TRAJAN DECIUS 249AD Antioch Pisidia LEGIONARY Standard Eagle Roman Coin i56587

$525.00 $472.50

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Item: i56587


 Authentic Ancient 

Coin of:

Trajan Decius

Roman Emperor
249-251 A.D. –

Bronze 23mm (10.40 grams) of

Antioch in 
Reference: cf. Sear GIC 4193; cf. SNG France 1286; BMC.19.198.126
IMP CAES G MESS Q DECIO TRAIAV, Radiate and cuirassed bust right, seen from front, 
slight drapery on left shoulder.
ANTIOCHI COLO, vexillum surmounted by eagle, between two legionary signa, SR in 

You are bidding on the exact item pictured, 

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of 


vexillum (English pronunciation: plural vexilla was 
a flag
-like object used in the
Classical Era
of the
Roman Empire
. The word is itself a diminutive 
for the Latin word, velum, sail, which confirms the historical evidence (from 
coins and sculpture) that vexilla were literally “little sails” i.e. flag-like 
standards. In the vexillum the cloth was draped from a horizontal crossbar 
suspended from the staff; this is unlike most modern flags in which the ‘hoist’ 
of the cloth is attached directly to the vertical staff. The bearer of a 
vexillum was known as a
or vexillifer. Just as 
in the case of the regimental colors or flag of Western regiments, the vexillum 
was a treasured symbol of the military unit that it represented and it was 
closely defended in combat

Nearly all of the present-day regions of
preserve the use of vexilla. Many 
Christian processional banners are in the vexillum form; usually these banners 
are termed labara
λάβαρον) after the standard adopted by the 
first Christian Roman emperor
Constantine I
which replaced the imperial eagle 
with the “Chi-Rho” 


The term Vexillum is also used by the
Legion of Mary
as the term for its standard. A 
small version is used on the altar and a full size Vexillum leads processions.

Antiocheia in Psidia.jpg
in Pisidia
– alternatively Antiochia in Pisidia or Pisidian 
Ἀντιόχεια τῆς Πισιδίας) and in
Roman Empire
: Antiochia Caesareia or
Antiochia Caesarea
– is a city in the
Turkish Lakes Region
, which is at the 
crossroads of the
and Central
regions, and formerly on the border 
of Pisidia
, hence also known as Antiochia in 
. The site lies approximately 1 km northeast of
, the modern town of
Isparta Province
. The city is on a hill with 
its highest point of 1236 m in the north.

Roman period

While the Hellenistic Kingdoms (the inheritors of
Alexander the Great
) were fighting each other 
and the Galatians,
became the most powerful state in Europe 
and started to follow a policy of expansion to the east. They invaded
, and the
, and reaching
and Pisidia. They cowed the Galatians 
and according to the
signed in
in 188 BC, they gave the land of Pisidia 
which they had got from
Antiochos III
, to their ally the
Kingdom which dominated the region.
Attalos III
, the last king of
, bequeathed his kingdom to Rome on his 
death in 133 BC
who claimed Pergamon was defeated 
in 129, then Rome affected Anatolia with its well-developed, creative culture 
for centuries.

Although Anatolia
was dominated by the
Roman Empire
as the
province of Asia
, Pisidia was given to the 
Kingdom of Cappadocia
, which was an ally of Rome. During 
the following years, the authority gap which could not be filled by these 
kingdoms remote from central government, led to the rise of powerful pirate 
kingdoms, especially in
and Pisidia. The Romans were disturbed 
by these kingdoms and fought against them. Cilicia,
and Pisida were freed from pirates and 
Roman rule was restored in 102 BC.

The geographical and strategical position of the region made it difficult to 
control the area and maintain constant peace. The
, settled in the
Taurus Mountains
, caused problems for Rome.
Marcus Antonius
who had to control the roads 
connecting Pisidia to Pamphylia, charged his allied king
, King of Pisidia, to fight against 
Homonadesians, but Amyntas was killed during the struggle.

