MAGNUS MAXIMUS 386AD Arles Lyon AE2 Ancient Roman Coin Chi-Rho Labarum i56330

$450.00 $405.00

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Item: i56330


Authentic Ancient 

Coin of:

Magnus Maximus – Roman Emperor :  383-388 A.D.
Bronze AE2 22mm (4.51 grams) Lugdunum (Lyon) mint, 2nd officina. Struck 386 A.D.
Reference: RIC IX 33; Lyon 193; LRBC 383; Sear’88 #4204
DN MAG MAXIMVS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
VICTORIA AVGG, Magnus Maximus standing left, holding labarum and crowning Victory on globe; LVGS in exergue.

You are bidding on the exact item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity.


was a vexillum
(military standard) that displayed the “Chi-Rho” symbol
, a christogram
formed from the first two Greek letters
of the word “Christ” (Greek: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) — Chi
(χ) and Rho
(ρ). It was first used by the Roman emperor
Constantine I
. Since the vexillum consisted of a flag suspended from the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to symbolize the crucifixion of Christ

Ancient sources draw an unambiguous distinction between the two terms “labarum” and “Chi-Rho”, even though later usage sometimes regards the two as synonyms. The name labarum was applied both to the original standard used by Constantine the Great and to the many standards produced in imitation of it in the Late Antique
world, and subsequently.

Chi Rho
is one of the earliest forms of christogram
, and is used by some Christians
. It is formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters chi
and rho
(ΧΡ) of the Greek word “ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ” = KRistos = Christ
in such a way to produce the monogram
. Although not technically a Christian cross
, the Chi-Rho invokes the authority of Jesus
, as well as symbolising his status as the Christ

The Chi-Rho symbol was also used by pagan
to mark, in the margin, a particularly valuable or relevant passage; the combined letters Chi and Rho standing for chrēston, meaning “good.” Some coins of Ptolemy III Euergetes
(r. 246–222 BC) were marked with a Chi-Rho.

The Chi-Rho symbol was used by the Roman emperor
Constantine I
(r. 306–337) as part of a military standard (vexillum), Constantine’s standard was known as the Labarum
. Early symbols similar to the Chi Rho were the Staurogram
(Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 2.jpg) and the IX monogram
(Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 4.jpg).

File:Berlin - Siegessäule Spitze.jpg

ancient Roman religion
, Victoria or Victory 
was the
goddess of victory. She is the
Roman equivalent
of the
Greek goddess

, and was associated with
. She was adapted from the
agricultural goddess
and had a
on the
Palatine Hill
. The goddess
Vica Pota
was also sometimes identified with 

Unlike the Greek
, the goddess Victoria (Latin 
for “victory”) was a major part of Roman society. Multiple temples were erected 
in her honor. When her statue was removed in 382 CE by Emperor
there was much anger in Rome. She was 
normally worshiped by
generals returning from war.

Also unlike the Greek Nike, who was known for success in athletic games such 
chariot races
, Victoria was a symbol of victory 
over death and determined who would be successful during war.

Victoria appears widely on Roman coins, jewelry, architecture, and other 
arts. She is often seen with or in a
, as in the late 18th-century sculpture 
representing Victory in a
on the
Brandenburg Gate
, Germany; “Il Vittoriano” 
in Rome has two.

Winged figures, very often in pairs, representing victory and referred to as 
“victories”, were common in Roman official iconography, typically hovering high 
in a composition, and often filling spaces in
or other gaps in architecture. These 
represent the spirit of victory rather than the goddess herself. They continued 
to appear after Christianization of the Empire, and slowly mutated into 
Christian angels

Magnus Clemens Maximus (ca. 335–August 

28, 388

also known as Maximianus and Macsen Wledig in


, was a



of the

Western Roman Empire

from 383 until his death, in 388, by order of Emperor

Theodosius I



Maximus was a distinguished general who served under

Theodosius the Elder

. He certainly served with him in Africa in 373 and on 

the Danube in 376. It is likely he also may have been a junior officer in 

Britain during the quelling of the

Great Conspiracy

in 368. Assigned to


in 380, he defeated an incursion of the


in 381. 

Maximus was proclaimed emperor by his troops in 383. He went to

Gaul to pursue his 

imperial ambitions taking a large number of British troops with him.

Following his conquest of Gaul, Maximus went out to meet his 

main opponent, Gratian

, whom he defeated near

. Gratian, 

after fleeing, was killed at

Lyon on

August 25

383. Continuing his campaign into Italy Maximus was stopped from overthrowing

Valentinian II

, who was aged only twelve, when

Theodosius I

, the

Eastern Roman Emperor

, sent

Flavius Bauto

with a powerful force to stop him. Negotiations followed in 

384 including the intervention of


Bishop of Milan, leading to an accord with Valentinian II and Theodosius I in 

which Maximus was recognized as an Augustus in the west.

