SYRACUSE in SICILYafter 212BC Nike Sacrifices Bull Athena Cult Greek Coin i37408

$650.00 $585.00

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Item: i37408


Authentic Ancient

Coin of:

Greek city of

Bronze 23mm (7.55 grams) after 212 B.C. under Roman Rule
Reference: Sear 1230; B.M.C. 2. 698
Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet.
ΣYPAKOΣIΩN, Nike facing, kneeling on back of
prostrate bull, which she is about to sacrifice with sword held aloft in right

Founded by Corinthian colonists
circa 733 B.C., Syracuse was destined to become the dominant Greek state in

You are bidding on the exact item pictured,

provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of


Greek mythology

was a
who personified
, also known as the Winged Goddess of
Victory. The Roman equivalent was
. Depending upon the time of various
myths, she was described as the daughter of
(Titan) and

(Water) and the sister of
(Force), and
(Zeal). Nike and her siblings were close
companions of Zeus
, the dominant deity of the
Greek pantheon
. According to classical (later)
myth, Styx brought them to Zeus when
Stone carving of the goddess Nike at the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Ephesus
god was assembling allies for the
Titan War
against the older deities. Nike
assumed the role of the divine
, a role in which she often is
portrayed in Classical Greek art. Nike flew around battlefields rewarding the
victors with glory and fame.

Nike is seen with wings in most statues and paintings. Most other winged
deities in the Greek pantheon had shed their wings by Classical times. Nike is
the goddess of strength, speed, and victory. Nike was a very close acquaintance
of Athena
, and is thought to have stood in
Athena’s outstretched hand in the statue of Athena located in the Parthenon.
Nike is one of the most commonly portrayed figures on Greek coins.

Names stemming from Nike include amongst others:
, Nicola, Nick, Nikolai, Nils, Klaas,
Nicole, Ike, Niki, Nikita, Nika, Niketas, and Nico.

Athena with the cista

Helmeted Athena with the cista and Erichthonius in his serpent form.
Roman, first century (Louvre

Greek religion
, Athena or Athene, also
referred to as Pallas Athena/Athene , is the goddess of wisdom, courage,
inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength,
strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.
is the
Roman goddess

identified with

File:Athena Parthenos Altemps Inv8622.jpg


Athena is also a shrewd companion of

and is the
of heroic endeavour. She is the
patroness of
. The Athenians founded the
on the Acropolis of her namesake
city, Athens (Athena Parthenos), in her honour.

Athena’s veneration as the patron of Athens seems to have existed from the
earliest times, and was so persistent that archaic myths about her were recast
to adapt to cultural changes. In her role as a protector of the city (polis),
many people throughout the Greek world worshiped Athena as Athena Polias
(Ἀθηνᾶ Πολιάς “Athena of the city”). The city of
and the goddess Athena essentially bear
the same name,
“Athenai” meaning “[many] Athenas”.


representing the
goddess Athena

Athena as the goddess of philosophy became an aspect of the cult in Classical
Greece during the late 5th century B.C. She is the patroness of various crafts, especially of
, as Athena Ergane, and was
honored as such at festivals such as
. The metalwork of weapons also fell
under her patronage. She led battles (Athena
or the warrior maiden Athena Parthenos)
as the disciplined, strategic side of war, in contrast to her brother

, the patron of violence, bloodlust and slaughter—”the raw force
of war”.
Athena’s wisdom includes the cunning intelligence (metis) of such figures
as Odysseus
. Not only was this version of Athena
the opposite of Ares in combat, it was also the polar opposite of the serene
earth goddess version of the deity, Athena Polias.

Athena appears in Greek mythology as the patron and helper of many heroes,
including Odysseus
, and
. In
Classical Greek
myths, she never consorts with
a lover, nor does she ever marry,earning the title Athena Parthenos. A remnant of archaic myth depicts her
as the adoptive mother of
through the foiled rape by
Other variants relate that Erichthonius, the serpent that accompanied Athena,
was born to
: when the rape failed, the semen landed on
Gaia and impregnated her. After Erechthonius was born, Gaia gave him to Athena.

