SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS 207AD Rare Ancient Silver Roman Coin Africa with lion i46568

$997.00 $897.30

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Item: i46568


 Authentic Ancient

Coin of:

Septimius Severus

Roman Emperor
: 193-211 A.D. –

Silver Denarius 20mm (2.38 grams) Rome mint: 207 A.D.
Reference: RIC 207a, BMC 531, C 493
SEVERVSPIVSAVG – Laureate head right.
 PMTRPXVCOSIIIPP – Africa standing right, resting hand on hip and holding

grain ears; lion to right.

You are bidding on the exact item pictured,

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of



Roman province
of Africa Proconsularis
was established after the Romans defeated
in the
Third Punic War
. It roughly comprised the
territory of present-day northern
, the northeast of modern-day
, and the small
Mediterranean Sea
coast of modern-day western
along the
Syrtis Minor

It was the richest province in the western part of the empire. The
later named roughly the same region as
the original province
, a rendering of Africa, from
the Latin language.


The Roman empire in the time of
(ruled 117–138 AD),
showing, in northern Africa, the
senatorial province
of Africa
(E. Algeria/Tunisia/Tripolitania). 1
deployed in 125.


Northern Africa under Roman rule.


Further information:
History of Tunisia
History of Algeria
History of Africa

The land acquired for the province of Africa was the site of the ancient city
of Carthage
. Other large cities in the region
included Hadrumetum
), capital of
Hippo Regius
). The province was established by the
Roman Republic
in 146 BC, following the
Third Punic War

Rome established its first African colony, Africa Proconsularis or
Africa Vetus
(Old Africa), governed by a
, in the most fertile part of what was
formerly Carthaginian territory.
was formed as the administrative capital.
The remaining territory was left in the domain of the

client king

. At this time, the Roman policy in
Africa was simply to prevent another great power from rising on the far side of

In 118 BC, the Numidian prince
attempted to reunify the smaller
kingdoms. However, upon his death, much of Jugurtha’s territory was placed in
the control of the Mauretanian client king
; and, by that time, the romanization of
Africa was firmly rooted. In 27 BC, when the
had transformed into an
, the province of Africa began its
occupation under Roman rule.


Électrum tridrachme struck at Zeugitane in Carthage.

Several political and provincial reforms were implemented by
and later by
, but
finalized the territorial divisions
into official Roman provinces. Africa was a senatorial province. After
‘s administrative reforms, it was
split into Africa Zeugitana (which retained the name Africa
, as it was governed by a
) in the north and
Africa Byzacena
in the south, both of which
were part of the
Dioecesis Africae

The region remained a part of the Roman Empire until the Germanic migrations
of the 5th century. The
crossed into North Africa from Spain in
429 and overran the area by 439 and founded their own kingdom, including
and the
. The Vandals controlled the country
as a warrior-elite, enforcing a policy of strict separation and suppressing the
local Romano-African population.

They also persecuted the
, as the Vandals were adherents of
the Arianism
(the semi-trinitarian doctrines of
Arius, a priest of Egypt). In 476, when the
Western Roman Empire
, had finally
, it became a remnant of the
. Towards the end of the 5th century, the
Vandal state fell into decline, abandoning most of the interior territories to
the Mauri and other Berber tribes of the desert.

In AD 533, Emperor
, using a Vandal dynastic dispute as
pretext, sent an army under the general
to recover Africa. In a
short campaign
, Belisarius defeated the
Vandals, entered
in triumph and reestablished Roman
rule over the province. The restored Roman administration was successful in
fending off the attacks of the Amazigh desert tribes, and by means of an
extensive fortification network managed to extend its rule once again to the

The North African provinces, together with the Roman possessions in Spain,
were grouped into the
Exarchate of Africa
by Emperor
. The exarchate prospered, and from it
resulted the overthrow of the emperor
in 610. Heraclius briefly considered
moving the imperial capital from
to Carthage.

