at high speed,
every horse in his wake.By the
time Galerius awoke the following morning, Constantine had fled too far to be
caught. Constantine joined his father in
, at Bononia (Boulogne)
before the summer of 305.

From Bononia they crossed the
to Britain and made their way to
capital of the province of
Britannia Secunda
and home to a large military
base. Constantine was able to spend a year in northern Britain at his father’s
side, campaigning against the
Hadrian’s Wall
in the summer and autumn.
Constantius’s campaign, like that of
Septimius Severus
before it, probably advanced
far into the north without achieving great success. Constantius had become
severely sick over the course of his reign, and died on 25 July 306 in
Before dying, he declared his support for raising Constantine to the rank of
full Augustus. The
, a barbarian taken into service under
Constantius, then proclaimed Constantine as Augustus. The troops loyal to
Constantius’ memory followed him in acclamation. Gaul and Britain quickly
accepted his rule; Iberia, which had been in his father’s domain for less than a
year, rejected it.

Constantine sent Galerius an official notice of Constantius’s death and his
own acclamation. Along with the notice, he included a portrait of himself in the
robes of an Augustus. The portrait was wreathed in
. He requested recognition as heir to his
father’s throne, and passed off responsibility for his unlawful ascension on his
army, claiming they had “forced it upon him”.Galerius was put into a fury by the
message; he almost set the portrait on fire. His advisers calmed him, and argued
that outright denial of Constantine’s claims would mean certain war.Galerius was
compelled to compromise: he granted Constantine the title “Caesar” rather than
“Augustus” (the latter office went to Severus instead). Wishing to make it clear
that he alone gave Constantine legitimacy, Galerius personally sent Constantine
the emperor’s traditional
purple robes
. Constantine accepted the
decision. Constantine’s share of the Empire consisted of Britain, Gaul, and

Because Constantine was still largely untried and had a hint of illegitimacy
about him, he relied on his father’s reputation in his early propaganda: the
earliest panegyrics to Constantine give as much coverage to his father’s deeds
as to those of Constantine himself.
Constantine’s military skill and building projects soon gave
the panegyrist the opportunity to comment favorably on the similarities between
father and son, and Eusebius remarked that Constantine was a “renewal, as it
were, in his own person, of his father’s life and reign”. Constantinian coinage,
sculpture and oratory also shows a new tendency for disdain towards the
“barbarians” beyond the frontiers. After Constantine’s victory over the
Alemanni, he minted a coin issue depicting weeping and begging Alemannic
tribesmen—”The Alemanni conquered”—beneath the phrase “Romans’ rejoicing”.There
was little sympathy for these enemies. As his panegyrist declared: “It is a
stupid clemency that spares the conquered foe.”

Constantine Chiaramonti Inv1749.jpg

In 310, a dispossessed and power-hungry Maximian rebelled against Constantine
while Constantine was away campaigning against the Franks. Maximian had been
sent south to Arles with a contingent of Constantine’s army, in preparation for
any attacks by Maxentius in southern Gaul. He announced that Constantine was
dead, and took up the imperial purple. In spite of a large donative pledge to
any who would support him as emperor, most of Constantine’s army remained loyal
to their emperor, and Maximian was soon compelled to leave. Constantine soon
heard of the rebellion, abandoned his campaign against the Franks, and marched
his army up the Rhine. At Cabillunum (Chalon-sur-Saône),
he moved his troops onto waiting boats to row down the slow waters of the
to the quicker waters of the
. He disembarked at
fled to Massilia (Marseille),
a town better able to withstand a long siege than Arles. It made little
difference, however, as loyal citizens opened the rear gates to Constantine.
Maximian was captured and reproved for his crimes. Constantine granted some
clemency, but strongly encouraged his suicide. In July 310, Maximian hanged

The death of Maximian required a shift in Constantine’s public image. He
could no longer rely on his connection to the elder emperor Maximian, and needed
a new source of legitimacy.In a speech delivered in Gaul on 25 July 310, the
anonymous orator reveals a previously unknown dynastic connection to
Claudius II
, a third-century emperor famed for
defeating the Goths and restoring order to the empire. Breaking away from
tetrarchic models, the speech emphasizes Constantine’s ancestral prerogative to
rule, rather than principles of imperial equality. The new ideology expressed in
the speech made Galerius and Maximian irrelevant to Constantine’s right to rule.
Indeed, the orator emphasizes ancestry to the exclusion of all other factors:
“No chance agreement of men, nor some unexpected consequence of favor, made you
emperor,” the orator declares to Constantine.