Though Athena is a goddess of war strategy, she disliked fighting
purpose and preferred to use wisdom to settle predicaments.The goddess
only encouraged fighting for a reasonable cause or to resolve
conflict. As patron of Athens she fought in the Trojan war on the side
of the


Lady of Athens

Athena competed with
to be the patron deity of Athens,
which was yet unnamed, in a version of one
founding myth
. They agreed that each would give
the Athenians one gift and that the Athenians would choose the gift they
preferred. Poseidon struck the ground with his
and a salt water spring sprang up; this
gave them a means of trade and water—Athens at its height was a significant sea
power, defeating the
fleet at the
Battle of Salamis
—but the water was salty and
not very good for drinking.

Athena, however, offered them the first domesticated
olive tree
. The Athenians (or their king,
) accepted the olive tree and with it
the patronage of Athena, for the olive tree brought wood, oil, and food.
Robert Graves
was of the opinion that
“Poseidon’s attempts to take possession of certain cities are political myths”
which reflect the conflict between matriarchal and patriarchal religions.

Other sites of cult

Athena also was the patron goddess of several other Greek cities, notably
Sparta, where the archaic cult of
Athena Alea
had its sanctuaries in the
surrounding villages of
and, notably,
. In Sparta itself, the temple of Athena
Khalkíoikos (Athena “of the Brazen House”, often
as Chalcioecus) was the
grandest and located on the Spartan acropolis; presumably it had a roof of
bronze. The forecourt of the Brazen House was the place where the most solemn
religious functions in Sparta took place.

Tegea was an important religious center of ancient Greece,
containing the Temple of
Athena Alea
. The temenos was founded by
was informed.
Votive bronzes at the site from the Geometric and Archaic periods take the forms
of horses and deer; there are
. In the Archaic period the nine
villages that underlie Tegea banded together in a
to form one city.
Tegea was listed in Homer
Catalogue of Ships
as one of the cities that
contributed ships and men for the
Achaean assault on Troy

Judgment of Paris

Aphrodite is being surveyed by Paris, while Athena (the leftmost
figure) and Hera stand nearby.
El Juicio de Paris
Enrique Simonet
, ca. 1904

All the gods and goddesses as well as various mortals were invited to the
marriage of Peleus
(the eventual parents of
). Only
, goddess of discord, was not invited. She
was annoyed at this, so she arrived with a golden apple inscribed with the word
καλλίστῃ (kallistēi, “for the fairest”), which she threw among the goddesses.
Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena all claimed to be the fairest, and thus the rightful
owner of the apple.

The goddesses chose to place the matter before Zeus, who, not wanting to
favor one of the goddesses, put the choice into the hands of Paris, a

prince. After bathing in the spring of
Mount Ida
(where Troy was situated), the
goddesses appeared before Paris. The goddesses undressed and presented
themselves to Paris naked, either at his request or for the sake of winning.

Paris is awarding the apple to Aphrodite, while Athena makes a face.
Urteil des Paris by
Anton Raphael Mengs
, ca. 1757

Still, Paris could not decide, as all three were ideally beautiful, so they
resorted to bribes. Hera tried to bribe Paris with control over all

and Europe
, while Athena offered wisdom, fame and
glory in battle, but Aphrodite came forth and whispered to Paris that if he were
to choose her as the fairest he would have the most beautiful mortal woman in
the world as a wife, and he accordingly chose her. This woman was
, who was, unfortunately for Paris,
already married to King
. The other two goddesses were enraged by
this and through Helen’s abduction by Paris they brought about the
Trojan War

The Parthenon
, Temple of Athena

Masculinity and

Athena had an “androgynous compromise” that allowed her traits and what she
stood for to be attributed to male and female rulers alike over the course of
history (such as Marie de’ Medici, Anne of Austria, Christina of Sweden, and
Catherine the Great)

J.J. Bachofen advocated that Athena was originally a maternal figure stable
in her security and poise but was caught up and perverted by a patriarchal
society; this was especially the case in Athens. The goddess adapted but could
very easily be seen as a god. He viewed it as “motherless paternity in the place
of fatherless maternity” where once altered, Athena’s character was to be
crystallized as that of a patriarch.

Whereas Bachofen saw the switch to paternity on Athena’s behalf as an
increase of power, Freud on the contrary perceived Athena as an “original mother
goddess divested of her power”. In this interpretation, Athena was demoted to be
only Zeus’s daughter, never allowed the expression of motherhood. Still more
different from Bachofen’s perspective is the lack of role permanency in Freud’s
view: Freud held that time and differing cultures would mold Athena to stand for
what was necessary to them.