After 640, the exarchate managed to stave off the Muslim Conquest, but in
698, a Muslim army from
sacked Carthage and conquered the
exarchate, ending Roman and Christian rule in North Africa. The last provinces
of the Western Roman Empire ceased to exist, 222 years after the fall of Rome
and the
last Western Roman emperor


Pre-Roman Conquest Carthage Eastern Numidia (Massylii) Western Numidia (Masaesyli) Mauretania
by 146 BC Africa Numidia Mauretania
by 105 BC Africa Eastern Numidia Western Numidia Mauretania
by 45 BC Africa Vetus Africa Nova Western Numidia Eastern Mauretania Western Mauretania
by 27 BC Africa Proconsularis Mauretania
by 41 AD Africa Proconsularis
Mauretania Caesariensis

Mauretania Tingitana
by 193 AD Africa Proconsularis Numidia Mauretania Caesariensis Mauretania Tingitana
by 314 AD Africa Zeugitana
Africa Byzacena
Numidia Mauretania Caesariensis
Mauretania Sitifensis
Mauretania Tingitana

 Roman control

Roman Africans


The amphitheatre of Thysdrus (modern
El Djem

The African provinces were amongst the wealthiest regions in the Empire
(rivaled only by Egypt, Syria and Italy itself) and as a consequence people from
all over the Empire migrated into the Roman Africa Province, most importantly
in early retirement who settled in
Africa on farming plots promised for their military service. Historian
Theodore Mommsen
estimated that under
nearly 1/3 of the eastern
population (roughly modern
) was descended from Roman veterans.[1]

Even so, the Roman military presence of North Africa was relatively small,
consisting of about 28,000 troops and auxiliaries in Numidia and the two
Mauretanian provinces. Starting in the 2nd century AD, these garrisons were
manned mostly by local inhabitants. A sizable
speaking population developed that was
multinational in background, sharing the north African region with those
Imperial security forces began to be drawn from the local population, including
the Berbers.

Abun-Nasr, in his A History of the Maghrib, said that “What made the
Berbers accept the Roman way of life all the more readily was that the Romans,
though a colonizing people who captured their lands by the might of their arms,
did not display any racial exclusiveness and were remarkably tolerant of
Berber religious cults
, be they indigenous or
borrowed from the Carthaginians
. However, the
Roman territory in Africa was unevenly penetrated by Roman culture. Pockets of
non-Romanized Berbers continued to exist throughout the Roman period, even in
such areas as eastern Tunisia and Numidia.”

By the end of the Western Roman Empire nearly all of the Maghreb was fully
, according to Mommsen in his The
Provinces of the Roman Empire
and the Roman Africans enjoyed a high level of
prosperity. This prosperity (and romanization) touched partially even the
populations living outside the
Roman limes
(mainly the
and the
), who were reached with
Roman expeditions to Sub-Saharan Africa

The willing acceptance of Roman citizenship by members of the ruling
class in African cities produced such Roman Africans as the comic poet
Terence, the rhetorician Fronto of Cirta, the jurist Salvius Julianus of
Hadrumetum, the novelis Apuleius of Madauros, the emperor Septimius Severus
of Lepcis Magna, the Christians Tertullian and Cyprian of Carthage, and
Arnobius of Sicca and his pupil Lactantius; the angelic doctor Augustine of
Thagaste, the epigrammatist Luxorius of Vandal Carthage, and perhaps the
biographer Suetonius, and the poet Dracontius.

Paul MacKendrick
, The North African
Stones Speak (1969)
, UNC Press, 2000, p.326



Roman coin
celebrating the
province of Africa
, struck in AD 136 under the Emperor
. The personification of
Africa is shown wearing an elephant headdress.

The prosperity of most towns depended on agriculture. Called the “granary of
the empire”, North Africa, according to one estimate, produced one million tons
of cereals each year[citation
, one-quarter of which was exported.
Additional crops included beans, figs, grapes, and other fruits. By the 2nd
century, olive oil rivaled cereals as an export item[citation
. In addition to the cultivation of slaves,
and the capture and transporting of exotic wild animals, the principal
production and exports included the textiles, marble, wine, timber, livestock,
pottery such as
African Red Slip
, and wool.