A gold multiple of “Unconquered Constantine” with
Invictus, struck in 313. The use of Sol’s image appealed to both the
educated citizens of Gaul, who would recognize
 in it Apollo’s patronage of
and the arts; and to Christians, who found solar monotheism less
objectionable than the traditional pagan pantheon.


The oration also moves away from the religious ideology of the Tetrarchy,
with its focus on twin dynasties of
. Instead, the orator proclaims that
Constantine experienced a divine vision of
granting him
laurel wreaths
of health and a long reign. In
the likeness of Apollo Constantine recognized himself as the saving figure to
whom would be granted “rule of the whole world”, as the poet Virgil had once
foretold. The oration’s religious shift is paralleled by a similar shift in
Constantine’s coinage. In his early reign, the coinage of Constantine advertised
as his patron. From 310 on, Mars was
replaced by
Sol Invictus
, a god conventionally identified
with Apollo.

By the middle of 310, Galerius had become too ill to involve himself in
imperial politics. His final act survives: a letter to the provincials posted in
Nicomedia on 30 April 311, proclaiming an end to the persecutions, and the
resumption of religious toleration. He died soon after the edict’s proclamation,
destroying what little remained of the tetrarchy. Maximin mobilized against
Licinius, and seized Asia Minor. A hasty peace was signed on a boat in the
middle of the Bosphorus. While Constantine toured Britain and Gaul, Maxentius
prepared for war.He fortified northern Italy, and strengthened his support in
the Christian community by allowing it to elect a new

Constantine’s advisers and generals cautioned against preemptive attack on
Maxentius; even his soothsayers recommended against it, stating that the
sacrifices had produced unfavorable omens. Constantine, with a spirit that left
a deep impression on his followers, inspiring some to believe that he had some
form of supernatural guidance, ignored all these cautions. Early in the spring
of 312,Constantine crossed the
Cottian Alps
with a quarter of his army, a
force numbering about 40,000.The first town his army encountered was Segusium (Susa,
), a heavily fortified town that shut its
gates to him. Constantine ordered his men to set fire to its gates and scale its
walls. He took the town quickly. Constantine ordered his troops not to loot the
town, and advanced with them into northern Italy.

At the approach to the west of the important city of Augusta Taurinorum (Turin,
Italy), Constantine met a large force of heavily armed Maxentian cavalry. In the
Constantine’s army encircled Maxentius’
cavalry, flanked them with his own cavalry, and dismounted them with blows from
his soldiers’ iron-tipped clubs. Constantine’s armies emerged victorious. Turin
refused to give refuge to Maxentius’ retreating forces, opening its gates to
Constantine instead.
Other cities of the north Italian plain sent Constantine
embassies of congratulation for his victory. He moved on to Milan, where he was
met with open gates and jubilant rejoicing. Constantine rested his army in Milan
until mid-summer 312, when he moved on to

Brescia’s army was easily dispersed, and Constantine quickly advanced to
, where a large Maxentian force was
camped. Ruricius Pompeianus, general of the Veronese forces and Maxentius’
praetorian prefect, was in a strong defensive position, since the town was
surrounded on three sides by the
. Constantine sent a small force north of
the town in an attempt to cross the river unnoticed. Ruricius sent a large
detachment to counter Constantine’s expeditionary force, but was defeated.
Constantine’s forces successfully surrounded the town and laid siege. Ruricius
gave Constantine the slip and returned with a larger force to oppose
Constantine. Constantine refused to let up on the siege, and sent only a small
force to oppose him. In the desperately fought
that followed, Ruricius was killed
and his army destroyed.Verona surrendered soon afterwards, followed by
, Mutina (Modena),
. The road to Rome was now wide open to

Maxentius prepared for the same type of war he had waged against Severus and
Galerius: he sat in Rome and prepared for a siege. He still controlled Rome’s
praetorian guards, was well-stocked with African grain, and was surrounded on
all sides by the seemingly impregnable
Aurelian Walls
. He ordered all bridges across
the Tiber
cut, reportedly on the counsel of the
gods, and left the rest of central Italy undefended; Constantine secured that
region’s support without challenge. Constantine progressed slowly along the
Via Flaminia
, allowing the weakness of
Maxentius to draw his regime further into turmoil. Maxentius’ support continued
to weaken: at chariot races on 27 October, the crowd openly taunted Maxentius,
shouting that Constantine was invincible. Maxentius, no longer certain that he
would emerge from a siege victorious, built a temporary boat bridge across the
Tiber in preparation for a field battle against Constantine. On 28 October 312,
the sixth anniversary of his reign, he approached the keepers of the
Sibylline Books
for guidance. The keepers
prophesied that, on that very day, “the enemy of the Romans” would die.
Maxentius advanced north to meet Constantine in battle.