Maximus made his capital at Augusta Treverorum (Treves,

) in Gaul 

and ruled Britain, Gaul, Spain, and Africa. He issued coinage and a number of 

edicts reorganizing Gaul’s system of provinces. Some scholars believe Maximus 

may have founded the office of the

Comes Britanniarum

as well. He became a popular emperor,

Quintus Aurelius Symmachus

delivered a panegyric on Maximus’ virtues. He 

used barbarian forces such as the


great effect. He was also a stern persecutor of

. It 

was on his orders that


and 6 companions became the first people in the history of


to be executed for

, in this 

case of


, by other Christians (though the civil charges were for the 

practice of


), and their property was confiscated. These executions went ahead 

despite the wishes of prominent men such as

St. Martin of Tours

. Maximus’ edict of 387 or 388 which censured Christians 

at Rome for burning down a Jewish synagogue, was condemned by Bishop


said people exclaimed: ‘the emperor has become a Jew’

In 387 Maximus managed to force

Valentinian II

out of

Rome after which he 

fled to Theodosius I

. Theodosius I and

Valentinian II

then invaded from the east and campaigned against Magnus 

Maximus in July-August 388, their troops being led by


and other generals. Maximus was defeated in the

Battle of the Save

, and retreated to


Meanwhile the Franks



had taken the opportunity and invaded at the same time further weakening Maximus’ 



magister equitum

of Maximus and killer of Gratian, was defeated near


while Maximus’ brother, Marcellinus, fell in battle at


. Maximus surrendered in Aquileia and although he pleaded for mercy 

was executed. The Senate passed a decree of

Damnatio memoriae

against him. However, his mother and at least two 

daughters were spared. Maximus’ son,

Flavius Victor

, was executed at Trier by Valentinian’s magister peditum


in the fall of the same year

What happened to Maximus’ family after his downfall is not 

related. He is known to have had a wife, who is recorded as having sought 

spiritual counsel from

St. Martin of Tours

during his time at Trier. Her ultimate fate, and even 

her name, have not been passed down to history. The same is true of Maximus’ 

mother and daughters spared by Theodosius. One of these daughters might have 

been married to Ennodius, proconsul Africae (395). Ennodius’ grandson was

Petronius Maximus

, another ill-fated emperor, who ruled in Rome for but 77 

days before he was stoned to death while fleeing from the Vandals on May 24, 

455. Other descendants of Ennodius, and thus possibly of Maximus, included


, emperor in 472, but also several consuls and bishops such as

St. Magnus Felix Ennodius

(Bishop of

c. 514-21). 

We also encounter an otherwise unrecorded daughter of Magnus Maximus,


, on the

Pillar of Eliseg

, an early medieval inscribed stone in Wales which claims 

her marriage to


king of the Britons.

Role in British and Breton history


‘s De 

Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae written in the sixth century, Maximus is 

attributed an important role as the man responsible for withdrawing Roman troops 

from Britain on a major scale and thus leaving it open to barbarian attack. The 

archaeological evidence backs up Gildas’s account in that the late fourth 

century seems to have been the period when Roman troops were withdrawn from 

areas like

Hadrian’s Wall



, with no coins found later than 383. The earliest Welsh 

genealogies give Maximus (Welsh:

Macsen/Maxen Wledig) a role as a 

founding father of the dynasties of many of Welsh kingdoms such as the

Kingdom of Powys


Kingdom of Gwent

and the

Kingdom of Dyfed

– the sort of claims reflected in the

Pillar of Eliseg

and in lists of the

Fifteen Tribes of Wales


It has been argued that this role may be a result of genuine land grants and 

delegation of authority by Roman authorities to local leaders such as



Padarn Beisrudd

on troop withdrawal. It also has been suggested he settled 

the Déisi


in Britain.  

Although it is impossible to back these ideas with any certainty, and they could 

be later invention, it is obvious that a connection to Macsen was seen as highly 

desirable early in Welsh history.

The ninth century

Historia Brittonum

gives another account of Maxiumus and assigns him an 

important role:

The seventh emperor was Maximianus. He withdrew from 

Britain with all its military force, slew Gratianus the king of the Romans, 

and obtained the sovereignty of all Europe. Unwilling to send back his 

warlike companions to their wives, families, and possessions in Britain, he 

conferred upon them numerous districts from the lake on the summit of Mons 

lovis, to the city called Cant Guic, and to the western Tumulus, that is 

Cruc Occident. These are the Armoric Britons, and they remain there to the 

present day. In consequence of their absence, Britain being overcome by 

foreign nations, the lawful heirs were cast out, till God interposed with 

his assistance.