The incorporation of colonial cities into the Roman Empire brought an
unparalleled degree of urbanization to vast areas of territory, particularly in
North Africa. This level of rapid urbanization had a structural impact on the
town economy, and artisan production in Roman cities became closely tied to the
agrarian spheres of production. As Rome’s population grew, so did her demand for
North African produce. This flourishing trade allowed the North African
provinces to increase artisan production in rapidly developing cities, making
them highly organized urban centers. Many Roman cities shared both consumer and
producer model city aspects, as artisanal activity was directly related to the
economic role cities played in long-distance trade networks.[3]

The urban population became increasingly engaged in the craft and service
sectors and less in agrarian employment, until a significant portion of the
town’s vitality came from the sale or trade of products through middlemen to
markets in areas both rural and abroad. The changes that occurred in the
infrastructure for agricultural processing, like olive oil and wine production,
as trade continued to develop both cities and commerce directly influenced the
volume of artisan production. The scale, quality, and demand for these products
reached its acme in Roman North Africa.[3]

Pottery production

Main article:
African Red Slip


African Red Slip flagons and vases, 2nd-4th centuries


A typical plain African Red Slip dish with simple rouletted
decoration. 4th century.

The North African provinces spanned across regions rich with olive
plantations and potters’ clay sources, which led to the early development of
Ancient Roman pottery
, especially
African Red Slip

terra sigillata
tableware and clay
oil lamp
manufacture, as a crucial industry.
Lamps provided the most common form of illumination in Rome. They were used for
public and private lighting, as votive offerings in temples, lighting at
festivals, and as grave goods. As the craft developed and increased in quality
and craftsmanship, the North African creations began to rival their Italian and
Grecian models and eventually surpassed them in merit and in demand.[4]

The innovative use of molds around the 1st century BC allowed for a much
greater variety of shapes and decorative style, and the skill of the lamp maker
was demonstrated by the quality of the decoration found typically on the flat
top of the lamp, or discus, and the outer rim, or shoulder. The production
process took several stages. The decorative motifs were created using small
individual molds, and were then added as appliqué to a plain archetype of the
lamp. The embellished lamp was then used to make two plaster half molds, one
lower half and one upper half mold, and multiple copies were then able to be
mass-produced. Decorative motifs ranged according to the lamp’s function and to
popular taste.[4]

Ornate patterning of squares and circles were later added to the shoulder
with a stylus, as well as palm trees, small fish, animals, and flower patterns.
The discus was reserved for conventional scenes of gods, goddesses, mythological
subjects, scenes from daily life, erotic scenes, and natural images. The
strongly Christian identity of post-Roman society in North Africa is exemplified
in the later instances of North African lamps, on which scenes of Christian
images like saints, crosses, and biblical figures became commonly articulated
topics. Traditional mythological symbols had enduring popularity as well, which
can be traced back to North Africa’s Punic heritage. Many of the early North
African lamps that have been excavated, especially those of high quality, have
the name of the manufacturer inscribed on the base, which gives evidence of a
highly competitive and thriving local market that developed early and continued
to influence and bolster the colonial economy.[4]

African Terra

After a period of artisanal, political, and social decline in the 3rd century
AD, lamp-making revived and accelerated artistry in the early Christian age to
new heights. The introduction of fine local red-fired clays in the late 4th
century triggered this revival.
African Red Slip
ware (ARS), or African Terra
Sigillata, revolutionized the pottery and lamp-making industry.[5]

ARS ware was produced from the last third of the 1st century AD onwards, and
was of major importance in the mid-to-late Roman periods. Famous in antiquity as
“fine” or high-quality tableware, it was distributed both regionally and
throughout the Mediterranean basin along well-established and heavily trafficked
trade routes. North Africa’s economy flourished as its products were dispersed
and demand for its products dramatically increased.[6]

Initially, the ARS lamp designs imitated the simple design of 3rd- to
4th-century courseware lamps, often with globules on the shoulder or with fluted
walls. But new, more ornate designs appeared before the early 5th century as
demand spurred on the creative process. The development and widespread
distribution of ARS finewares marks the most distinctive phase of North African

These characteristic pottery lamps were produced in large quantities by
efficiently organized production centers with large-scale manufacturing
abilities, and can be attributed to specific pottery-making centers in northern
and central Tunisia by way of modern chemical analysis, which allows modern
archeologists to trace distribution patterns among trade routes both regional
and across the Mediterranean.[6]
Some major ARS centers in central Tunisia are Sidi Marzouk Tounsi, Henchir
el-Guellal (Djilma), and Henchir es-Srira, all of which have ARS lamp artifacts
attributed to them by the microscopic chemical makeup of the clay fabric as well
as macroscopic style prevalent in that region.