Maxentius organized his forces—still twice the size of Constantine’s—in long
lines facing the battle plain, with their backs to the river. Constantine’s army
arrived at the field bearing unfamiliar symbols on either its standards or its
soldiers’ shields.  Constantine was visited by a dream the night before the
battle, wherein he was advised “to mark the heavenly sign of God on the shields
of his soldiers…by means of a slanted letter X with the top of its head bent
round, he marked Christ on their shields.” Eusebius describes the sign as
(Χ) traversed by
(Ρ): ☧, a symbol representing the first two
letters of the Greek spelling of the word Christos or Christ.

Constantine deployed his own forces along the whole length of Maxentius’
line. He ordered his cavalry to charge, and they broke Maxentius’ cavalry. He
then sent his infantry against Maxentius’ infantry, pushing many into the Tiber
where they were slaughtered and drowned. The battle was brief: Maxentius’ troops
were broken before the first charge. Maxentius’ horse guards and praetorians
initially held their position, but broke under the force of a Constantinian
cavalry charge; they also broke ranks and fled to the river. Maxentius rode with
them, and attempted to cross the bridge of boats, but he was pushed by the mass
of his fleeing soldiers into the Tiber, and drowned.

In Rome

Constantine entered Rome on 29 October.He staged a grand
in the city, and was met with
popular jubilation. Maxentius’ body was fished out of the Tiber and decapitated.
His head was paraded through the streets for all to see. Unlike his
predecessors, Constantine neglected to make the trip to the
Capitoline Hill
and perform customary
sacrifices at the
Temple of Jupiter
. He did, however, choose to
honor the

with a visit, where he promised to
restore its ancestral privileges and give it a secure role in his reformed
government: there would be no revenge against Maxentius’ supporters.In response,
the Senate decreed him “title of the first name”, which meant his name would be
listed first in all official documents, and acclaimed him as “the greatest
Augustus”. He issued decrees returning property lost under Maxentius, recalling
political exiles, and releasing Maxentius’ imprisoned opponents.

In the following years, Constantine gradually consolidated his military
superiority over his rivals in the crumbling Tetrarchy. In 313, he met
to secure their alliance by the marriage
of Licinius and Constantine’s half-sister
. During this meeting, the emperors
agreed on the so-called
Edict of Milan
,officially granting full
tolerance to Christianity and all religions in the Empire.The document had
special benefits for Christians, legalizing their religion and granting them
restoration for all property seized during Diocletian’s persecution.

In the year 320,
reneged on the religious freedom
promised by the
Edict of Milan
in 313 and began to oppress
Christians anew, generally without bloodshed, but resorting to confiscations and
sacking of Christian office-holders.That became a challenge to Constantine in
the West, climaxing in the great civil war of 324. Licinius, aided by

, represented the past and the
ancient Pagan
faiths. Constantine and his
marched under the standard of the
, and both sides saw the battle in
religious terms. Outnumbered, but fired by their zeal, Constantine’s army
emerged victorious in the
Battle of Adrianople
. Licinius fled across the
Bosphorus and appointed
Martius Martinianus
, the commander of his
bodyguard, as Caesar, but Constantine next won the
Battle of the Hellespont
, and finally the
Battle of Chrysopolis
on 18 September
324.Licinius and Martinianus surrendered to Constantine at Nicomedia on the
promise their lives would be spared: they were sent to live as private citizens
in Thessalonica and Cappadocia respectively, but in 325 Constantine accused
Licinius of plotting against him and had them both arrested and hanged;
Licinius’s son (the son of Constantine’s half-sister) was also killed. Thus
Constantine became the sole emperor of the Roman Empire.