Then Rome started to colonize using military
as a solution to the failure of the 
locally appointed governors. The Province of
was established in 25 BC and Antioch 
became a part of it. To support the struggle against the Homonadesians 
logistically, the construction of a road called the
Via Sebaste
, the centre of which was Antioch, 
was started by the governor of the Province of Galatia,
Cornutus Arrutius Aquila
. The Via Sebaste was 
separated into two and directed to the southwest and southeast to surround the 
Homonadesians. Secondary connecting roads were built between these two roads. 
Rome by means of the Via Sebaste
P.Sulpicius Quirinius
brought an end to the 
Homonadesians problem in 3 BC, relocating survivors in different surrounding 

During the reign of
, eight colonies were established in 
Pisidia, but only Antioch was honoured with the title of
and given the right of the
Ius Italicum
, maybe because of its 
strategic position. The city became an important Roman colony which rose to the 
position of a capital city with the name of “Colonia 

became Latinisation during the 
Roman period and it was applied in Antioch best. The city was divided into seven 
quarters called “vici” 
all of which were founded on seven hills like in Rome. The formal language was
until the end of the 3rd century. The 
fertility of the land and the peace brought by
: Roman Peace) made it easier for the veterans as colonists 
in the area to have good relations and integration with the natives.

One of the three surviving copies of the
Res Gestae Divi Augusti
, the famous 
inscription recording the noble deeds of the Emperor Augustus was found in front 
of the Augusteum in Antioch. The original was carved on bronze tablets and 
exhibited in front of the
Mausoleum of Augustus
, but unfortunately has not survived. The 
Antioch copy on stone was written in Latin which is a sign of the importance of 
the city as a military and cultural base of Rome in Asia. (One of the copies, in
, is in
, the other, in Greek, in Apollonia -Uluborlu).

Gaius Messius Quintus Decius (ca. 201- June 251) was 


Emperor of Rome

from 249 to 251. In the last year of his reign, he co-ruled 

with his son

Herennius Etruscus

until both of them were killed in the

Battle of Abrittus



 Emperor Traianus Decius (Mary Harrsch).jpgEarly 

life and rise to power

Decius, who was born at


, now




Mitrovica), in

Lower Pannonia

was one of the first among a long succession of future Roman 

Emperors to originate from the provinces of


the Danube.[1]

Unlike some of his immediate imperial predecessors such as Philip the Arab or


, Decius was a distinguished senator who had served as

in 232, 

had been governor of


Germania Inferior

soon afterwards, served as governor of

Hispania Tarraconensis

between 235-238, and was

urban prefect

of Rome during the early reign of Emperor

Philip the Arab

(Marcus Iulius Phillipus).

Around 245, Emperor Philip entrusted Decius with an important 

command on the Danube

. By the end of 248 or 249, Decius was sent to quell the revolt of


and his troops in Moesia and Pannonia[3]

the soldiers were enraged because of the peace treaty signed between Philip and 



. Once arrived, the troops forced Decius to assume the imperial 

dignity himself instead. Decius still protested his loyalty to Philip, but the 

latter advanced against him and was killed near


. The


then recognized Decius as Emperor, giving him the attribute Traianus as a 

reference to the good emperor

. As the 

Byzantine historian



Decius was therefore clothed in purple and forced to 

undertake the [burdens of] government, despite his reluctance and 



and monumental initiatives

Decius’ political program was focused on the restoration of 

the strength of the State, both military opposing the external threats, and 

restoring the public piety

with a program of renovation of the

State religion


Either as a concession to the Senate, or perhaps with the 

idea of improving public morality, Decius endeavoured to revive the separate 

office and authority of the


. The choice was left to the Senate, who unanimously selected


(afterwards emperor). But Valerian, well aware of the dangers and 

difficulties attaching to the office at such a time, declined the 

responsibility. The invasion of the


and Decius’ death put an end to the abortive attempt.

During his reign, he proceeded to construct several building 

projects in Rome “including the Thermae Deciane or Baths of Decius on the 

Aventine” which was completed in 252 and still survived through to the


; Decius also acted to repair the Colosseum, which had been damaged 

by lightning strikes.


of Christians

In January 250, Decius issued an edict for the suppression of


. The edict itself was fairly clear:

All the inhabitants of the empire were required to 

sacrifice before the magistrates of their community ‘for the safety of the 

empire’ by a certain day (the date would vary from place to place and the 

order may have been that the sacrifice had to be completed within a 

specified period after a community received the edict). When they sacrificed 

they would obtain a certificate (libellus) recording the fact that they had 

complied with the order.

While Decius himself may have intended the edict as a way to 

reaffirm his conservative vision of the Pax Romana and to reassure Rome’s 

citizens that the empire was still secure, it nevertheless sparked a “terrible 

crisis of authority as various [Christian] bishops and their flocks reacted to 

it in different ways.” Measures were first taken demanding that the bishops 
and officers of the church make a sacrifice for the Emperor, 

a matter of an oath of allegiance that Christians considered offensive. 