Modern historians believe that this idea of mass British 

troop settlement in


Maximus may very well reflect some reality, as it accords with other historical 

evidence and later Breton traditions.

Welsh legend

Legendary versions of Maximus’ career in which he marries a 

Welsh princess


may have been in popular circulation in Welsh speaking areas from an 

early point. Although the story of Helen and Maximus’s meeting is almost 

certainly fictional, there is some evidence for the basic claims. He is 

certainly given a prominent place in the earliest version of the


which are believed to date from c. 1100 and which reflect far older 

traditions. Macsen is also frequently referred to in Welsh poetry as a point of 

comparison to later Welsh leaders. These legends come down to us in two separate 


Geoffrey of Monmouth

According to

Geoffrey of Monmouth

‘s fictional

Historia Regum Britanniae

(ca. 1136), basis for many English and 

Welsh legends, Maximian as he calls him, was a Roman senator and nephew of

Coel Hen

through his brother Ioelinus and was king of the


following the death of


Geoffrey tells this came about because Octavius, the king of the Britons, wanted 

to wed his daughter to such a powerful half-Roman, half-Briton and give the 

kingship of Britain as a dowry to that husband so he sent a message to Rome 

offering his daughter to Maximian.



Duke of Cornwall

, had suggested and supported the marriage between 

Octavius’s daughter and Maximian. Maximian accepted the offer and left Rome for 

Britain. Geoffrey claims further that Maximian gathered an army as he sacked


along the way. He invaded Clausentum (modern


) unintentionally and nearly fought the army of the Britons under


before a truce was made. Following further negotiations, Maximian 

was given the kingship of Britain and Octavius retired. Five years into his 

kingship, Magnus Maximus assembled a vast fleet and invaded

Gaul, leaving 

Britain in the control of Caradocus. Upon reaching the kingdom of


he defeated the king and killed thousands of inhabitants. Before departing to 

Rome, he summoned


, the rebellious nephew of Octavius, and asked him to rule as king of 

the land, which was renamed


or ‘Little Britain’. Conan’s men married native women after cutting out their 

tongues to preserve the purity of their language. Geoffrey of Monmouth presents 

this legend to explain the Welsh name for Brittany, Llydaw, as originating from 

lled-taw or half-silent. Given that Conan was well established in genealogies as 

the founder of Brittany this certainly is connected to an older tradition than 


Following the death of Caradocus rule of Britain as regent 

passed to Dionotus

, who facing a foreign invasion appealed to Maximus who finally sent 

a man named

Gracianus Municeps

with two legions to stop the attack. He killed many 

thousands before the invaders fled to


Maximus died in Rome

soon after and Dionotus became the official king of the Britons. Unfortunately, 

before he could begin his reign, Gracianus took hold of the crown and made 

himself king over Dionotus.

The Dream of Macsen Wledig

Although the


tale The Dream of Macsen Wledig is written in later manuscripts than 

Geoffrey’s version, the two accounts are so different that scholars agree the 

Dream cannot be based purely on Geoffrey’s version. The Dream’s account also 

seems to accord better with details in the Triads, so it perhaps reflects an 

earlier tradition.

Macsen Wledig, the Emperor of Rome, dreams one night of a 

lovely maiden in a wonderful, far-off land. Awakening, he sends his men all over 

the earth in search of her. With much difficulty they find her in a rich castle 

in Britain, daughter of a chieftain based at



and lead the Emperor to her. Everything he finds is exactly as in his dream. The 

maiden, whose name is


or Elen, accepts and loves him. Because Elen is found a virgin, Macsen 

gives her father sovereignty over the island of Britain and orders three castles 

built for his bride. In Macsen’s absence, a new emperor seizes power and warns 

him not to return. With the help of men from Britain led by Elen’s brother



Kynan Meriadec,


: Conan Meriadoc), Macsen marches across Gaul and Italy and 

recaptures Rome. In gratitude to his British allies, Macsen rewards them with a 

portion of Gaul that becomes known as Brittany.

Later literature

The prominent place of Macsen in history, Welsh legend and in 


Matter of Britain

means he is often a character or referred to in historical 

and Arthurian fiction. Such stories include

Stephen R. Lawhead


Pendragon Cycle




The Hollow Hills

, and

Rudyard Kipling


Puck of Pook’s Hill

. The popular Welsh

folk song

Yma o Hyd

recorded by


in 1981, recalls Macsen Wledig and celebrates the continued survival of 

the Welsh people

since his days.



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Magnus Maximus



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