File:0 Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantinus - Palatino.JPG

Administrative reforms

Beginning in the mid-3rd century the emperors began to favor members of the
equestrian order
over senators, who had had a
monopoly on the most important offices of state. Senators were stripped of the
command of legions and most provincial governorships (as it was felt that they
lacked the specialized military upbringing needed in an age of acute defense
needs), such posts being given to equestrians by Diocletian and his
colleagues—following a practice enforced piecemeal by their predecessors. The
emperors however, still needed the talents and the help of the very rich, who
were relied on to maintain social order and cohesion by means of a web of
powerful influence and contacts at all levels. Exclusion of the old senatorial
aristocracy threatened this arrangement.

In 326, Constantine reversed this pro-equestrian trend, raising many
administrative positions to senatorial rank and thus opening these offices to
the old aristocracy, and at the same time elevating the rank of already existing
equestrians office-holders to senator, eventually wiping out the equestrian
order—at least as a bureaucratic rank—in the process. One could become a
senator, either by being elected

quaestors, in place of the usual practice of
the emperors directly creating new magistrates (adlectio).

The Senate as a body remained devoid of any significant power; nevertheless,
the senators, who had been marginalized as potential holders of imperial
functions during the 3rd century, could now dispute such positions alongside
more upstart bureaucrats. Some modern historians see in those administrative
reforms an attempt by Constantine at reintegrating the senatorial order into the
imperial administrative elite to counter the possibility of alienating pagan
senators from a Christianized imperial rule..

Constantine’s reforms had to do only with the civilian administration: the
military chiefs, who since the
Crisis of the Third Century
had risen from the
ranks, remained outside the senate, in which they were included only by
Constantine’s children.

File:0 Constantinus I - Palazzo dei Conservatori (2).JPG

Monetary reforms

After the
runaway inflation of the third century
associated with the production of
fiat money
to pay for public expenses,
Diocletian had tried unsuccessfully to reestablish trustworthy minting of silver

ceased, therefore, soon after
305, while the billon currency continued to be used until the 360s. From the
early 300s on, Constantine forsook any attempts at restoring the silver
currency, preferring instead to concentrate on minting large quantities of good
standard gold pieces—the
, 72 of which made a pound of gold. New
(and highly debased) silver pieces would continue to be issued during
Constantine’s later reign and after his death, in a continuous process of
retariffing, until this billon minting eventually ceased, de jure, in
367, with the silver piece being de facto continued by various
denominations of bronze coins, the most important being the
. Later emperors like
Julian the Apostate
tried to present themselves
as advocates of the humiles by insisting on trustworthy mintings of the
bronze currency.

Constantine’s monetary policy were closely associated with his religious
ones, in that increased minting was associated with measures of
confiscation—taken since 331 and closed in 336—of all gold, silver and bronze
statues from pagan temples, who were declared as imperial property and, as such,
as monetary assets. Two imperial commissioners for each province had the task of
getting hold of the statues and having them melded for immediate minting—with
the exception of a number of bronze statues who were used as public monuments
for the beautification of the new capital in Constantinoplee

Constantinople was founded by the
Roman emperor

Constantine I
on the site of an already
existing city,
, settled in the early days of Greek
colonial expansion, probably around 671-662 BC. The site lay astride the land
route from Europe to Asia and the seaway from the Black Sea to the
, and had in the
Golden Horn
an excellent and spacious harbour.

Constantine II
presents a
representation of the city of Constantinople as tribute to an
enthroned Mary and Christ Child in this church mosaic.
St Sophia
, c. 1000

Constantine had altogether more colorful plans. Having restored the unity of
the Empire, and being in course of major governmental reforms as well as of
sponsoring the consolidation of the Christian church, he was well aware that
Rome was an unsatisfactory capital. Rome was too far from the frontiers, and
hence from the armies and the Imperial courts, and it offered an undesirable
playground for disaffected politicians. Yet it had been the capital of the state
for over a thousand years, and it might have seemed unthinkable to suggest that
the capital be moved to a different location. Nevertheless, he identified the
site of Byzantium as the right place: a place where an emperor could sit,
readily defended, with easy access to the
or the
frontiers, his court supplied from
the rich gardens and sophisticated workshops of Roman Asia, his treasuries
filled by the wealthiest provinces of the Empire.