This underscores the idea that these local markets fueled the economy of not
only the town itself, but the entire region and supported markets abroad.
Certain vessel forms, fabrics, and decorative techniques like rouletting,
appliqué, and stamped décor, are specific for a certain region and even for a
certain pottery center. If neither form nor decoration of the material to be
classified is identifiable, it is possible to trace its origins, not just to a
certain region but even to its place of production by comparing its chemical
analysis to important northeastern and central Tunisian potteries with good

Governors of Roman

Republican era

Unless otherwise noted, names of governors in Africa and their dates are
taken from
T.R.S. Broughton
, The Magistrates of the
Roman Republic
, (New York: American Philological Association, 1951, 1986),
vol. 1, and vol. 2 (1952).

146–100 BC

Inscriptional evidence is less common for this period than for the Imperial
era, and names of those who held a provincia are usually recorded by
historians only during wartime or by the
After the defeat of Carthage in 146 BC, no further assignments to Africa among
the senior magistrates or promagistrates are recorded until the
Jugurthine War
(112–105 BC), when the command
against Jugurtha
became a consular province.

  • P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus Aemilianus

    (146 BC)

  • L. Calpurnius
    (111 BC)
  • Sp. Postumius Albinus
    (110–109 BC)[8]
  • Q. Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
  • C. Marius
    (107–105 BC)
  • L. Cornelius Sulla
    (105 BC)[10]

90s–31 BC

During the
civil wars of the 80s and 40s BC
, legitimate
governors are difficult to distinguish from purely military commands, as rival
factions were vying for control of the province by means of force.

  • None known with reasonable certainty for the 90s
  • P. Sextilius
    (88–87 BC)
  • Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius
    (86–84 BC)
  • C. Fabius Hadrianus
  • Gn. Pompeius Magnus
    (82–79 BC)
  • L. Licinius Lucullus
    (77–76/75 BC)
  • A. Manlius Torquatus (69 BC or earlier)
  • L. Sergius Catilina
    (67–66 BC)
  • Q. Pompeius Rufus
    (62–60/59 BC)
  • T. Vettius,
    possibly Sabinus (58–57 BC)
  • Q. Valerius Orca
    (56 BC)
  • P. Attius Varus
    (52 BC and probably
    earlier; see also below)
  • C. Considius Longus
    (51–50 BC)
  • L. Aelius Tubero (49 BC; may never have assumed the post)
  • P. Attius Varus (seized control again in 49 and held Africa until 48)
  • Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio Nasica

    (47 BC)

  • M. Porcius Cato
    (jointly in 47 BC with
    special charge of
  • C. Caninius Rebilus
    (46 BC)
  • C. Calvisius Sabinus
    (45–early 44 BC,
    Africa Vetus
  • C. Sallustius Crispus, the historian usually known in English as
    (45 BC,
    Africa Nova
  • Q. Cornificius (44–42 BC, Africa Vetus)
  • T. Sextius (44–40 BC, Africa Nova)
  • C. Fuficius Fango (41 BC)
  • M. Aemilius Lepidus
    (40–36 BC)
  • T. Statilius Taurus
    (35 BC)
  • L. Cornificius
    (34–32 BC)

Imperial era


Reign of
  • Lucius Autronius Paetus
    (29/28 BC)
  • Marcus Acilius Glabrio
    (25 BC)
  • Lucius Sempronius Atratinus
    (?c. 21/20 BC)
  • Lucius Cornelius Balbus
    (20/19 BC)
  • Gaius Sentius Saturninus
    (14/13 BC)
  • Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
    (13/12 BC)
  • Publius Quinctilius Varus
    approx (9/8–4 BC)
  • Lucius Passienus Rufus
    approx (c. AD 4/5)
  • Cossus Cornelius Lentulus Gaetulicus
    (c. AD
  • Lucius Caninius Gallus
    (c. AD 8)
  • Lucius Nonius Asprenas
Reign of
  • Lucius Aelius Lamia
  • Marcus Furius Camillus
  • Lucius Apronius
  • Quintus Junius Blaesus
  • Publius Cornelius Dolabella
  • Gaius Vibius Marsus
  • Marcus Junius Silanus
  • Gaius Rubellius Blandus
  • Servius Cornelius Cethegus
Reign of
Gaius Caligula
  • Lucius Calpurnius Piso (38–39)
  • Lucius Salvius Otho
Reign of
  • Quintus Marcius Barea Soranus (41–43)
  • Servius Sulpicius Galba
  • Marcus Servilius Nonianus
  • Titus Statilius Taurus IV
  • Marcus Pompeius Silvanus Staberius Flavianus