Certificates were issued to those who satisfied the


commissioners during the persecution of Christians under Decius. Forty-six such 

certificates have been published, all dating from 250, four of them from


Christian followers who refused to offer a pagan sacrifice for the Emperor and 

the Empire’s well-being by a specified date risked torture and execution. 

A number of prominent Christians did, in fact, refuse to make a sacrifice and 

were killed in the process including


himself in 250 and “anti-Christian feeling[s] led to pogroms at 

Carthage and Alexandria.” 

In reality, however, towards the end of the second year of Decius’ reign, “the 

ferocity of the [anti-Christian] persecution had eased off, and the earlier 

tradition of tolerance had begun to reassert itself.” 

The Christian church though never forgot the reign of Decius whom they labelled 

as that “fierce tyrant”.

At this time, there was a second outbreak of the

Antonine Plague

, which at its height in 251 to 266 took the lives of 5,000 a 

day in Rome. This outbreak is referred to as the “Plague of

” (the 

bishop of Carthage

), where both the plague and the

persecution of Christians

were especially severe. Cyprian’s biographer


gave a vivid picture of the demoralizing effects of the plague  

and Cyprian moralized the event in his essay De mortalitate. In Carthage 

the “Decian persecution” unleashed at the onset of the plague sought out 

Christian scapegoats. Decius’ edicts were renewed under Valerius in 253 and 

repealed under his son,


in 260-1.


actions and death



incursions into the Empire were becoming more and more daring and frequent 

whereas the Empire was facing a serious economic crisis in Decius’ time. During 

his brief reign, Decius engaged in important operations against the

, who 

crossed the Danube to raid districts of Moesia and

. This is 

the first considerable occasion the Goths — who would later come to play such an 

important role — appear in the historical record. The Goths under King


surprised by the emperor while besieging


on the Danube; the Goths fled through the difficult terrain of the

, but 

then doubled back and surprised the Romans near Beroë (modern


), sacking their camp and dispersing the Roman troops. It was the 

first time a Roman emperor fled in the face of Barbarians. The Goths then moved 


Philippopolis attack



which fell into their hands. The governor of Thrace,

Titus Julius Priscus

, declared himself Emperor under Gothic protection in 

opposition to Decius but Priscus’s challenge was rendered moot when he was 

killed soon afterwards.

The siege of Philippopolis had so exhausted the numbers and 

resources of the Goths that they offered to surrender their treasure and 

prisoners, on condition of being allowed to retire.[ 

neededcitation] Decius, who had succeeded in surrounding them and hoped to 

cut off their retreat, refused to entertain their proposals. The final 

engagement, in which the Goths fought with the courage of despair, under the 

command of Cniva, took place during the second week of June 251 on swampy ground 

in the Ludogorie

(region in northeastern Bulgaria which merges with Dobruja plateau 

and the Danube Plain to the north) near the small settlement of Abrittus or

Forum Terebronii (modern

): see

Battle of Abrittus



records that Decius’ son

Herennius Etruscus

was killed by an arrow early in the battle, and to cheer 

his men Decius exclaimed, “Let no one mourn; the death of one soldier is not a 

great loss to the republic.” Nevertheless, Decius’ army was entangled in the 

swamp and annihilated in this battle, while he himself was killed on the field 

of battle. 

As the historian

Aurelius Victor


The Decii (ie. Decius), while pursuing the 

barbarians across the Danube, died through treachery at Abrittus after 

reigning two years….Very many report that the son had fallen in battle 

while pressing an attack too boldly; that the father however, has 

strenuously asserted that the loss of one soldier seemed to him too little 

to matter. And so he resumed the war and died in a similar manner while 

fighting vigorously.

One literary tradition claims that Decius was betrayed by his 


Trebonianus Gallus

, who was involved in a secret alliance with the Goths but 

this cannot be substantiated and was most likely a later invention since Gallus 

felt compelled to adopt Decius’ younger son, Gaius Valens Hostilianus, as joint 

emperor even though the latter was too young to rule in his own right. 

It is also unlikely that the shattered Roman legions would proclaim as emperor a 

traitor who was responsible for the loss of so many soldiers from their ranks. 

Decius was the first Roman emperor to die in battle against a foreign enemy

<span class="mw-headline" id="Conflict_in_the_Balkans_and_EgyptConflict 

in the Balkans and Egypt

<span class="mw-headline" id="Invasion.2C_counterinvasionInvasion, 




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