Constantinople was built over six years, and consecrated on 11 May 330.
Constantine divided the expanded city, like Rome, into 14 regions, and
ornamented it with public works worthy of an imperial metropolis. Yet initially
Constantine’s new Rome did not have all the dignities of old Rome. It possessed
a proconsul
, rather than an
urban prefect
. It had no
quaestors. Although it did have
senators, they held the title clarus, not
, like those of Rome. It also
lacked the panoply of other administrative offices regulating the food supply,
police, statues, temples, sewers, aqueducts or other public works. The new
programme of building was carried out in great haste: columns, marbles, doors
and tiles were taken wholesale from the temples of the Empire and moved to the
new city. Similarly, many of the greatest works of Greek and Roman art were soon
to be seen in its squares and streets. The Emperor stimulated private building
by promising householders gifts of land from the Imperial estates in

, and on 18 May 332 he announced that,
as in Rome, free distributions of food would be made to the citizens. At the
time the amount is said to have been 80,000 rations a day, doled out from 117
distribution points around the city.

Constantine laid out a new square at the centre of old Byzantium, naming it
the Augustaeum
. The new senate-house (or Curia) was
housed in a basilica on the east side. On the south side of the great square was
erected the
Great Palace
of the emperor with its imposing
entrance, the Chalke
, and its ceremonial suite known as the
Palace of Daphne
. Nearby was the vast
for chariot-races, seating over
80,000 spectators, and the famed
Baths of Zeuxippus
. At the western entrance to
the Augustaeum was the
, a vaulted monument from which distances
were measured across the Eastern Roman Empire.

From the Augustaeum led a great street, the
(Greek: Μέση [Οδός] lit. “Middle
[Street]”), lined with colonnades. As it descended the First Hill of the city
and climbed the Second Hill, it passed on the left the
or law-court. Then it passed through
the oval
Forum of Constantine
where there was a second
Senate-house and a
high column
with a statue of Constantine
himself in the guise of
, crowned with a halo of seven rays and
looking towards the rising sun. From there the Mese passed on and through the
Forum of Taurus and then the Forum of Bous, and finally up the Seventh Hill (or
Xerolophus) and through to the Golden Gate in the
Constantinian Wall
. After the construction of
Theodosian Walls
in the early 5th century, it
would be extended to the new
Golden Gate
, reaching a total length of seven
Roman miles

Later campaigns

Constantine considered Constantinople as his capital and permanent residence.
He lived there for a good portion of his later life. He rebuilt Trajan’s bridge
across the Danube, in hopes of reconquering
, a province that had been abandoned under
Aurelian. In the late winter of 332, Constantine campaigned with the
against the
. The weather and lack of food cost the
Goths dearly: reportedly, nearly one hundred thousand died before they submitted
to Rome. In 334, after Sarmatian commoners had overthrown their leaders,
Constantine led a campaign against the tribe. He won a victory in the war and
extended his control over the region, as remains of camps and fortifications in
the region indicate.Constantine resettled some Sarmatian exiles as farmers in
Illyrian and Roman districts, and conscripted the rest into the army.
Constantine took the title Dacicus maximus in 336.

Sickness and deathh

catechumen, and attempted a return to
Constantinople, making it only as far as a suburb of Nicomedia. He summoned the
bishops, and told them of his hope to be baptized in the
River Jordan
, where Christ was written to have
been baptized. He requested the baptism right away. The bishops, Eusebius
records, “performed the sacred ceremonies according to custom”. He chose the
Arianizing bishop
Eusebius of Nicomedia
, bishop of the
where he lay dying, as his baptizer. In
postponing his baptism, he followed one custom at the time which postponed
baptism until after infancy. Constantine died soon after at a suburban villa
called Achyron, on the last day of the fifty-day festival of Pentecost directly
following Pascha (or Easter), on 22 May 337.[246]]

Following his death, his body was transferred to Constantinople and buried in
Church of the Holy Apostles
there. He was
succeeded by his three sons born of Fausta,
Constantine II
Constantius II
. A number of relatives were killed by
followers of Constantius, notably Constantine’s nephews
(who held the rank of Caesar) and
, presumably to eliminate possible
contenders to an already complicated succession. He also had two daughters,
, wife of
Emperor Julian


The Byzantine Empire considered Constantine its founder and the
Holy Roman Empire
reckoned him among the
venerable figures of its tradition. In the later Byzantine state, it had become
a great honor for an emperor to be hailed as a “new Constantine”. Ten emperors,
including the last emperor of Byzantium, carried the name. Most Eastern
Christian churches consider Constantine a saint (Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος, Saint
Constantine). In the Byzantine Church he was called isapostolos
(Ισαπόστολος Κωνσταντίνος) —an
equal of the Apostles
Niš airport
is named Constantine the Great in
honor of his birth in Naissus.