Reign of

  • Quintus Sulpicius Camerinus Peticus
  • Gnaeus Hosidius Geta
  • Quintus Curtius Rufus
  • Aulus Vitellius
  • Lucius Vitellius
  • Servius Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus


  • Titus Flavius Vespasianus
  • Gaius Vipstanus Apronianus
Reign of
  • Lucius Minicius Natalis
Reign of
Antoninus Pius
  • Minicius (139–140)
  • Titus Prifernius Paetus Rosianus Geminus


  • Sextus Julius Major
  • Publius Tullius Varro
  • Lucius Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus


  • Lucius Hedius Rufus Lollianus Avitus


Reign of
Marcus Aurelius
  • Sextus Cocceius Severianus
  • Servius Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus (164)
  • Marcus Antonius Zeno
  • Titus Sextius Lateranus
Reign of
  • Gaius Vettius Sabinianus Julius Hospes
Reign of
Septimius Severus
  • Publius Cornelius Anullinus (193)[18]
  • Pollienus Auspex
    (Between 194 and 200)
  • Marcus Claudius Macrinius Vindex Hermogenianus (Between 194 and 200)
  • Sextus Cocceius Vibianus
    (Between 194 and
  • Cingius Severus (Between 194 and 197)
  • Lucius Cossonius Eggius Marullus (198–199)
  • Marcus Ulpius Arabianus (c. 200)
  • Gaius Julius Asper (Between 200 and 210)
  • Marcus Umbrius Primus
    (c. 201/2)
  • Minicius Opimianus (c. 203)
  • Rufinus (c. 204)
  • Marcus Valerius Bradua Mauricus (? c. 206)
  • Titus Flavius Decimus (209)
  • Gaius Valerius Pudens
    (Between 209 and 211)
Reign of
  • Publius Julius Scapula Tertullus Priscus (212–213)
  • Appius Claudius Julianus (Between 212 and 220)
  • Gaius Caesonius Macer Rufinianus
    213 and 215)
  • Marius Maximus
    (Between 213 and 217)
Reign of
  • Lucius Marius Perpetuus (c. 220)
  • Lucius Cassius Dio Cocceianus
    (c. 221)
Reign of
Alexander Severus
  • Gaius Octavius Appius Suetrius Sabinus
Reign of
Maximinus Thrax
  • Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus

Reign of
Gordian III
  • Sabinianus
  • Lucius Caesonius Lucillus Macer Rufinianus

    (c. 240)

Reigns of
  • Aspasius Paternus
  • Galerius Maximus
  • Lucius Messius […] (Between 259 and 261)
  •  ? Vibius Passienus (Between 260 and 268)
  • Lucius Naevius Aquilinus (Between 260 and 268)
  • Sextus Cocceius Anicius Faustus
    265 and 268)
Reign of
  •  ? Firmus
  • Lucius Caesonius Ovinius Manlius Rufinianus Bassus

    (c. 275)

Reign of
  • Gaius Julius Paulinus (283)

Later Empire

Governors are directly chosen by the Emperors, without Roman

  • Titus Claudius Aurelius Aristobulus


  • Cassius Dio
  • Titus Flavius Postumius Titianus
  • Lucius Aelius Helvius Dionysius
  • Iulianus, possibly
    Amnius Anicius Julianus
  • Gaius Annius Anullinus
  • Gaius Caeionius Rufius Volusianus
  • Petronius Probianus
  • Aconius Catullinus
  • Cezeus Largus Maternianus (333-336)[19]
  • Quintus Flavius Maesius Egnatius Lollianus


  • Antonius Marcellinus (337-338)[19]
  • Aurelius Celsinus (338-339)[19]
    • Fabius Aconius Catullinus Philomathius