Syracuse pronounced,


: Sarausa,  is a historic

city in

southern Italy

, the


of the

province of Syracuse

. The city is famous for its rich Greek history,





and association to


playing an important role in ancient times as one of the top powers of the


world; it is over 2,700 years old. Syracuse is located in the

south-east corner of the island of

, right

by the Gulf of Syracuse next to the

Ionian Sea

The city was founded by

Ancient Greek


and became a very powerful


Syracuse was allied with



exerting influence over the entire

Magna Grecia

area of which it was the most important city. Once

described by Cicero

as “the greatest Greek city and the most beautiful of them all”, it later became

part of the

Roman Republic


Byzantine Empire

. After this


overtook it in importance, as the capital of the

Kingdom of Sicily

. Eventually the kingdom would be united with the

Kingdom of Naples

to form the

Two Sicilies

until the

Italian unification

of 1860.

In the modern day, the city is listed by

as a

World Heritage Site

along with the

Necropolis of Pantalica

. In the central area, the city itself has a

population of around 125,000 people. The inhabitants are known as Siracusans,

and the local language spoken by its inhabitants is the

Sicilian language

. Syracuse is mentioned in the

in the

Acts of the Apostles

book at 28:12 as


stayed there.[2]

The patron saint

of the city is

Saint Lucy

she was born in Syracuse and her feast day,

Saint Lucy’s Day

, is celebrated on 13 December.

Greek period

Syracuse and its surrounding area have been inhabited since ancient times, as

shown by the findings in the villages of Stentinello, Ognina, Plemmirio,

Matrensa, Cozzo Pantano and Thapsos, which already had a relationship


Mycenaean Greece


Syracuse was founded in 734 or 733 BC by Greek settlers from


and Tenea

led by the oecist (colonizer)


, who called it Sirako, referring to a nearby salt marsh. The

nucleus of the ancient city was the small island of Ortygia. The settlers

found the land fertile and the native tribes to be reasonably well-disposed to

their presence. The city grew and prospered, and for some time stood as the most

powerful Greek city anywhere in the


. Colonies were founded at


(664 BC),


(643 BC),


(VII century BC), Helorus

(VII century BC) and


(598 BC). The descendants of the first colonist, called Gamoroi, held the

power until they were expelled by the Killichiroi, the lower class of the

city. The former, however, returned to power in 485 BC, thanks to the help of

Gelo, ruler of

Gela. Gelo himself

became the despot of the city, and moved many inhabitants of Gela, Kamarina and

Megera to Syracuse, building the new quarters of



outside the walls. His program of new constructions included a new

theater, designed by


, which gave the city a flourishing cultural life: this in turn

attracted personalities as


Ario of


, Eumelos of


, who had

been exiled here from


The enlarged power of Syracuse made unavoidable the clash against the


, who ruled western Sicily. In the

Battle of Himera

, Gelo, who had allied with Theron of


decisively defeated the African force led by

. A


entitled to Athena

(on the site of the today’s Cathedral), was erected in the city to commemorate

the event

Gelon was succedeed by his brother


, who


against the


at Cumae

in 474 BC. His rule was eulogized by poets like

Simonides of Ceos



and Pindar

, who visited his court. A democratic regime was introduced by


(467 BC). The city continued to expand in


fighting against the rebellious


, and on the

Tyrrhenian Sea

, making expeditions up to


Elba. In the late

5th century BC, Syracuse found itself at war with

, which

sought more resources to fight the

Peloponnesian War

. The Syracusans enlisted the aid of a general from

, Athens’

foe in the war, to defeat the Athenians, destroy their ships, and leave them to

starve on the island (see

Sicilian Expedition

). In 401 BC, Syracuse contributed a force of 3,000


and a general to

Cyrus the Younger


Army of the Ten Thousand


Then in the early 4th century BC, the


Dionysius the Elder

was again at war against


and, although losing Gela and Camarina, kept that power from capturing the whole

of Sicily. After the end of the conflict Dionysius built a massive fortress on

the Ortygia

island of the city and 22 km-long walls around all of Syracuse. Another period

of expansion saw the destruction of


, Catania

and Lentini

, then Syracuse entered again in war against Carthage (397 BC). After

various changes of fortune, the Carthaginians managed to besiege Syracuse

itself, but were eventually pushed back by a pestilence. A treaty in 392 BC

allowed Syracuse to enlarge further its possessions, founding the cities of

Adrano, Ancona

, Tindari

and Tauromenos, and conquering

Reggio Calabria

on the continent. Apart from his battle deeds, Dionysius was

famous as a patron of art, and


visited Syracuse several times.