Roman mythology

, Victoria was the personification/Goddess of victory.

She is the Roman version of the

Greek goddess


, and was associated with


. She was adapted from the


agricultural goddess

and had



on the

Palatine Hill

. Her name (in Latin) means victory. Unlike the Greek Nike, Victoria (Latin

for “victory”) was a major part of Roman society. Multiple temples were erected

in her honour. When her statue was removed in 382 AD by emperor


there was much anger in Rome. She was normally worshipped by


generals returning from war. Also unlike the Greek Nike, who was known for success in athletic games such

as chariot races, Victoria was a symbol of victory over death and determined who

would be successful during war. Appearing on Roman coins, jewelry, architecture, and other arts, Victoria is

often seen with or in a

. An

example of this is her place upon the

Brandenburg Gate

in Berlin, Germany.

Constantinople was founded by the
Roman emperor

Constantine I
on the site of an already existing city,
settled in the early days of Greek colonial expansion, probably around 671-662
BC. The site lay astride the land route from Europe to Asia and the seaway from
the Black Sea to the
, and had in the

an excellent and spacious harbour.

Constantine II
presents a representation of the city of
Constantinople as tribute to an enthroned Mary and Christ Child in
this church mosaic.
St Sophia
, c. 1000

Constantine had altogether more colorful plans. Having restored the unity of
the Empire, and being in course of major governmental reforms as well as of
sponsoring the consolidation of the Christian church, he was well aware that
Rome was an unsatisfactory capital. Rome was too far from the frontiers, and
hence from the armies and the Imperial courts, and it offered an undesirable
playground for disaffected politicians. Yet it had been the capital of the state
for over a thousand years, and it might have seemed unthinkable to suggest that
the capital be moved to a different location. Nevertheless, he identified the
site of Byzantium as the right place: a place where an emperor could sit,
readily defended, with easy access to the
or the

frontiers, his court supplied from the rich gardens and sophisticated workshops
of Roman Asia, his treasuries filled by the wealthiest provinces of the Empire.

Constantinople was built over six years, and consecrated on 11 May 330.
Constantine divided the expanded city, like Rome, into 14 regions, and
ornamented it with public works worthy of an imperial metropolis.
Yet initially Constantine’s new Rome did not have all the dignities of old Rome.
It possessed a
rather than an
urban prefect
. It had no

quaestors. Although it did have senators, they held the title clarus,
, like those of Rome. It also lacked the panoply of other
administrative offices regulating the food supply, police, statues, temples,
sewers, aqueducts or other public works. The new programme of building was
carried out in great haste: columns, marbles, doors and tiles were taken
wholesale from the temples of the Empire and moved to the new city. Similarly,
many of the greatest works of Greek and Roman art were soon to be seen in its
squares and streets. The Emperor stimulated private building by promising
householders gifts of land from the Imperial estates in
Asiana and
, and
on 18 May 332 he announced that, as in Rome, free distributions of food would be
made to the citizens. At the time the amount is said to have been 80,000 rations
a day, doled out from 117 distribution points around the city.

Constantine laid out a new square at the centre of old Byzantium, naming it
the Augustaeum
. The new senate-house (or Curia) was housed in a basilica on the
east side. On the south side of the great square was erected the
Great Palace
of the emperor with its imposing entrance, the
, and its
ceremonial suite known as the
Palace of Daphne
. Nearby was the vast
for chariot-races, seating over 80,000 spectators, and the famed
Baths of

. At the western entrance to the Augustaeum was the
, a
vaulted monument from which distances were measured across the Eastern Roman

From the Augustaeum led a great street, the
(Greek: Μέση [Οδός] lit. “Middle [Street]”), lined with colonnades. As
it descended the First Hill of the city and climbed the Second Hill, it passed
on the left the

or law-court. Then it passed through the oval
Forum of

where there was a second Senate-house and a

with a statue of Constantine himself in the guise of
, crowned
with a halo of seven rays and looking towards the rising sun. From there the
Mese passed on and through the Forum of Taurus and then the Forum of Bous, and
finally up the Seventh Hill (or Xerolophus) and through to the Golden Gate in
Constantinian Wall
. After the construction of the
Theodosian Walls
in the early 5th century, it would be extended to the new
Golden Gate
, reaching a total length of seven
Roman miles

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Constantine I



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