  • Proculus (340-341)[19]
  • -lius Flavianus (357-358)[19]
  • Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus
  • Proclianus (359-361)[19]
  • Quintus Clodius Hermogenianus Olybrius


  • Clodius Octavianus (363-364)[19]
  • P. Ampelius (364-365)[19]
  •  ?Claudius Hermogenianus Caesarius (365-366)[19]
  • Julius Festus Hymetius
  • Petronius Claudius (368-371)[20]
  • Sextius Rusticus Julianus (371-373)[20]
  • Quintus Aurelius Symmachus
  • Paulus Constantius (374-375)[19]
  • Chilo (375-376)[19]
  • Decimius Hilarianus Hesperius
    376-October 377)[19]
  • Thalassius
    (October 377-April 379)[19]
  • Flavius Afranius Syagrius
  • Helvius Vindicianus (380-381; possibly 382-383)[19]
  • Herasius (381-382)[19]
  • Virius Audentius Aemilianus (382-383; possibly 381-382)[19]
  • Flavius Eusignius (383-384)[19]
  • Messianus (385-386)[19]
  • Felix Juniorinus Polemius (388-389)[19]
  • Latinius Pacatus Drepanius (389-390)[19]
  • Flavius Rhodinus Primus (391-392)[19]
  • Aemilius Florus Paternus
  • Flaccianus
  • Marcianus
  • Flavius Herodes
  • Ennodius
  • Theodorus (396-397)[21]
  • Anicius Probinus
  • Seranus (397-398)[21]
  • Victorinus (398-399)[21]
  • Apollodorus (399-400)[21]
  • Gabinius Barbarus Pompeianus
  • Helpidius (401-402 ?)[21]
  • Septiminus (402-404)[21]
  • Rufius Antonius Agrypnius Volusianus


  • Flavius Pionius Diotimus
  • C. Aelius Pompeius Porphyrius Proculus


  • Donatus (408-409)[21]
  • Macrobius Palladius
  • Apringius (410-411)[21]
  • Eucharius (411-412)[21]
  • Q. Sentius Fabricius Iulianus
  • Aurelius Anicius Symmachus

Lucius Septimius Severus (or rarely Severus I) (April 11,

145/146-February 4, 211) was a


general, and


from April 14, 193 to 211. He was born in what is now the

part of

Rome’s historic

Africa Province


Septimius Severus was born and raised at


(modern Berber

, southeast of


modern Tunisia

Severus came from a wealthy, distinguished family of


rank. Severus was of


Roman ancestry on his mother’s side and of





ancestry on his father’s. Little is known of his father,

Publius Septimius Geta

, who held no major political status but had two

cousins who served as consuls under emperor

Antoninus Pius

. His mother, Fulvia Pia’s family moved from



and was of the


an ancient and politically influential clan, which was originally of


status. His siblings were a younger

Publius Septimius Geta

and Septimia Octavilla. Severus’s maternal cousin was

Praetorian Guard

and consul

Gaius Fulvius Plautianus


In 172, Severus was made a


by the then emperor

Marcus Aurelius

. In 187 he married secondly


. In 190 Severus became

, and in

the following year received from the emperor


(successor to Marcus Aurelius) the command of the


in Pannonia

On the murder of


the troops in 193, they proclaimed Severus Emperor at


whereupon he hurried to Italy. The former emperor,

Didius Julianus

, was condemned to death by the Senate and killed, and

Severus took possession of Rome without opposition.

The legions of


, however, had proclaimed

Pescennius Niger

emperor. At the same time, Severus felt it was reasonable

to offer

Clodius Albinus

, the powerful governor of Britannia who had probably

supported Didius against him, the rank of Caesar, which implied some claim to

succession. With his rearguard safe, he moved to the East and crushed Niger’s

forces at the

Battle of Issus

. The following year was devoted to suppressing Mesopotamia

and other Parthian vassals who had backed Niger. When afterwards Severus

declared openly his son


as successor, Albinus was hailed emperor by his troops and moved to Gallia.

Severus, after a short stay in Rome, moved northwards to meet him. On


, 197

in the

Battle of Lugdunum

, with an army of 100,000 men, mostly composed of




Severus defeated and killed Clodius Albinus, securing his full control over the



Severus was at heart a

, and

sought glory through military exploits. In 197 he waged a brief and successful

war against the

Parthian Empire

in retaliation for the support given to Pescennius Niger.