His successor was

Dionysius the Younger

, who was however expelled by


in 356 BC. But the latter’s despotic rule led in turn to his expulsion,

and Dionysius reclaimed his throne in 347 BC. A democratic government was

installed by Timoleon

in 345 BC. The long series of internal struggles had weakened

Syracuse’s power on the island, and Timoleon tried to remedy this, defeating the

Carthaginians in 339 BC near the


river. But the struggle among the city’s parties restarted after

his death and ended with the rise of another tyrant,


who seized power with a coup in 317 BC. He resumed the war against Carthage,

with alternate fortunes. He however scored a moral success, bringing the war to

the Carthaginians’ native African soil, inflicting heavy losses to the enemy.

The war ended with another treaty of peace which did not prevent the

Carthaginians interfering in the politics of Syracuse after the death of

Agathocles (289 BC). The citizens called

Pyrrhus of Epirus

for help. After a brief period under the rule of Epirus,

Hiero II

seized power in 275 BC.

Hiero inaugurated a period of 50 years of peace and prosperity, in which

Syracause became one of the most renowned capitals of Antiquity. He issued the

so-called Lex Hieronica, which was later adopted by the Romans for their

administration of Sicily; he also had the theater enlarged and a new immense

, the “Hiero’s

Ara”, built. Under his rule lived the most famous Syracusan, the

natural philosopher


Among his many inventions were various military engines including the

claw of Archimedes

, later used to resist the


siege of 214 BC–212 BC. Literary figures included


and others.

Hiero’s successor, the young


(ruled from 215 BC), broke the alliance with the Romans after

their defeat at the

Battle of Cannae

and accepted


support. The Romans, led by consul

Marcus Claudius Marcellus


besieged the city

in 214 BC. The city held out for three years, but fell in

212 BC. It is believed to have fallen due to a peace party opening a small door

in the wall to negotiate a peace, but the Romans charged through the door and

took the city, killing Archimedes in the process.


Roman domination to the Middle Ages

Though declining slowly by the years, Syracuse maintained the status of

capital of the Roman government of Sicily and seat of the

. It

remained an important port for the trades between the Eastern and the Western

parts of the Empire.


spread in the city through the efforts of

Paul of Tarsus

and Saint Marziano, the first bishop of the city, who made it

one of the main centres of


in the West. In the age of the persecutions massive


were carved, whose size is second only to those of Rome.

After a period of


rule, Syracuse and the island was recovered by


for the

Byzantine Empire

(31 December 535). From 663 to 668 Syracuse was the seat of

Emperor Constans II

, as well as metropolis of the whole Sicilian Church.

Another siege in 878, resulted in the city coming under two centuries of

rule. The

capital was moved from Syracuse to

. The

Cathedral was converted into a

and the

quarter on the Ortygia island was gradually rebuilt along Islamic styles. The

city, nevertheless, maintained important trade relationships, and housed a

relatively flourishing cultural and artistic life: several Arab poets, including

Ibn Hamdis

the most important Sicilian poet of the 12th century, flourished in the city.

In 1038, the Byzantine general

George Maniaces

reconquered the city, sending the relics of St. Lucy to


. The eponymous castle on the cape of Ortygia bears his name,

although it was built under the


rule. In 1085 the


entered Syracuse, one of the last


strongholds, after a summer-long siege by

Roger I of Sicily

and his son

Jordan of Hauteville

, who was given the city as count. New quarters were

built, and the cathedral was restored, as well as other churches.

In 1194

Henry VI

of Swabia

occupied Syracuse. After a short period of


rule (1205–1220), which favoured a rise of trades, Syracuse was

conquered back by emperor

Frederick II

. He began the construction of the

Castello Maniace

, the Bishops’ Palace and the Bellomo Palace. Frederick’s

death brought a period of unrest and feudal anarchy. In the struggle between the



monarchies, Syracuse sided with the Aragonese and defeated the

Anjou in 1298, receiving from the Spanish sovereigns great privileges in reward.

The pre-eminence of baronal families is also shown by the construction of the

palaces of Abela


, Nava


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