The Parthian capital


was sacked by the legions, and the northern half of


was restored to Rome.

His relations with the


were never good. He was unpopular with them from the outset, having

seized power with the help of the military, and he returned the sentiment.

Severus ordered the execution of dozens of Senators on charges of corruption and


against him, replacing them with his own favorites.

He also disbanded the

Praetorian Guard

and replaced it with one of his own, made up of 50,000

loyal soldiers mainly camped at


, near Rome (also probably to grant the emperor a kind of centralized

reserve). During his reign the number of legions was also increased from 25/30

to 33. He also increased the number of auxiliary corps (numerii), many of

these troops coming from the Eastern borders. Additionally the annual wage for a

soldier was raised from 300 to 500


Although his actions turned Rome into a military


, he was popular with the citizens of Rome, having stamped out

the rampant corruption of Commodus’s reign. When he returned from his victory

over the Parthians, he erected the

Arch of Septimius Severus

in Rome.

According to Cassius Dio,

however, after 197 Severus fell heavily under the influence of his Praetorian


Gaius Fulvius Plautianus

, who came to have almost total control of most

branches of the imperial administration. Plautianus’s daughter,

Fulvia Plautilla

, was married to Severus’s son, Caracalla. Plautianus’s

excessive power came to an end in 205, when he was denounced by the Emperor’s

dying brother and killed.

The two following praefecti, including the jurist

Aemilius Papinianus

, received however even larger powers.

Campaigns in Caledonia (Scotland)

Starting from 208 Severus undertook a number of military actions in


, reconstructing

Hadrian’s Wall

and campaigning in


He reached the area of the


in his last campaign in Caledonia, as was called Scotland by
the Romans..

In 210 obtained a peace with the

that lasted

practically until the final withdrawal of the Roman legions from Britain,

before falling severely ill in



He is famously said to have given the advice to his sons: “Be harmonious,

enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men” before he died at Eboracum on

February 4


Upon his death in 211, Severus was


by the Senate and succeeded by his sons,




, who were advised by his wife



The stability Severus provided the Empire was soon gone under their reign.

Accomplishments and Record

Though his military expenditure was costly to the empire, Severus was the

strong, able ruler that Rome needed at the time. He began a tradition of

effective emperors elevated solely by the military. His policy of an expanded

and better-rewarded army was criticized by his contemporary

Dio Cassius



: in particular, they pointed out the increasing burden (in the

form of taxes and services) the civilian population had to bear to maintain the

new army.

Severus was also distinguished for his buildings. Apart from the triumphal

arch in the Roman Forum carrying his full name, he also built the


in Rome and enriched greatly his native city of


(including another triumphal arch on the occasion of his visit of


Severus and Christianity

Christians were


during the reign of Septimus Severus. Severus allowed the

enforcement of policies already long-established, which meant that Roman

authorities did not intentionally seek out Christians, but when people were

accused of being Christians they could either curse

and make an

offering to

Roman gods

, or be executed. Furthermore, wishing to strengthen the peace by

encouraging religious harmony through


Severus tried to limit the spread of the two quarrelsome groups who refused to

yield to syncretism by outlawing


to Christianity or


Individual officials availed themselves of the laws to proceed with rigor

against the Christians. Naturally the emperor, with his strict conception of

law, did not hinder such partial persecution, which took place in

and the

, as

well as in

Africa proconsularis

and the East. Christian


numerous in Alexandria


Clement of Alexandria

, Stromata, ii. 20;


, Church History, V., xxvi., VI., i.). No less severe were

the persecutions in Africa, which seem to have begun in 197 or 198 (cf.


Ad martyres), and included the Christians known in the

Roman martyrology

as the martyrs of


Probably in 202 or 203




suffered for their faith. Persecution again raged for a short time

under the proconsul


211, especially in



Later accounts of a Gallic

persecution, especially at

Lyon, are

legendary. In general it may thus be said that the position of the Christians

under Septimius Severus was the same as under the


but the law of this Emperor at least shows clearly that the



neededclarification] had failed to execute its purpose.

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Septimius Severus



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